1500字范文 > 世界人口 The world population英语短句 例句大全

世界人口 The world population英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-26 02:38:33


世界人口 The world population英语短句 例句大全

世界人口,The world population

1)The world population世界人口

1.Based on the latest material published by United Nations,the essay introduces the current of the world population and forecasts the trend of the future development,including the amount of the world population,distribution,density,the level of urban-ization and the characteristics of the level of urbanization,the quality of life,the fertility level,age structure are also included.本文根据联合国公布的有关世界人口资料,详细介绍了世界人口的最新状况和未来发展趋势,包括世界人口的总量、分布、密度和城市化水平,以及不同的国家和地区在城市化水平、生活质量、生育水平和年龄构成等方面的特征和未来趋势。


1.World Population Society世界人口学会(人口学会)

2.Planned Parenthood World Populatio计划生育--世界人口组织

3.PPWP (Planned Parenthood-World Population)计划生育-世界人口组织

4.The world population goes up by two percent a year.世界人口每年增加2%。

5.world population trends and policies世界人口趋势和政策

6.demographic research units in the world世界人口学研究机构

7.A review of the World population growth and economic development in 20th century;20世纪:世界人口与经济发展回眸

8.World population today is very youthful, particularly in the Third World.今天,世界人口非常年轻,特别是在第三世界。

9.There are more than 4 billion people in the world today, about three quarters of whom live in the Third World.现在世界人口是四十几亿,第三世界人口大约占世界人口的四分之三。

10.The people of the Third World, which account for three fourths of the world population, do not want war.第三世界的人口占世界人口的四分之三,是不希望战争的。

11.There are many Islamic countries, making up one fifth of the world"s population.世界上那么多伊斯兰国家人口占了世界人口的五分之一。

12.China is the world"s most populous country with a population of 1.1 billion, which makes up approximately a quarter of the world population.中国是世界人口最多的国家, 有11亿, 约占世界总人口的四分之一。

13.The Amount of the World Population Reachs 6.3 Billion and the World as a Whole Has already Entered a Society of Ageing People;世界人口达到63亿,总体已进入老龄化社会——世界人口的最新动态

14.The population of the world is growing at the rate of 10,000 people an hour,全世界人口以每小时1万人,

15.One half of the world"s population is Asians.世界人口的一半是亚洲人。

parative Research on the Higher Educational Population Rate among the World Most Populous Countries;世界人口大国高等教育人口比重的比较研究

17.China Population Change and Trait in World Population Pattern;世界人口格局中的中国人口转变及其特点

18.The world"s population has doubled during the last four decades.过去40年中世界人口增加了一倍。


countries of tremendous population世界人口大国

1.In this article, the author is focusing on the proportion of people with tertiary education incountries of tremendous population.本文对世界人口大国的高等教育人口比重进行了比较研究,并与人均GDP进行了回归分析。

3)the exploding world population激增的世界人口.

4)world population trends世界人口趋势

5)economic history of world population世界人口经济史

6)World Port世界港口

1.New Development Trends ofWorld Ports from the View of Rotterdam Port Development;从鹿特丹港的发展看世界港口发展的新趋势


