1500字范文 > 有意识的教学 The intentional teaching英语短句 例句大全

有意识的教学 The intentional teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-02 11:30:11


有意识的教学 The intentional teaching英语短句 例句大全

有意识的教学,The intentional teaching

1)The intentional teaching有意识的教学

2)awareness to learn有意识的学习

3)teaching consciousness教学意识

1.The study ofteaching consciousness plays an important role in Travel Agency Management teaching.在旅行社经营管理教学研究中,教学意识研究占有重要地位。

2.Faced with new educating conceptions,teacher s modernteaching consciousness and teaching aims should be adjusted in time.面对全新的教育教学理念,教师现代教学意识及行为目标应及时进行调整。


1.Awareness of the Text and Text Teaching at the Elementary Level of TCSL初级汉语教学中的“语篇意识”与“语篇教学意识”

2.Research on Book Mode and Consciousness Rheology of the Thousand Words;《千字文》教材模式及教学意识流变研究

3.On the Approach to Developing Chinese Teacher s Modern Teaching Consciousness;浅议语文教师现代教学意识养成途径

4.The Training of Students Consciousness of Questioning in Economic Common Knowledge Teaching;经济常识教学中学生问题意识的培养

5.Mathematics Classroom Teaching and Development of Students Creative Consciousness;教学课堂教学与学生创新意识的培养

6.Training of Students Creative Ideas in Teacher s Spoken Language;教师口语教学中学生创新意识的培养

7.The Cultivation about Students Questions Awareness during Scientific Teaching in the Middle School;中学科学教学中学生“问题意识”的培养

8.Language Awareness and Critical Language Awareness:Rethinking of Foreign Language Teaching;语言意识与批评语言意识:外语教学的再思考

9.On Standard Consciousness of Teaching Chinese;略论汉语教学中的规范意识和标准意识

10.The culture consciousness of students should be reinforced in Chinese teaching of middle school中学语文教学要增强学生的文化意识

11.The Cultivating on Students" Innovative Consciousness in Higher Normal Chemistry Education;高师化学教学中学生创新意识的培养

12.A Research of Fostering Student s Awareness of Questions in Chemistry Teaching;化学教学中培养学生问题意识的研究

13.The Training Students Consciousness of Asking Questions in Chemistry Classes;课堂教学中学生化学问题意识的培养

14.Strengthening the Global Consciousness Education of the Senior School History Teaching;中学历史教学对学生国际意识的培养

15.Citizen Consciousness of the Senior School History Teaching;中学历史教学对学生公民意识的培养

16.Develop the Mathematical Questionable Sense during the Process of Math s Teaching;课堂教学中培养学生的数学问题意识

17.Using Chemical Teaching to Train Students’ Environment Protection Awareness;利用化学教学培养学生环境保护意识

18.Cultivation of Students "Problem Awareness" in Teaching of Law;法学教学中学生“问题意识”的培养


awareness to learn有意识的学习

3)teaching consciousness教学意识

1.The study ofteaching consciousness plays an important role in Travel Agency Management teaching.在旅行社经营管理教学研究中,教学意识研究占有重要地位。

2.Faced with new educating conceptions,teacher s modernteaching consciousness and teaching aims should be adjusted in time.面对全新的教育教学理念,教师现代教学意识及行为目标应及时进行调整。

4)conscious education有意识教育

1.Unconscious education in the work of moral education in HEIs features:dependence in means ,joyfulness in feeling ,latency in process,and unstableness in effe ct.其手段的依附性、过程的隐蔽性、情感的愉悦性等特征,能充分发挥有意识教育所无法替代的优势:有效消除逆反心理、激发参与意识、覆盖德育工作全程。

2.Since 80\"s of 20th century, Unconscious education as the new patter begun entering the people\"s vision ,and is receiving increasing attention and importance .在思想政治教育中,无意识教育与有意识教育是相对应的,无意识教育是有意识教育的有益补充。

5)conscious (consciousness)有意识的(意识)

6)conscious learning有意识学习

1.English vocabulary learning involvesconscious learning and unconscious learning.词汇是语言的基础,英语词汇学习包括有意识学习和无意识学习两种。


