1500字范文 > 在校未婚女研究生 the unmarried-female graduate student英语短句 例句大全

在校未婚女研究生 the unmarried-female graduate student英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-17 06:16:07


在校未婚女研究生 the unmarried-female graduate student英语短句 例句大全

在校未婚女研究生,the unmarried-female graduate student

1)the unmarried-female graduate student在校未婚女研究生

1.Study and investigate ofthe unmarried-female graduate student on marriage and love affair——Take Guizhou University as a case在校未婚女研究生婚恋观的调查研究


1.Study and investigate of the unmarried-female graduate student on marriage and love affair--Take Guizhou University as a case在校未婚女研究生婚恋观的调查研究

2.The Attitudes of Unmarried Female PHD Candidates towards Romance and Marriage--A Study Based on Interviews With 5 Female PHD Candidates未婚单身女博士生婚恋观调查——基于对5位女性博士研究生的访谈

3.Research on the Family View of the Married Female Postgraduate Student in School--A survey from Universities in Hunan Changsha;在校已婚女研究生的家庭观研究——来自湖南省长沙市高校的调查

4.A Research on the Phenomenon of Unmarried Cohabitation of University Students--Taking the Universities in Guangxi as an Example;大学生未婚同居现象调查研究——以广西高校为例

5.Investigation on Unmarried Couples but Living together among Universities Students in Guangxi Province;广西高校大学生未婚同居现象调查研究

6.Outlook on marriage and procreation and education intervention among the female college students in Fujian;福建高校女大学生婚育观念及教育干预研究

7.Couples who engage in premarital sex are more likely to break up before marriage than those who do not.同婚前不发生性关系的未婚夫妻相比,婚前就有性行为的未婚男女更有可能在婚前分手。

8.A Study on Unmarried Women"s Employment in Urban America: 1870-1920美国城市未婚女性就业问题研究(1870-1920)

9.a bachelor girl,ie an unmarried woman who lives independently独立生活的未婚女子.

10.A Comparative Research on the Women"s Status in Marriage between Western and Eastern Han两汉妇女在婚姻生活中的地位比较研究

parison of Sex and Reproductive Health Between the Female Youth of Korea and China;中韩城市女青年生殖健康状况的比较研究——18~24岁未婚女大学生调查

12.An Analysis and Consideration of the Characteristics of Unmarried Postgraduates" Concept of Marriage对未婚研究生婚姻观特点的分析与思考

13.The Logical Reason and Value of Researching the Female College Student s Psychology of Marriage in Normal College;师范院校女生婚恋心理研究的价值意义和逻辑思路

14.Qualitative Investigation of the Status of Induced Abortion among Unmarried Young Women in Zhengzhou郑州市未婚女青年人工流产现状的定性研究

15.The Family Life Cycle of the Forced Male Bachelors in Rural China农村大龄未婚男性家庭生命周期研究

16.Ecological Factors Associated with Reproductive Health Behaviors and the Intervention Pilot among Unmarried Female Migrants in Shanghai and Guangdong Province;上海、广东外来未婚女工生殖健康行为的生态学因素及干预探索研究

17.Study on the School s Liability in Teenage Students s Harm Accidents;未成年学生在校伤害事故中的校方责任研究

18.The Survey and Analysis of Female Graduates and Undergraduates Opinions on Love and Marriage--A Case Study in a Central China University;女研究生与女大学生婚恋观的对比调查分析——以华中地区某高校为个案


unmarried female graduate students未婚女研究生

1.Starting with traditional birth concept,this paper makes an analysis of the characteristics and present situation of birth concept ofunmarried female graduate students,the causes for it and its social background so as to explore the scientific,healthy,active birth concept which adapts to modern society,and the external condition and mechanism for it.对未婚女研究生生育观的调查研究在国内还比较少,作为一个较为特殊的群体,她们的生育观容易引起人们的关注,并起到一定的社会导向作用,同时,她们的生育观并未成熟,与现实仍有一定的差距。


1.Through the review of literatures about sport investment and the state of health of thepostgraduate,the author proposed that the study about the respects of the graduate in Chinese universities need conducted urgently.通过对我国高校在校研究生体育投入与健康状况的相关研究的文献回顾,分析指出对我国高校研究生各个方面的研究亟待进行。

4)postgraduate studying in university高校在读研究生

5)in-school female university students在校女生

6)female graduate student女研究生

1.Applying the human capital theory and the gender human capital theory,this paper analyzes the problems of exploita- tion of the human resources offemale graduate students in China.运用人力资本理论和性别人力资本理论,分析了女研究生人力资源开发问题:通过对研究生人力资本投资的成本、收益及对影响研究生教育需求的因素进行研究,结合女性人力资源的特殊性,分析了我国当前女研究生人力资本投资中存在的问题,并对鼓励女研究生人力资本投资提出了思考。

2.The mian influence of the society supports to thefemale graduate students\" mental health manifests in three aspects: First, the society support dynamics is insufficient; Second, the different society supports sources; Third, the cognition and utilization to the society supports has the significance influence to the female post graduate student\" mental health.女研究生群体是一个特殊的群体,其精神健康问题引起越来越多关注。


《孟姜女故事研究集》研究孟姜女传说的专集。顾颉刚编著。共 3辑。国立广州中山大学语言历史学研究所1928年出版。为中山大学"民俗学会丛书"之一。研究集第 1册收有顾颉刚的两篇论文《孟姜女故事的转变》、《孟姜女故事的研究》及《自序》,第2册收有顾颉刚、吴立模等所著8篇短论和启事、插图等有关资料。其中较重要的文章有顾颉刚所著《杞梁妻哭崩的城》、《杞梁妻的哭崩梁山》、《孟姜女故事研究的第二次开头》等篇。第 3册收入各地学者刘复、郭绍虞、钱肇基、钟敬文等写给顾颉刚的讨论信件38封,以及顾颉刚为其中31封信加的按语。这些书信和按语或对孟姜女故事提出了新的资料(有的还是非常重要的资料);或对资料进行考证,以及评价顾颉刚的论文,提出或讨论故事流传演变的一些问题。研究集第 1册集中反映了顾颉刚研究孟姜女传说的观点、方法与结论。他把传说材料分别列成"历史的系统"和"地域的系统",进行归纳和比较。在历史系统中,他指出孟姜女传说发端于春秋时代杞梁妻哭夫的史迹,以后人民群众根据自己的理解要求在传述过程中使它发生了多次的转变,包括两次较大的转变。在地域系统中,他着重论述了传说的地理分布,并指出传说的传播有自身的规律和特点,如因各地风俗的不同而使传说呈现出不同的形态。顾颉刚在孟姜女故事研究中辨析了传说在人民口头上和文人学者的笔下的不同,指出群众才是孟姜女传说的真正创造者。它廓清了长期以来加在孟姜女传说上的礼教迷雾。《孟姜女故事研究集》对孟姜女传说的研究,特别是历史演变的研究所提出的问题和研究结论,到现在仍具有相当的科学价值。它在研究方法方面把历史文献材料与民间口头传说联系起来,进行历史和地理的比较,对中国后来的民间传说与神话的研究曾产生过不小影响。
