1500字范文 > 倒虹吸 inverted siphon英语短句 例句大全

倒虹吸 inverted siphon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-02 02:29:53


倒虹吸 inverted siphon英语短句 例句大全

倒虹吸,inverted siphon

1)inverted siphon倒虹吸

1.Experimental study on position and size of flood discharge opening forinverted siphon in middle route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project;南水北调中线穿河倒虹吸口门位置及尺寸试验

2.Design of large prestressed concreteinverted siphon;大型预应力混凝土倒虹吸结构设计

3.Design and Application of Concrete Distributor in the Inverted Siphon Slope of the Puyanghe River;蒲阳河倒虹吸斜坡段混凝土布料机设计与应用


1.Study on Structure of Large Diameter Prestressing Allied Circular Inverted Siphon;大孔径预应力连体式圆形倒虹吸结构研究

2.Study on the Vibration Mechanism of San Ge Quan Inverted Siphon Export Section Plane Gate三个泉倒虹吸出口闸门的振动机理研究

3.Test Study and Design Principle for Intake Layout of River Inverted Siphon河道排水倒虹吸进口布置试验研究和设计原则

4.Safety Monitoring Instruments Laid on the Inverted Siphon Construction in the Puyang River浅谈蒲阳河倒虹吸安全监测仪器埋设施工

5.The Layout Form in Inlet Section of Inverted Siphon With Double Channels Conflux双沟汇流的排水倒虹吸进口段布置型式研究

6.Riverbed Deformation near Revetment Works Crossed by Inverted Siphon of South-to-North Water Transfer Project南水北调倒虹吸工程裹头附近河床变形研究

7.Study on movable-bed model test and protection measures for Inverted Siphon across Yongdinghe River永定河倒虹吸动床模型试验及防护措施研究

8.Design of Inverted Siphon Across a River for Drainage Network of the Urban District in Beibei北碚区主城排水管网过河倒虹吸工程设计

9.Supervision and quality control of installation of large inverted siphon penstocks大型倒虹吸压力钢管安装监理质量控制

10.The application of the inverted siphon in the regulation project of the Huagan canal in Liuxi river谈倒虹吸管在流溪河花干渠整治工程中的应用

11.Dynamic stresses of significance may occur in structures such as bridges, cr aneways, machine founda tions, presses and so on.巨大的动应力可能发生在诸如桥梁、倒虹吸、机器基

12.Analysis of Shock Absorption & Resistance on the Step River Bridge of Batang Project in Yunnan Province;云南省坝塘工程倒虹吸跨河大桥抗震及减震分析

13.Engineering Arrangement and Conservancy Design Points of Drainage Inverted Siphon in Sloping Area of Second Branch of Second Main Canal of the Tang River唐河二干二支坡水区排水倒虹吸工程布置及水力设计要点

14.Quality,Checking Methods and Effect Analysis of Shahe River (North) Inverted Siphon沙河(北)倒虹吸工程质量、安全检查方法与效果分析

15.Application of three-dimensional hierarchical FEM to calculation of temperature field in concrete inverted siphon engineering三维阶谱有限元法在倒虹吸工程温度场中的应用研究

16.Series008 PCQT is designed for indoor point of use applications to prevent backsiphonage of contaminated water back into the potable water supply.系列008PCQT适用于室内设施,用于防止受到污染的水倒虹吸到饮用水的供应管道中。

17.automatic tray sipho自动虹吸器,用于冲盆

18.Casella"s siphon rainfall recorder卡塞拉虹吸雨量记录仪


inverted siphon倒虹吸管

1.Application of large diameter prestressed concrete pipe ininverted siphon project;大直径预应力砼管在倒虹吸管工程中的应用

2.Form supporting scheme ofinverted siphon pipe concrete with gate way-like structure;城门洞型倒虹吸管混凝土模型支承方案

3.Experimental study on flow characteristicsininverted siphon for Diversion Project from South to North China;南水北调中线工程倒虹吸管道水力学试验研究

3)inverted siphon pipe倒虹吸管

1.This article introduces the large-diameterinverted siphon pipeline with glass fiber reinforced plastics mortar pipe.在新疆某长距离调水工程中的小洼槽倒虹吸管道施工中,采用了大口径玻璃纤维增强塑料夹砂管(RPM管),详细介绍了管道沟槽、基础、连接、接口打压试验、回填、管线水压试验等的施工方法,为RPM管的应用提供了宝贵经验。

2.With different layout ofinverted siphon pipe, requirements for inlet flow pattern and submergence are various.不同的倒虹吸管布置型式,进口流态及淹没要求有所不同。

4)invert siphon倒虹吸管

bined with the actual conditions of our country, through comparing parameter, diameter,characteristics and economic effect of pipe materials in large water engineering, and using weighing method to appraise synthetically, this paper selects prestressed concrete cylinder pipe as the pipe materials of Sangequaninvert siphon.结合三个泉工程实际情况,通过对目前大型输水工程几种常用管材的参数、管径、性能及经济效益的比较,用 加权法对管材进行综合评价,选择预应力钢筒混凝土管作为三个泉倒虹吸管工程的管材。

5)Cihe invert siphon project磁河倒虹吸

1.The key point of concrete construction inCihe invert siphon project are the vertical transportation of pipeline concrete placement and the construc tion of moid plate procesa Through comparing with similar engineering and analyzing the real situation, the vertical transportation and mold plate construc- tion are determined after systematic verificatioa.磁河倒虹吸工程混凝土施工的关键点在于管身段混凝土浇筑的垂直运输及模板工艺的施工。

6)Tianshan inverted siphon田山倒虹吸


