1500字范文 > 正义女神 the goddess of justice英语短句 例句大全

正义女神 the goddess of justice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-13 20:33:04


正义女神 the goddess of justice英语短句 例句大全

正义女神,the goddess of justice

1)the goddess of justice正义女神


1.Andy stands before the dais. THE JUDGE peers down, framed by a carved frieze of blind Lady Justice on the wall.安迪站在审判台前,法官向下凝视着他,身后是嵌在墙上的正义女神像。

2.The goddess of justice.阿斯特莉亚掌管正义的女神

3.He is, as the parlormaid has said, in a state.正如女仆所说,他的精神不大正常。

4.The Goddess of Justice. Resides in Shangrila Temple. Gave Destin the Tablet of Yaru in exchange for the3 Magic Gems.司掌正义的女神,居住在天宫香格里拉。在收集齐全12使徒之证后,她会赐予德斯丁亚尔的石碑。

5.International Feminist Network Against Traffic in Women and Female Sexual Slavery禁止贩卖妇女和妇女性奴役国际女权正义网

6.Female saints are on the bow for good luck.女神像建在船的正前方,为了带来好运.

7.The maenad on the right is playing a tambourine.而神像右边的女祭司正演奏著小手鼓。

8.The Humbleness of Ancient Chinese Women Seen from the Female Characters in "Romance of Enfeoffment to Deities";从《封神演义》的女性角色看中国古代女性的卑微

9.The Tragedy of "Angel" --The Feminist Analysis of Nu Hua Can;"天使"的悲剧——《搜神记·女化蚕》的女性主义分析

10.Psychoanalysis of Women s Image-building in 《Romance of Enfeoffment to Deities》;对《封神演义》中女性形象塑造的精神分析

11.Irigaray s Parle Femme,Mysticism and Negative Theology;依利加雷的女性言说与神秘主义和否定神学

12.The purpose of this thesis is to explore Erica Jong’s feminist spirit and thinking in the novel Fear of Flying.琼小说《怕飞》中的女权主义思想和精神。

13.The Cultural Origin of the Myth of Ehuang and Nüying and the Meaning as Models;娥皇、女英神话的文化渊源及原型意义

14.Liu Jiayi Liu Xirong Li Zhilun Wu Guanzheng Wu Yuping (female)刘家义 刘锡荣 李至伦 吴官正 吴毓萍(女)

15.Prostitute in the Court:Body,Space and the Production of Justice法庭上的妓女:身体、空间与正义的生产

16.Goddess that Myth Times Loses──The Connotation Female Doctrine Understands and Explains the Goddess of the Moon Prototype Culture;神话时代失落的女神——嫦娥原型文化内涵的女性主义解读

17.An Interpretation of the Characteristics of the Chinese Goddess and the Feminist Androgyny Archetype中国女神神格特征与“双性同体”女性主义原型解读

18.Rethinking the Distributive Paradigm of Justice: Feminism Versus Rawls;反思正义的分配模式:女性主义与罗尔斯


Divine Justice神的正义

3)Theological Justice神学正义

4)womanist spiritualism妇女主义精神

1.Quest for Individual Identity and Womanist Spiritualism;寻找自我身份和妇女主义精神

2.While during her search forwomanist spiritualism, Celie experiences three stages of evolution,namely,from spiritual attachment to spiritual abnegation;from self-redemption to spiritual resurrection;from individualism to harmony and tolerance;and finally up towomanist spiritualism.而在寻找妇女主义精神的过程中则经过了三次蜕变:从精神依附到精神叛逆;从自我赎救到精神再生;从个人主义到和谐宽容;最终达到精神的升华——"妇女主义精神"。

5)feminist theology女性主义神学

1.The rise offeminist theology studies are closely linked with the feminist movement,the theology of the black people,and the liberation theology in Latin America of this period.女性主义神学研究的兴起与同一时期的女性主义运动、黑人神学以及拉美解放神学的兴起密切相关。

2., that isfeminist theology.伴随着西方女性主义运动和神学改革的逐渐成熟,一个以性别为视角的神学研究派别逐渐形成,它就是女性主义神学。

6)Feminist Spirit女性主义精神

1.OnFeminist Spirit in Oscar Wilde s Works;浅析奥斯卡·王尔德作品中的女性主义精神


