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课程教学思想 the thoughts of curriculum and teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-16 13:17:04


课程教学思想 the thoughts of curriculum and teaching英语短句 例句大全

课程教学思想,the thoughts of curriculum and teaching

1)the thoughts of curriculum and teaching课程教学思想

2)Ideological and political teaching思想政治课教学

1.From Ideological and Political Teaching Makes Systematic Researches into Developing Students Autonomous Learning Ability;在思想政治课教学中培养学生自主学习能力初探

2.In this way,the effectiveness of the ideological and political teaching is greatly improved.在高职思想政治课教学中积极开展社会实践活动,有助于学生通过考察社会现象,运用思想政治课所学的理论观点,分析、解决现实生活中的问题,帮助学生更好地掌握科学理论,提高解决实际问题的能力,提高思想政治课教学的实效性。


1.Pondering on the Reform of Teaching Approach of the Course of Ideology and Politics in Middle School;中学思想政治课教学改革的几点思考

2.On the Current Affairs Education and the Teaching of Ideological and Political in Secondary School;试论时事教育与中学思想政治课教学

3.On Middle School Lesson of Ideological Politics and Quality Education;试论中学思想政治课教学与素质教育

4.On Teaching Methods of Ideological and Political Education in College;高校思想政治课教学方法创新的思考

5.On dialectic relationship between the politics teaching and practice;论思想政治课教学反思实践的辩证观

6.Thinking on the teaching of morals and politics lessons based on human-targeted principle;思想政治课教学坚持“以人为本”的思考

7.Cultivation of Student s Learning Ability in Politics Education;思想政治课教学中学生学习能力培养

8.Several ideas on the creative education of politics teaching;思想政治课教学中的创新教育之我见

9.Dialogue-based Education--The Development Trends of Ideological and Political Teaching对话教育——思想政治课教学的发展趋势

10.Multiple Intelligences Ideological and Political Theory and Secondary Schools Teaching;多元智能理论与中学思想政治课教学

11.On Senior Middle School Politics Class Teaching Face to Life of the Students;高中思想政治课教学要面向学生生活

12.To Train Students Ability in Teaching Thought and Politics Lessons;谈思想政治课教学对学生能力的培养

13.The Research of Ideal and Politics Teaching Instruction Optimization;对思想政治课课堂教学最优化的探究

14.On the Class Teaching Management of "Ideological and Political Theory Education" in Universities;谈高校“思想政治理论课”课堂教学管理

15.Creativity of Classroom Teaching Concerning the Course of Ideological and Political Theory;思想政治理论课课堂教学创造性探析

16.Thinking about The Teaching of the University Ideological and Political Courses;加强高校思想政治理论课教学的思考

17.Thoughts on the Realization of Efficient Teaching of Political and Idealogical Theory;实现思想政治理论课教学实效的思考

18.Reflections on innovation of the course of politic of the high education;高校思想政治理论课教学创新的思考


Ideological and political teaching思想政治课教学

1.From Ideological and Political Teaching Makes Systematic Researches into Developing Students Autonomous Learning Ability;在思想政治课教学中培养学生自主学习能力初探

2.In this way,the effectiveness of the ideological and political teaching is greatly improved.在高职思想政治课教学中积极开展社会实践活动,有助于学生通过考察社会现象,运用思想政治课所学的理论观点,分析、解决现实生活中的问题,帮助学生更好地掌握科学理论,提高解决实际问题的能力,提高思想政治课教学的实效性。

3)politics teaching思想政治课教学

1.This paper talks about the necessity of strengthening students moral education inpolitics teaching.本文论述在思想政治课教学中应加强学生的德育教育。

2.Deeply studying this rule and applying it in Politics teaching bear great importance in implementing the nature of Politics, teaching the knowledge.深入研究迁移现象中的基本规律并将之应用于思想政治课教学实践中,对落实思想政治课的“性质”,完成传授知识、培养能力、提高觉悟的任务,培养“四有新人”具有十分重要的意义。

3.The students creative thought must be trained inpolitics teaching.思想政治课教学要着力培养学生的创造性思维,培养学生创造性思维具有重要的意义和作用。

4)thought political lesson teaching思想政治课教学

1.Because receives the ingrained shopping online idea since long the influence, our present high schoolthought political lesson teaching still to a certain extent existed accepts, the light discovery emphatically, the heavy knowledge, the light ability, the heavy theory, the light practice, instill into, the light deliberation tendency again.由于长期以来受根深蒂固的应试教育观念的影响,我们现行的高中思想政治课教学仍然在一定程度上存在着重接受、轻发现,重知识、轻能力,重理论、轻实践,重灌输、轻研讨的倾向。

5)thought-character lessons思想品德课教学

1.This paper makes an investigation on civic awareness education being carried out inthought-character lessons in junior high school.本文主要对初中思想品德课教学如何进行公民意识教育的问题进行了专门探讨。

6)thoughts of university curricula大学课程思想


