1500字范文 > 钢琴大小课 big and small classes in piano英语短句 例句大全

钢琴大小课 big and small classes in piano英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-05 13:58:10


钢琴大小课 big and small classes in piano英语短句 例句大全

钢琴大小课,big and small classes in piano

1)big and small classes in piano钢琴大小课

2)The piano lecture given to a large number of students teaching钢琴大课教学

3)piano course钢琴课

1.On the Application of Effective Teaching to Piano Course of Preschool Education in Normal Colleges论有效教学在高师学前专业钢琴课中的运用

2.The reform of thepiano course is one of the integral parts of the reforms of university musical courses.指出钢琴课程改革是高校音乐教育课程改革的重要组成部分。

3.With the deepening of the committment of higher education reform,thepiano course must be reformed accordingly.随着高等教育改革的不断深化 ,高师音乐系钢琴课的改革势在必行。


1.She took up piano lessons in the summer.她在暑期修了钢琴课程。

2.I"m afraid I"ll be late for the piano class.恐怕钢琴课我会迟到了。

3.Sally Li is having a piano lesson.萨莉?李在上钢琴课。

4.Billy lies his piano lessons very much.比尼非常喜欢钢琴课。

5.I can hardly play piano now. The5 years of piano lessons have all gone down the drain.我现在都不会弹琴了。5年的钢琴课都白费了。

6.May the Soul Fly up High with the Music--Study on the Music in the Film of Piano Class;让心灵在琴声中自由飞翔——电影《钢琴课》音乐分析

7.My sister took lessons on the piano for nearly two years.我妹妹学了近两年的钢琴课。

8.Let"s enroll the children for piano lessons咱们给孩子们注册上钢琴课吧。

9.I need to be at my piano lesson by 4:00.我要在四点钟之前赶去上钢琴课。

10.《Piano》: a Surpassed Theme and a Stylized Form;《钢琴课》:主题的突破与形式的风格化

11.On the Teaching and Study of Piano Lesson in Special Secondary and Preschool;浅谈中专音乐、幼师钢琴课的“教”与“学”

12.How to Teach Piano in Normal University in the New Situation;如何面对新形势下的高师钢琴课教学

13.Thought on Construction and Reform of the Course "Piane Basic Knowledge";音乐教育专业“电钢琴课程”的建设

14.How to Improve the Quality of the Piano Teaching in Normal Colleges;关于提高高师钢琴课教学质量的思考

15.A Brand New Orientation on Piano-Teaching: Group Learning Digital Piano;钢琴教学的新方向——数码钢琴集体课

16.Piano Teaching New Pattern:Numerical Code Piano Collective Class钢琴教学的新模式:数码钢琴集体课

17.Applying Digital Piano to the Teaching of Normal Piano Group Lessons;使用数码钢琴开展高师钢琴集体课教学

18.On the Reform of Piano Education in the Normal University;高师钢琴教学改革与钢琴集体课问题初探


The piano lecture given to a large number of students teaching钢琴大课教学

3)piano course钢琴课

1.On the Application of Effective Teaching to Piano Course of Preschool Education in Normal Colleges论有效教学在高师学前专业钢琴课中的运用

2.The reform of thepiano course is one of the integral parts of the reforms of university musical courses.指出钢琴课程改革是高校音乐教育课程改革的重要组成部分。

3.With the deepening of the committment of higher education reform,thepiano course must be reformed accordingly.随着高等教育改革的不断深化 ,高师音乐系钢琴课的改革势在必行。

4)piano curriculum钢琴课程

1.Based on practice,stratified teaching ofpiano curriculum reforms the contents and demands of thepiano curriculum in the major of preschool education and reflects on the problems.学前教育专业钢琴课程分层教学就是在实践基础上,按照分层教学实施的原则,对学前教育专业钢琴课的内容和要求进行改革,并对遇到的难点问题进行反思,最终达到"保尖、促中、补差"的分层教学目标。

5)Piano Pieces钢琴小品

1.BrahmsPiano Pieces of the Special Beauty and Style Causes;论勃拉姆斯钢琴小品的独特美感及风格成因

2.The creation of piano works is the initial stage of his professional career, whereas the twenty piano pieces of his late period of life are extraordinarily precious art treasure in the romantic period.约翰·勃拉姆斯是浪漫主义时期伟大的德国作曲家,他的钢琴作品不仅是其创作生涯的起点,而且他的晚期二十首钢琴小品,更是浪漫主义音乐不可多得的艺术瑰宝。

6)baby grand小型钢琴


