1500字范文 > 瘘管冲洗法 irrigation fistula英语短句 例句大全

瘘管冲洗法 irrigation fistula英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-24 02:21:48


瘘管冲洗法 irrigation fistula英语短句 例句大全

瘘管冲洗法,irrigation fistula

1)irrigation fistula瘘管冲洗法

2)reformative double vesicofistulas irrigation膀胱双造瘘管改良冲洗法

3)esophagus fistula method食道瘘管法


5)root canal irrigation根管冲洗

1.Advances on sodium hypochlorite solution used asroot canal irrigation;次氯酸钠作为根管冲洗液的研究进展

2.However, there still lack of relatively systematic reports about the effect ofroot canal irrigation solutions on the repair of apical and periapical tissue.但其究竟是如何促进愈合?根管冲洗液对病变组织的愈合有何影响?目前国内外尚未见较系统的研究报道。

3.A scanning electron microscopic study on cleaning effectiveness ofroot canal irrigation with chlorine dioxide.;目的:评价二氧化氯(ClO2)用于根管冲洗的清洁效果。


1.Effection of obturated lateral canals of anterior teeth treated with two kinds of Root canals irrigation两种根管冲洗方法对前牙侧支根管充填的影响

2.Effects of irrigations on the bond strength of root canal dentin to adhensive materials根管冲洗液对根管壁黏结强度影响的研究进展

3.Clinical effect of ultrasonic irrigation of the root canal in the treatment of periapical periodontitis超声根管冲洗对根尖周病的临床疗效评价

4.Preparation and Application of Ozone Water for Sterilization of Root Canals;根管冲洗用臭氧液制备与应用的基础研究

5.Evaluation of the cytotoxicity of sodium hypochlorite and chloramine-T irrigants根管冲洗剂次氯酸钠和氯亚明的细胞毒性

parison of the cleaning efficacy of passive sonic and passive ultrasonic irrigation in infected canals超声波与声波根管冲洗应用于感染根管的清理效果评价

7.Experimental study on the antibacterial effectiveness of two endodontic irrigations against bacteria in dog′s root canals两种根管冲洗液对狗牙根管内细菌抗菌作用的实验研究

8.In Vitro Antimicrobial Efficacy of Root Canal Lubricant and Sodium Hypochlorite几种根管冲洗液组合对粪肠球菌感染根管体外抗菌研究

9.Experimental and Clinical Study of Jinzhi Hanshuye on Irrigation and Disinfection of Infected Root Canals;金栀含漱液用于感染根管冲洗消毒的实验和临床研究

10.The Vitro Study on Effects of Root Canal Preparation by Different Instrumentation and Irrigation;器械及冲洗液对根管预备效果影响的实验研究

11.Efficacy of Sodium Hypochlorite as Endodontic Irrigation in Reducing Enterococcus Faecalis within Root Canals;次氯酸钠溶液冲洗根管对粪肠球菌的作用研究

12.The stress of root canal wall during ultrasonic cleaning:a 3-D finite element analysis超声冲洗对根管壁应力影响的三维有限元分析

13.Clinical study of kangfuxin ye on irrigation and disinfection of infected root canals康复新液冲洗消毒根管的临床疗效观察

14.Bactericidal effect of ultrasonic treatment combined with irrigation in root canal preparation and its clinlical evaluation after treatment超声根管预备联用冲洗液抗菌效果的临床研究

15.Effect of Different Root Canal Preparation on Apical Extrusion of Debris and Irrigants不同根管预备器械对根尖推出碎屑和冲洗液影响的研究

16.In the simplest sense, files make way for irrigants to flush debris from the root canal system and to kill bacteria.简单来说,就是用根管锉为冲洗创造路径,以便冲走根管内的碎片和进行消毒灭菌。

17.Influence of Chinese nutgall solution as irrigants on the coronal microleakage五倍子水提取物液冲洗根管对牙齿冠部微渗漏的影响

18.Bactericidal effect of 17% EDTA combined with 1% NaOCl as irrigant of root canals17% EDTA与1% NaOCl组合用于根管超声冲洗抗菌效果的临床研究


reformative double vesicofistulas irrigation膀胱双造瘘管改良冲洗法

3)esophagus fistula method食道瘘管法


5)root canal irrigation根管冲洗

1.Advances on sodium hypochlorite solution used asroot canal irrigation;次氯酸钠作为根管冲洗液的研究进展

2.However, there still lack of relatively systematic reports about the effect ofroot canal irrigation solutions on the repair of apical and periapical tissue.但其究竟是如何促进愈合?根管冲洗液对病变组织的愈合有何影响?目前国内外尚未见较系统的研究报道。

3.A scanning electron microscopic study on cleaning effectiveness ofroot canal irrigation with chlorine dioxide.;目的:评价二氧化氯(ClO2)用于根管冲洗的清洁效果。

6)pipeline flushing管线冲洗


瘘管中空器官与中空器官,或中空器官与皮肤或粘膜之间长期不愈合的异常管道。瘘管底常存有失活组织和异物,内壁多为老化的结缔组织,并不断排出分泌物、排泄物或浓汁。它和窦道的区别仅在于后者不与中空器官相通。瘘管有先天性与后天性两种。前者属于胎生畸型,如脐尿瘘;后者是某些原发病(如鬐甲部化脓性粘液囊炎)的晚期并发症或后遗症,兽医临床常见的多属于这一种。此外还有人工制造的瘘管(见实验外科)。瘘管不是一种独立的疾病,而是一种征候,通常冠以瘘管发生部位名称,以资鉴别。如胃瘘、鬐甲瘘等。家畜常见的瘘管有:①齿瘘。起因于牙齿疾病,如牙周病、龋齿和化脓性齿槽骨膜炎等。患畜口臭,流口水,齿松动。马、犬较多见,未成年马的齿瘘多发生于下颌第 1、2、3臼齿的下颌缘处;犬的齿瘘常见于一侧面部的眼下方;牛的多由放线菌侵害下颌骨所引起,颌骨肿大、穿孔。②唾腺瘘。常因腮腺部位创伤、腮腺或腮腺管破坏,或某部化脓坏死影响到唾液腺而形成。患畜在采食咀嚼时唾液流量因此显著增加。③项瘘。常见于马、骡。由笼头的压迫摩擦而引起项部擦伤、感染,继发化脓性项部粘液囊炎的后遗症。④鬐甲瘘。是常见的马、骡鞍具创伤的继发病,起因于化脓性鬐甲粘液囊炎或项韧带蟠尾丝虫等。基于该部组织器官的复杂解剖学特点,是一种传统的顽固性难治疾病。手术摘除或破坏瘘管病理组织是根治方法。齿瘘必须拔除患牙,用外科刀、骨凿或CO2激光破坏腐骨。唾腺瘘瘘管的切除,宜配合注射阿托品,以抑止唾分泌。鬐甲瘘手术后因患部肌间隙结构复杂,须加强合理的引流措施及术后对症疗法。
