1500字范文 > 沪蓉西高速公路 Hurongxi Expressway英语短句 例句大全

沪蓉西高速公路 Hurongxi Expressway英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-17 19:13:03


沪蓉西高速公路 Hurongxi Expressway英语短句 例句大全

沪蓉西高速公路,Hurongxi Expressway

1)Hurongxi Expressway沪蓉西高速公路

1.Taking constructingHurongxi Expressway of Hubei Province as an example,the effect of different mixture sowing style,different plant species and different plant cover degree on soil erosion had been studied.以在建湖北沪蓉西高速公路(宜长段)为例,对不同混播类型、不同植物种以及不同植物盖度下的土壤侵蚀展开研究。

2.In order to made a study of law of development of side slope gully erosion of highway spoil ground,upgrowth characteristic and law of development of gully erosion and realation between intercolparis erosion and gully erosion had been studied in the spoil ground of constructing Hurongxi expressway of Hubei province.为探讨公路弃土场边坡沟蚀发生发展规律,以湖北沪蓉西高速公路(宜长段)为例,从弃土场沟蚀发育特征、发生发展规律和与沟间侵蚀的关系3方面对弃土场沟蚀规律进行探讨。


1.The Appraisal Research of Stability of the FuJiaPo Slope in the ShangHai-ChengDu State Highway s West Part of HuBei Province;沪蓉西高速公路付家坡滑坡稳定性评价研究

2.Revegetation for Side Slope Protection of West Section of Shanghai-Chengdu Freeway in Hubei Province湖北沪蓉西高速公路护坡植被重建研究

3.The cost control points of Hurongxi express highway in construction stage沪蓉西高速公路施工阶段造价控制要点

4.Traction hanging basket design and construction of the Qingjiang large Bridge on Hurongxi expressway沪蓉西高速公路清江大桥牵引式挂篮设计施工

5.The Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo railway traverses from west to east and the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo and Hangzhou-Jinhua-Quzhou speedways meet here and go through the county.沪杭甬铁路横贯东西,沪杭甬、杭金衢两条高速公路相交穿境而过。

6.Test and Analysis of Hurongxi Highway Yesanhe Great Bridge under Blasting Vibration沪蓉西高速野三河特大桥施工期爆破振动测试与分析

7.And Jinghu railway, Huning speedway, Jinghang canal are all near at hand.京沪铁路、沪宁高速公路、京杭大运河都近在咫尺。

8.It neighbors to206 Highway,312 Highway and Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway.东距合肥骆岗机场5公里,西距铁路西站8公里,紧邻206国道、12国道、蓉高速公路。

9.Design of Hu"ning Expressway(Shanghai Section) Widening Project Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute沪宁高速公路(上海段)拓宽工程设计

10.The Unattended Switching House of Toll Station in Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway沪宁高速公路收费站无人值守配电房

11.Dasheng Industrial Park lies in the western suburb of and2 km away from the county seat,3 km away from the entrance of Beijing-Fuzhou, Shanghai-Chengdu Expressways.大胜工业园位于县城西郊,距县城2公里,距京福、蓉高速公路入口3公里。

12.Design and Construction of Steel Sheet Pile Cofferdam for Piers in Water in Cross-Xicheng Expressway Bridge of Wuxi West Section,Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway Lines京沪高速铁路无锡西桥段跨锡澄高速公路桥水中墩钢板桩围堰的设计与施工

13.Our company near Beijing-Shanghai Railway, ancient Beijing-Hangzhou River, national way, Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway.紧靠京沪铁路、行古运河、12国道、宁高速公路。

14.Characteristics and Statistical Model of Road Surface Temperature on Huning Expressway沪宁高速公路路面温度变化特征及统计模型

15.Application of SMA pavement in A2 (Hulu) Expressway of ShanghaiSMA沥青路面在上海A2(沪芦)高速公路中的应用

16.Construction Protection Technologies for the West Line of Highway Surrounding Suzhou Crossing the Wangyu River Extra-large Bridge Extension Section in Huning Inter-city Railway沪宁城际铁路望虞河特大桥延长端跨苏州绕城高速公路西线防护及施工技术

17.The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, Beijing-Shanghai express railway and cross-border railways in northwest and southwest China will be constructed.建设青藏铁路、京沪高速铁路和西北、西南进出境铁路。

18.Impacts of Beijing-Shanghai Expressway on the Social and Economic Development of the Areas Along Cangzhou Section;京沪高速公路沧州段对沿线区域社会经济影响


Hu-Rong freeway沪蓉高速公路

3)hurongxi highway沪蓉西高速

4)Hu-Rong(Shanghai-Chengdu) highway沪-蓉(上海-成都)高速公路

5)Hu?Rong highway沪蓉高速

1.The basic theory is introducded at first ,then some examples about application of the high density resistivity method in Hu?Rong highway survey are introduced ,and some advices about application of the high density resistivity metbod are suggested.论述了高密度电法的基本原理 ,结合实例介绍了高密度电法的在沪蓉高速公路上的应用 ,并提出了一些高密度电法应注意的问题和建

6)Huning Expressway沪宁高速公路

bined with the practice ofHuning Expressway Widening Project,the article puts the emphasis on analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the paving to replace the conventional filling materials,studies the construction method and technology of EPS paving,and puts forward the viewpoint to control the construction quality by the reasonable construction scheme.该文结合沪宁高速公路加宽工程实践,重点分析了用铺砌取代常规填筑材料的优缺点,并研究了EPS铺砌的施工方法、施工工艺,提出了通过合理的施工方案来控制施工质量的观点。

bined with the usage of the recycling techniques in Huning expressway extension project, emulsive asphalt cold in-plant recycling and cement cold in-plant recycling in Huning expressway extension project are introduced,the construction technique and the quality control are also introduced.本文根据沪宁高速公路扩建工程再生利用的实际生产情况,介绍了在沪宁高速公路扩建工程中采用的乳化沥青冷厂拌再生技术和水泥冷厂拌再生技术,同时介绍了两种再生技术的生产工艺、施工控制情况及在工程施工过程中重点控制的质量检测项目及要求,最后分析了沪宁高速公路扩建工程中采用再生技术的经济效益,为相关再生技术施工控制提供参考。


蒜蓉西冷牛仔粒菜 名: 蒜蓉西冷牛仔粒主 料: 西冷牛柳6两(240克),芥兰4两(160克),蒜头4粒,葱白2条。配 料: 腌料:生抽1汤匙,糖1/2茶匙,麻油及胡椒粉少许,生粉1茶匙,水及油各1/2汤匙。芡汁:水5汤匙,生抽、生粉各1茶匙,蚝油1汤匙,糖1/2茶匙,麻油及胡椒粉各少许。做 法: 1、牛柳切粗粒,拌入腌料待10分钟。2、蒜头切碎;芥兰取茎洗净,切1寸段;葱白切段。3、芥兰段放滚水内加盐及糖各1茶匙,氽水1分钟,取出。4、烧热3汤匙油,牛柳粒炒至八成熟,加入蒜蓉爆香后,放入葱白及芥兰段同炒。5、最后埋芡兜匀,即可上碟。备 注: 制作时间:25分钟分量:4人混有少许脂肪的西冷牛柳较为松软嫩滑。
