1500字范文 > 物价涨幅 Rise in price英语短句 例句大全

物价涨幅 Rise in price英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-06 05:37:10


物价涨幅 Rise in price英语短句 例句大全

物价涨幅,Rise in price

1)Rise in price物价涨幅


1.Cut down the growth margin of retail commodity prices降低零售商品物价涨幅

2.real growth in household income城乡居民收入增长超过物价涨幅

3.Enhanced Effect of Consumption Demand and Reasonable Rise in Price--Analysis of Economic Operation in the Half Year of ;物价涨幅适度 消费需求增强——上半年经济运行状况分析

4.The barely noticeable but persistent increase in prices.物价不断上涨,但因涨幅很小而不为人注意。

5.Price tends to rise year by year, but at a modest rate .物价年年上涨,但幅度不大

6.Prices tended to rise year by year, but at a modest rate.物价年年上涨,但幅度不大。

7.They are outraged by the announcement of massive price increase.物价大幅上涨的消息一公布,他们气愤填膺。

8.They were outraged by the announcement of massive price increases.物价大幅上涨的消息一公布, 他们气愤填膺.

9.They were outraged by the announcement of massive price increase物价大幅上涨的消息一公布,他们气愤填膺

10.Th price of this article has soared up since last year.去年以来这种货物的价格已大幅度上涨。

11.Share prices showed significant advances today.今日股票价格大幅上涨.

12.Price increase have average 10% per annum.价格涨幅年平均数为10%。

13.Price increase has averaged 10% per annum价格涨幅年平均数为10%

14.It would also drive the oil price up to unprecedented levels, which would tie in with this new mega rise in commodity prices.所以油价的上涨将达到前所未有的水平,同时也使物价有一个比较大的上涨幅度。

15.A Study on the Depreciation of Fixed Assets with Slow Price Rise;考虑物价年均小幅上涨因素的固定资产折旧方法

16.Prices jumped 60% last year.物价去年暴涨60%.

17.Prices jumped in OctoBer.10 月份物价暴涨

18.The metal rose 11 percent last month, thebest performance since April .上月间金价涨11%,这是4月以来最大涨幅。



3)House Price Rising Rate房价涨幅

4)The increase range of shares price股价涨幅度



1.The annuity method is used to discuss the influence on the period of e-quipment replacement and the conditions for setting the economic life of equipment in aninflationary environment.本文运用技术经济学中的年金法,探讨了在物价上涨情况下对设备更新周期的影响及确定设备经济寿命的条件,指出了设备最佳经济寿命的计算方式,为确定合理的设备更新周期提供了理论依据。


