1500字范文 > 百年和平 rise of peace英语短句 例句大全

百年和平 rise of peace英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-22 18:26:49


百年和平 rise of peace英语短句 例句大全

百年和平,rise of peace

1)rise of peace百年和平

1.thus it has been playing a significant role in maintaining the "rise of peace".在维也纳体系下,均势不单纯停留在实力均衡的物质层面,已上升为一种理念或共识,为维持"百年和平"起到了重大作用。


1.Vienna System"s Balanced Power and the "Rise of Peace"维也纳体系下的均势与“百年和平”

2.Friends of the centennial of the first International Peace Conference“第一次国际和平会议一百周年庆典之友”

3.Programme of action for the celebration of the centennial of the first International Peace Conference纪念第一次国际和平会议一百周年行动方案

pared with the previous year, the average retail price was reduced9percent.和头一年相比,平均零售价格降低了百分之九。

5.The prospect of a settlement in the Basque country looks the best in a generation.布斯克地区将会迎来百年难遇的和平前景。

6.The illiteracy rate among the young and middle-aged has dropped by 41 percentage points as compared with the figure before the peaceful liberation of Tibet.西藏青壮年文盲率比西藏和平解放前下降41个百分点。

7.Over the years, a total of over 3,000 sq. m. of murals and color sculptures in imminent danger have been brought back to life and health here.多年来,共有三千多平方米濒危壁画和百余身彩塑在这里起死回生。

8."The Edo Bakufu was the most successful, a time of peace and prosperity that lasted over 250 years. "江户幕府是最成功的,是一个和平繁荣的时期,延续了两百五十多年。

9.he was able to raise six million dollars for peace by handwriting his 1905 research paper为了和平,他筹集到六百万美元,通过他的1905年研究论文手抄本

10.Million Minutes of Peace百万分钟和平(运动)

11.B: Well, there are two-the Pacific Department Store and the Paking Store.嗯,有两家--太平洋百货公司和百盛商场。

12.The rainfall there averages 300 mm a year.那儿的年降雨量平均每年为三百毫米。

13.An average of 800 tornados occur every year in the USA.美国每年平均有八百个龙卷风。

14.Dividends remained unchanged over the previous year at five million pounds,股利同去年持平,为五百万英镑。

15.In these years5 million square metres of housing were constructed.在这些年中盖了五百万平方米的住房。

16.Advocating the Establishment of a Discipline and Considering the Exoneration More Prudently--Comments on the Imperial Examination system after 100 Years;赞成立学 慎言平反——百年过后说科举

17.On Humanism;浅谈以人为本——纪念邓小平百年诞辰

18.DENG Xiao ping′s Historical Contribution: Celebrating the Centenary of Deng Xiao ping′s Birth;论邓小平的历史贡献——纪念小平诞辰百年


The people were anxious to have peace .老百姓渴望和平。

3)International Year of Peace国际和平年


1.As a literature variety introduced from abroad,China s science fiction has experienced a course of acentury.中国科幻小说作为一个域外引进的文类,已走过了百年历程。

5)Hundred years百年

1.This paper combines the political history of France with the special topic on equality, focuses the research view on the thinking innovation of equality in France during about a hundred years from the middle of 18 century to the middle 19 century.本文将关于法国的政治国别史和关于平等的政治专题史结合起来,同时将研究视域定位在十八世纪中期到十九世纪中期关于法国的平等政治思想的发展和演变上,相应地,本论文的题目选定为:“法国百年平等观——从大革命到巴黎公社的平等政治思想探析”本论文的主要线索是:从理论联系和历史逻辑两个维度,梳理法国平等政治思维在十八世纪中叶到十九世纪中叶近百年的发展脉络和内在逻辑,同时参照作为理论的现实对应即从法国大革命到巴黎公社近百年的政治发展作为时段划分的节点,试图以政治基础理论为理论指引,以政治思想史和制度史为理论基石,以政治的现实发展为反馈检验,来构建全方位的平等政治构架,从而清晰地展现平等价值在各种政治思潮和行为中的不同表现,同时也得出相应的理论共性和内容,从而在特定的历史中总结出具有普遍意义的启示。



