1500字范文 > 钢琴练习曲 piano etude英语短句 例句大全

钢琴练习曲 piano etude英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-26 04:12:29


钢琴练习曲 piano etude英语短句 例句大全

钢琴练习曲,piano etude

1)piano etude钢琴练习曲

1.The artistic value of 24piano etudes by Chopin;论肖邦24首钢琴练习曲的艺术价值

2.Analysis of the Chopins Piano Etude;艺术·技术·人生——肖邦钢琴练习曲解读

3.With the improvement of western keyboard instrument mechanisms, the continue development of performing skills and the changes of music styles, diverse kinds ofpiano etude at various epic takes a prominent historical status in promoting the prevailance, improving performance of players and enlarging the artistic presentation.本论文以钢琴练习曲的发展轨迹为线索,沿着音乐史的不同发展阶段,从宏观上梳理了西方钢琴艺术中“练习曲”的发展脉络,阐述了其对西方钢琴演奏艺术发展与技术进步的重要贡献。


1.On the Development Piano Performance Skill from European Piano Etude从欧洲钢琴练习曲看钢琴演奏技术的发展

2.Discuss Skill of Adapting Czerny Music for Piano Practice to Accordion Practice;《车尔尼钢琴练习曲》改编成手风琴练习曲的技术探讨

3.The Study of Chopin Piano Etude (op.10);肖邦钢琴练习曲(作品10)之研究

4.Analysis of the Chopins Piano Etude;艺术·技术·人生——肖邦钢琴练习曲解读

5.A Study on Szymanowski s 12 Piano Etudes;希曼诺夫斯基十二首钢琴练习曲研究

6.The artistic value of 24 piano etudes by Chopin;论肖邦24首钢琴练习曲的艺术价值

7.History of Piano Exercises in Chinese Style;中国风格钢琴练习曲之历史演化溯源

8.The Analysis of Ligetfs Six Piano Etudes ( I );试析里盖蒂的六首钢琴练习曲(上)

9.The Research on Piano Etudes in Modern Times of Woytowicz"s Capriccio沃依托维奇现代钢琴练习曲《随想曲》研究

10.The Performance Techniques of Debussy s Etude for Arpeggio;德彪西钢琴练习曲“为复合琶音而作”的演奏手法

11.On Technique Characteristics and Art s Value of Chopin s Practice Music;试谈肖邦钢琴练习曲的技术特点和艺术价值

12.Study on Polymodality and Polyrhythm in Ligeti"s Piano Etudes Book Ⅱ论利盖蒂钢琴练习曲(第二册)的多重复合性

13.A Perfect Combination of Skills and Music--A brief analysis of Chopin"s etudes技巧与音乐的完美结合——肖邦钢琴练习曲浅析

14.She"s been practising the same tune on the piano for nearly an hour.她在钢琴上练习同一曲调快1 小时了。

15.exercises for the piano, flute, harp, etc钢琴、 长笛、 竖琴等的练习

16.The pianist concluded the concert with a Chopin etude.钢琴家以肖邦的一支练习曲结束音乐会。

17.The pianist concluded the recital with a ChopinEtude.这位钢琴家以一部肖邦练习曲结束了独奏会。

18.I"m out of practice at playing the piano.弹钢琴我现在缺少练习。



3)a Book of studies for the piano钢琴练习曲集

4)elementary exercises for the piano初级钢琴练习曲

5)piano-playing practice钢琴练习

1.In view of this, this paper attempts to focus on some technical issues in concretepiano-playing practice,.钢琴演奏是一门技术性很强的艺术,其表演技术的丰富性以及诠释作品的准确性、完整性取决于正确的钢琴练习要领。

6)Chinese piano etude textbook中国钢琴练习曲教材


