1500字范文 > 热爱 Love英语短句 例句大全

热爱 Love英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-21 09:00:53


热爱 Love英语短句 例句大全



1.The life consciousness of Li yu Ci are as follows: his great misery brought by the pain of nature and realistic life,the desire to liberty,the doubt about the nature of life and the belief to surpass,the love and miss for life in his heart.本文结合晚唐五代的时代背景、文人心态、社会思潮等问题探讨李煜词中的生命意识,认为具体体现在以下四个方面:忧患情绪、向往自由的心态、怀疑生命的本质意义并力图超越、对生命的热爱与眷恋。

2.He presents his love for his nationality,nature and human nature.阅读孔盖的小说,能够感受到他是一个冷面热心的作家,在横眉冷对那些人间的魑魅魍魉的同时,也深情悲悯那些浮沉苦海的芸芸众生,表达自己对民族的关爱,对自然的热爱,对美好人性的挚爱。

3.This essay,from the teacher s point of view,discusses the three most important teacher s factors,that is,foreign language skills,professional competence and teacher s love for the students and his profession.本文从语言技能、职业技能及对学生和专业的热爱三大方面 ,论述大学外语教学的教师因素。


1.zealous in devotion or affection.热心的投入或者热爱。

2.A woman who is passionate about life and work!一个热爱生活也热爱工作的女人!

3.They loved children and animals and music, and rough plays and digging in the earth.他们热爱儿童,热爱动物和音乐,热爱热闹的游戏以及挖掘土地。

4.Rock roll has a strong beat .摇滚乐的节拍热爱强烈。

5.Rock music freaks.摇滚乐的狂热爱好者

6.We must uphold the principle of the ``five things to emphasize"", ``four things to beautify"" and ``three things to love"".坚持五讲四美三热爱,

7.though arousing my love for autumn,撩拨着我对秋天的热爱,

8.She was so attached to her home她十分热爱她的家。

9.I love to travel through the air.我热爱搭飞机旅行。

10.We have ardent love for Beijing, the capital.我们热爱首都北京。

11.In fact, I love what I do ...事实上 我热爱我的工作……

12.John is in love with his work.约翰热爱他的工作。

13.They love labour and help one another.他们热爱劳动,互相帮助。

14.We ardently love our army.我们热爱我们的军队。

15.I love our beautiful motherland.我热爱祖国的锦绣山河。

16.It has never been anything more than that.这种热爱是至高无上的。

17.In contrast to this, people have always cherished a deep love for Yue Fei.与此相反,人民热爱岳飞。

18.Yes to Life, No to Drugs热爱生命, 拒绝毒品


strong liking or enthusiasm for sth酷爱;热爱

3)cherish a deep love for热爱...

4)be interested in fun爱热闹

5)love for school热爱学校

6)the upsurge of Zhang Ailing张爱玲热

1.The commercial operation acceleratedthe upsurge of Zhang Ailing, but it also had the negative influence.张爱玲和她的作品也染上了商业气息,商业运作为张爱玲热推波助澜,也产生了负面影响。


