1500字范文 > 泥沙含量 sediment concentration英语短句 例句大全

泥沙含量 sediment concentration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-24 04:30:16


泥沙含量 sediment concentration英语短句 例句大全

泥沙含量,sediment concentration

1)sediment concentration泥沙含量

1.Design of the dynamic measuring system by dummy instrument forsediment concentration and flow rate of runoff flow;基于虚拟仪器的径流泥沙含量动态测量系统设计

2.Intelligent instrument for measuringsediment concentration in flow-water based on data fused method of statistic theory;基于统计理论数据融合的水流泥沙含量测量仪

3.An artificial neural network model is used to estimate thesediment concentration in the Yangtze River Estuary.根据ADCP资料,应用BP算法对长江口的泥沙含量进行了研究,建立了泥沙含量预测模型并根据实测资料进行了验证,实现了根据ADCP资料推求泥沙含量,其结果满足精度要求。


1.Designing and Realizing of Silt Sensor Based on DSP;基于DSP的泥沙含量传感器的设计与实现

2.Quickly Measuring Method of Sediment Concentration in Collecting Tanks of Runoff Plots径流小区集流桶(池)泥沙含量快速测定方法探讨

3.Study of the Information Fusion in Measuring the Sediment in Flow-water by Capacitive Sensor;电容式传感器测量水流泥沙含量信息融合的研究

4.A New Method to Measure Suspended Sediment Content In Different Depth Water Using Spectroradiometer利用光谱辐射计测定不同深度水体中泥沙含量的新方法

5.Study of an Automatic System for Monitoring Sediment with γ Ray and Velocity of River Flow;γ射线河流泥沙含量及流速自动化监测系统的研究

6.Study on Silt Content of Travertine and Soil Erosion Trend in Valley河成石灰华泥沙含量及其流域土壤侵蚀趋势研究

7.Dynamic characteristics of runoff and sediment yield during vegetation restoration in Nüerzhai small watershed of northwest Hunan Province湘西北女儿寨小流域植被恢复过程中径流和泥沙含量动态特征

8.Study of multi-angles polarization of sediment content in different water bodies of Huayuankou section of Yellow River黄河花园口段不同泥沙含量水体的多角度偏振研究

9.They do, however, grade into sorted and stratified sediments where higher water content has produced conditions transitional to turbid stream flow.然而,在泥沙含量较大逐渐形成浑蚀流的地方它们也可变为分选和有层理的沉积物。

10.Recently, there has been much mud in the Yangzi River, which makes the channel much shallower than before.近年来长江里含大量泥沙, 造成航道淤浅。

11.Study on Sediments Adsorbing and Releasing Phosphorus and Phosphorus Prediction泥沙对总磷的吸附与释放研究及总磷含量预测

12.Research on compaction properties of aeolian sand with different mud不同含泥量风积沙的压实特性试验研究

13.At the ebb, the sediment concentration of the hyperpycnal flow reduces as more sediment disperses with the hypopycnal flow.落潮时由于潮流变小,异轻流输沙量变大,此时泥沙异重流的含沙量降低。

14.The prospector panned off bits of a sand and gravel scooped from the bed of a stream.探矿者淘选从河床里挖出的少量含金泥沙和砂砾。

15.To calculate distribution of sediment concentration in vertical under wave and current, a model of silt diffusion coefficient distribution in vertical is set up.为了计算波流共同作用下含沙量沿垂线的分布,建立了沿垂线分布的泥沙扩散系数模型。

16.testing method for air content of hydraulic cement mortar水泥空气含量测定法

17.Determination of Sarafloxacin by fluoremetry with terbium-Sarafloxacin system铽-沙拉沙星荧光光度法测定沙拉沙星含量

18.There was an enrichment of different forms of nutrients in sediment.(3)径流液养分和沉淀泥沙养分含量产流初期达到高值,之后趋于稳定。


sediment content泥沙含量

pared with 2002,runoff coefficient andsediment content of ecological forest obviously declined and sediment decreasing rate was remarkable.根据头塘小流域连续8年(2000~)的水文监测数据,分析小流域降雨、径流特性;分析了乔、灌、草结合的生态林地植被恢复模式在2002~的径流系数、泥沙消减率趋势,以经济林地和未退耕林地为对照,比较了三者之间在径流系数与泥沙含量方面的关系。

3)sand content泥沙含量

1.A method of measuringsand content in river water;河水泥沙含量测量方法研究

2.A long with the entrapment of soil air, the effect of entrapment on infiltration i s different whensand content is different.通过浑水入渗试验及入渗过程中影响机理分析,对考斯加可夫入渗模型进行修正,归结为浑水入渗泥沙含量直接影响入渗指数与入渗系数。

4)filt measurement泥沙含量测量

5)Overland flow sediment contain坡面流泥沙含量

6)sediment charge泥沙[相对]含量


坝区泥沙淤积坝区泥沙淤积sedimentation in dam areaboqLJ rl}sho ytljl坝区泥沙淤积(Sedimentation in dam area)河流上筑坝塑水后,由于塑水区内水深加大,流速降低,泥沙沿程淤积,并向坝前推进,造成坝前泥沙的淤积。坝区泥沙淤积产生的问题主要有:①在船闸引航道中及其口门附近产生淤积,使航深不足或水流不顺而有碍通航。②电站进水口前的泥沙堆积使过机水流中的含沙量增大,泥沙变粗,造成过水建筑物或水轮机过流部件的严重磨损。③坝前泥沙淤积有可能影响问门启闭,堵塞泄水孔,影响大坝安全。以通航为主的枢纽和以发电为主的枢纽对坝区水流条件的要求不同,防治坝区泥沙淤积的措施也不一样。(1)以通航为主的枢纽。宜将船闸布置在靠近稳定深乱线一侧,要避开弯道的凸岸和回流、缓流区。这些地区都是泥沙集中淤积处,且淤积后又难于冲走。结合各个工程的实际情况,可设置某些导流排沙工程,如修建引航导墙以破除回流减少淤积;设置底部高程较低的冲沙闸,以定期冲刷上游及下游引航道淤沙。(2)以发电为主的枢纽。高水头水电站的防沙措施主要是设置高程较低的排沙孔。排沙孔布置在机组进水口的下面,防沙效果最好,但结构复杂,施工及管理都不便。一般把排沙孔设在进水口的侧下方,其位置以使进水口处在冲刷漏斗的影响范围之内为原则。低水头枢纽的防沙措施,主要是进行合理的平面布置。如利用弯道环流特性,正面取水,侧面排沙,同时设置导沙坎,常能取得较好的防沙效果。在中小型水库中,也可采取清浑水分治的办法,即在童水区上游修建排浑渠(或排浑洞),当汛期洪水人库时,可将浑水通过排浑渠(洞)直接排往坝下游,减少主库淤积,缓解坝区泥沙问题。
