1500字范文 > 思政工作 ideological and political work英语短句 例句大全

思政工作 ideological and political work英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-28 11:05:17


思政工作 ideological and political work英语短句 例句大全

思政工作,ideological and political work

1)ideological and political work思政工作

1.Only by listening attentively can teachers find inherent foundation to lead students to develop better and makeideological and political work effective.教育必须倾听,教育过程中的倾听,是实现师生之间保持有效沟通的重要途径,只有在学会倾听后,才能找到引导学生发展的内在依据,才可以使思政工作有的放矢,提高实效性,对于高职院校的思政工作而言,倾听更具有独特的价值和意义。

2.The affinity and seepage force ofideological and political work will affect its vitality and success.思政工作的亲和力、渗透力关系思政工作的活力和成败。

3.The phenomenon of "The welfare is weakened, and the risk is strengthened" prevailing among college students has compelled us to reflect on the traditionalideological and political work and seek for the ways to promote the students social welfare.随着社会转型的加速,我国的高等院校也日益出现众多的社会性问题,一定程度上使高校传统思政工作陷入了困境。

2)ideological work思政工作

3)ideological education思政工作

4)ideological and political work思想政治工作

1.On five keys of theideological and political work in implementing new strategy in Oilfield;油田实施新战略中思想政治工作的五个关键点

2.Leading the Ideological and Political Work of Sports Teams by "Three Approaching";从“三贴近”入手,加强运动队的思想政治工作

3.The pound of "trusteeship" for hospital towardsideological and political work and the policies towards it;医院“托管制”对思想政治工作的冲击与对策


1.moral education思想道德建设(思想政治工作)

2.Investigation of students thinking is the foundation to do students ideological work well;思想调查是学生思想政治工作的基础

3.A Requirement of Consolidating the Politics and Ideology Education Contingent of College with the Network;思想政治教育进网络与思想政治工作队伍建设

4.On the Effects of Political and Moral Education in Implement of Policy;论思想政治工作在政策执行中的作用

5.Social Working Method and Innovation of Ideological and Political Work;社会工作方法与思想政治工作的创新

6.Trade Union s Important Role in Ideological and Political Work;论工会在思想政治工作中的重要作用

7.The "Three Enters" in Present College Ideological and Political Work;当前高校思想政治工作中的"三进"工作

8.Discussion on the Work of School General Office and Ideological and Political Work;浅论校办工作与思想政治工作的关系

9.Discussion on the Work on the People in Enterprise"s Ideological and Political Work做好企业思想政治工作中“人”的工作

10.It is the political responsibility for the Trade Union to do the ideological work of the staff and workers well;做好职工思想政治工作是工会的政治责任

11.The Definition of the Benefit of Political Ideological Work and How It Promotes the Political Ideological Work;思想政治工作效益的界定及其对思想政治工作的促进作用

12.Thoughts on Improving the Ideological and Political Education for Postgraduate Students;加强我校研究生思想政治工作的构想

13.Model Structure on Party and Government Organizations of Ideological Education;党政机关思想政治工作模式构建研究

14.Improving Ideological and Political Work,Building Up the Governing Capacity of the CPC;改进思想政治工作 加强执政能力建设

15.The Analysis for the Ideological and Political Job in Crisis Management;公共危机治理中的思想政治工作探析

16.Relationship between Ideological,Political Work and the Thought of Bringing About Great Order across the Nation by Morality;谈“以德治国”与思想政治工作的关系

17.The Rational Pondering of the Political and Thought Work in Universities;新时期高校思想政治工作的理性思考

18.Reflection on Moral Education among College Students;对新时代大学生思想政治工作的思考


ideological work思政工作

3)ideological education思政工作

4)ideological and political work思想政治工作

1.On five keys of theideological and political work in implementing new strategy in Oilfield;油田实施新战略中思想政治工作的五个关键点

2.Leading the Ideological and Political Work of Sports Teams by "Three Approaching";从“三贴近”入手,加强运动队的思想政治工作

3.The pound of "trusteeship" for hospital towardsideological and political work and the policies towards it;医院“托管制”对思想政治工作的冲击与对策

5)ideological work思想政治工作

1.How to Innovate in University s Ideological work;浅论高校思想政治工作如何创新

2.To Use the Modern Psychological Means for Reference in Order to Promote the Pertinence and Validity of Ideological Work;运用与借鉴现代心理学方法提升思想政治工作的针对性与实效性

3.College Ideological Work in Network Time;网络时代高校思想政治工作的对策研究

6)Ideological and political education思想政治工作

1.The way of enhancing foresightedness of ideological and political education;增强思想政治工作前瞻性的途径分析

2.Strengthening the retired cadres′ ideological and political education at colleges and universities;对加强高校离退休干部思想政治工作的思考

3.The Application of Social Work to Undergraduate Ideological and Political Education;论专业社会工作在大学生思想政治工作中的运用


