1500字范文 > 滑雪人群 skiing population英语短句 例句大全

滑雪人群 skiing population英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-18 05:04:31


滑雪人群 skiing population英语短句 例句大全

滑雪人群,skiing population

1)skiing population滑雪人群

1.Through the comparison of theskiing population and skiing fields in China and other countries,this paper analyzes the current development of skiing and the skiing industry in China and elaborates its significance and prospect of developing skiing industry in China.论述了中国滑雪产业的发展过程,通过滑雪人群、滑雪场地的数量等方面与其它国家的对比,分析了中国滑雪运动及产业的发展现状。



1.skiers gliding across the snow穿越雪地滑行的滑雪人

2.a steep course where skiers jump.滑雪人跳跃的陡峭路线。

3.The frozen snow was so slippery that it was hard to keep one"s feet.冰雪溜滑, 人们很难站稳。

4.The frozen snow was so slippery that is was hard t keep one"s feet.冰雪溜滑,人们很难站稳。

5.The ski resort is empty because there is no snow .由于无雪,滑雪场空无一人。

6.Downhill skiing is not for everyone.滑降滑雪可不是每个人都能玩的。

7.ski past, along, down, etc滑雪滑过、 滑去、 滑下....

8.sledging down the ski slopes乘雪橇沿滑雪道下滑.

9.I like snow because I enjoy skating and I can make snowmen.我喜欢下雪,因为我喜欢滑冰,还能堆雪人。

10.Pete: But, I also know, you can go skiing, and you can make snowman.彼得:但是,我也在想,你可以去滑雪,可以堆雪人。

11.When it snows, she makes a snowman and she often goes skating in winter.当下雪的时候,她经常在冬天堆雪人,滑冰。

12.He had teams of dogs pulling the sledges and all his men were on skis.有一队狗为他拉雪橇,所有人都配有滑雪板。

13.Offsidpiste skiing is more fun than skiing on the crowded piste在滑雪道外滑雪比在拥挤的滑雪道上滑雪有趣

14.Off-piste skiing is more fun than skiing on the crowded piste.在滑雪道外滑雪比在拥挤的滑雪道上滑雪有趣。

15.a stylish skier, dancer, etc风度翩翩的滑雪的人、 跳舞的人等.

16.These brave souls have a few names for themselves: backcountry skiers, cliff skier, or extreme skiers.这群勇敢的人有几种方式自称:偏远滑雪者、悬崖滑雪者,或极速滑雪者。

17.Nordic skiing consists 0f individual cross country event and relay event for Both men and women.北欧滑雪包括个人越野滑雪项目及男子接力、女子接力项目。

18.When my family went skiing they often rented the equipment-skis, poles, and boots.我们一家去滑雪时,通常租用滑雪设备--滑雪板、滑雪杆和滑雪靴。



3)imitation leather ski gloves人造革滑雪手套



1.Research on Chinese Ancient Skiing of Dingling Ethnic;中国古代丁令民族滑雪活动初考

2.Investigative Analysis and Strategic Research on Skiing Consumption of Citizens in Jilin Province;对吉林省城镇居民滑雪消费的调查分析与对策研究

3.Investigation and analysis of Chineseskiing venues;我国滑雪场所的现状调查与分析


1.The Application of Multi Media Technique in Skiing Teaching Classes;多媒体课件在滑雪教学中的应用

2.The Theory Analysis on Skiing Sports Marketing of Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省滑雪体育营销的理论探析

3.For developing theski industry,a key factors is to understand theskiing consumers feature and increase theskiing consumption level.了解滑雪消费者特点、提高滑雪消费水平是滑雪产业发展和繁荣的关键因素。


高危险人群在人群总体中对特定环境污染物的毒性比较敏感,即接触污染物后发生毒性反应的相对危险性明显高于正常对照人群的那一部分人群。同正常对照人群比较,在接触同样水平的环境污染物后,高危险人群表现为毒性反应增强或潜伏期缩短。高危险人群类别因环境污染物的不同而异。例如,儿童对二氧化硫、飘尘等大气污染物比较敏感,呼吸道容易受到损伤;缺钙者对铅污染敏感;维生素 A缺乏者对呼吸道致癌物敏感;遗传性葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶缺乏者对多种溶血性化学污染物敏感;着色性干皮病患者由于皮肤上皮细胞DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)修复功能缺损,易患紫外线诱发的皮肤癌;冠心病患者对一氧化碳的毒性比较敏感等。影响人体对环境污染物反应敏感性的因素主要有发育、营养、遗传、行为习惯和疾病等。当个体接触环境污染物时,这些因素在体内引起吸收、 分布、 代谢、排泄等毒物动力学的差别,使有关器官中毒物的浓度增高;或者影响有关器官对毒物的反应性和机体的适应代偿能力,使这部分人群对环境污染物的敏感性增强。高危险人群是环境医学的重点保护对象。在制订环境卫生标准时,必须认真考虑高危险人群的安全。确定不同环境污染物的高危险人群及其占人群总体的比例是环境医学的一项任务。参考书目E.J. Calabrese, PollutantsandHighRisk Groups,Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1978.
