1500字范文 > 含沙量比尺 Sediment concentration scale英语短句 例句大全

含沙量比尺 Sediment concentration scale英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-01 04:18:27


含沙量比尺 Sediment concentration scale英语短句 例句大全

含沙量比尺,Sediment concentration scale

1)Sediment concentration scale含沙量比尺

2)size scale of transport rate输沙率比尺

3)sand content含沙量;含沙率

4)sediment concentration含沙量

1.Characteristics and impact factors ofsediment concentration in lower reaches of three great rivers of Hainan province in the recent 40 years;近40年来海南省三大河下游水体的含沙量特征及影响因素

2.Influence of variations in suspendedsediment concentration and grain size on sediment deposition of Yichang-Hankou reach of Yangtze River;含沙量和悬沙粒径变化对长江宜昌-汉口河段年冲淤量的影响

3.Relationship between quartz component andsediment concentration and calculation on the year occurrence number of wearingsediment concentration in Shantou Bay;汕头湾悬移质石英含量与含沙量的关系及显损含沙量年出现率推算


1.Probe into Survey Frequency Optimization of Relation of Single-section Sand and Sediment Concentration of Dry Season in Huangzhuang Station皇庄站单断沙关系与枯季含沙量优化测次探讨

2.Forecast of Inflow Hydrograph and Out Flow Sediment Concentration of Reservoir;水库入库洪水预报与出库含沙量预测

3.Calculation for Equilibrium Silt Concentration,Equilibrium Depth and Seabed Evolution平衡含沙量、平衡水深与海床冲淤计算

4.The design of online System for measuring sediment concentration in the Model Yellow River“模型黄河”含沙量在线检测系统设计

5.A Nonequilibrioum Transformation Forecasting Model of Sediment Concentration with Discharge Distribution along Channel流量沿程变化的不平衡输沙含沙量过程预报方法

6.Study of the Sediment Measuring System in Surface Runoff Based on LABVIEW基于LABVIEW的地表径流含沙量测量系统的研究

7.Further Studies on Methods of Hydrograph Forecasting of Sediment Concentration for Sediment-Laden River;多沙河流河段悬移质含沙量过程预报方法的再探讨

8.Determination of Sarafloxacin by fluoremetry with terbium-Sarafloxacin system铽-沙拉沙星荧光光度法测定沙拉沙星含量

9.Objective To determine the content of norfloxacin in compound norfloxacin paint.目的测定复方诺氟沙星涂剂中诺氟沙星的含量。

10.Reason analysis of the dust aerosols’ content change in desert regions沙漠地区沙尘气溶胶含量变化的原因分析

11.Determination of Gatifloxacin and Moxifloxacin in Whole Blood by HPLC Coupled with Fluorescence DetectionHPLC-FLD同时测定全血中加替沙星和莫西沙星含量

12.Determination of ofloxacin in ofloxacin otic solution by HPLCHPLC法测定氧氟沙星滴耳液中氧氟沙星的含量

13.Analysis of urinary iodine levels of 1382 children in Changsha1382例长沙地区儿童尿碘含量分析

14.Determination of Norfloxacian by UV Spectrophotometry;紫外分光光度法测定诺氟沙星的含量

15.Determination of L-Arginine by Method of Fluorescence Spectrophotometry in Agriophyllum quarrosum荧光光谱法测定沙米中L-精氨酸含量

16.Determination of Ofloxacin Eye Drops by HPCEHPCE法测定氧氟沙星滴眼液的含量

17.Content Determination of Related Substancesin Oxali Platin by HPLCHPLC法测定注射用奥沙利铂主药含量

18.Study of Fatty Acids Profile in Leaves of Seabuckthorn Collected from Leh Region印度Leh地区沙棘叶中脂肪酸的含量


size scale of transport rate输沙率比尺

3)sand content含沙量;含沙率

4)sediment concentration含沙量

1.Characteristics and impact factors ofsediment concentration in lower reaches of three great rivers of Hainan province in the recent 40 years;近40年来海南省三大河下游水体的含沙量特征及影响因素

2.Influence of variations in suspendedsediment concentration and grain size on sediment deposition of Yichang-Hankou reach of Yangtze River;含沙量和悬沙粒径变化对长江宜昌-汉口河段年冲淤量的影响

3.Relationship between quartz component andsediment concentration and calculation on the year occurrence number of wearingsediment concentration in Shantou Bay;汕头湾悬移质石英含量与含沙量的关系及显损含沙量年出现率推算

5)silt content含沙量

1.To solve them,ways to calculate section averagesilt content through the result from ADCP device are studied.水文测验技术的发展,对水文整编计算提出了新的问题,本文就如何利用ADCP测流设备的测验成果计算断面平均含沙量进行分析探讨,并通过多年实测资料的分析验证表明,在湖口水文站利用全断面混合法处理计算断面平均含沙量,能很好地解决ADCP测流中存在的问题。

2.After three centrifugal pump impeller being tested within the silt laden flow with sand content of 0 to 88 kg/m3, the variation pattern of hydraulic characteristics chart are alalyzed, the relstionship of the head, efficiency and discharge is discussed the effect ofsilt content on energy characteristics of centrifugal pumps is alalyzed.通过对三个叶轮含沙量从0~88kg/m3的大量浑水试验,分析其水力性能曲线的变化规律,讨论了离心泵抽送含沙水流时的扬程、效率和流量之间的变化关系;分析了含沙量对离心泵能量特性的影响。

3.5 L/min:with the smaller gradient and discharge,the erosion processes are characteristic of undulation,randomicity and intermittence,and the fluctuation amplitude of thesilt content is very large;with t.5 L/min的情况下,煤矸石堆置体的侵蚀产沙过程存在明显的差异:在较小坡度和流量下,侵蚀的脉动性、随机性、间歇性明显,径流体积含沙量变化幅度很大;在较大坡度和流量下,侵蚀呈现明显的突发性,泥沙移动具有类似泥石流移动的特征,在冲刷初期含沙量便达到最大值,随着时间的延续,含沙量逐渐降低,最后趋于稳定。

6)suspended sediment concentration含沙量

1.Hilbert Huang transform have been performed on the monthlysuspended sediment concentrations (SSCs) and loads measured at Datong Hydrological Station in Yangtze River in recent 50 a.为了研究长江入河口区含沙量和输沙量的变化规律,用Hilbert-Huang变换对长江大通水文站近50a来的月均含沙量和输沙量时间序列进行分析,以研究它们在长江入河口区的演变特征。

2.Based on meteorologic data, historical sediment data and current & sediment data collected in October in the Yangtze River Basin, the analyses of monthly mean water and sediment discharge characteristics, meteorologic characteristics and the effect onsuspended sediment concentration and suspended sediment grain diameter under the exceptionally low water discharge were carried out.基于长江中下游气象资料、历史水沙资料和10月现场水沙观测资料,分析了典型枯水年大通站的月均径流量和输沙率特征、特枯水情产生的气候背景以及对长江中下游含沙量和悬沙粒径产生的影响。

3.The surveyedsuspended sediment concentration data were fitted to the relative depth.根据东大港水道所设站位连续2个潮周期的水文、泥沙测量资料,对水体含沙的悬浮与沉降潮流动力过程进行了论述,水体各层含沙量与潮流大小之间存在着动力响应关系。


