1500字范文 > 当代中国水墨画 contemporary Chinese ink and wash painting英语短句 例句大全

当代中国水墨画 contemporary Chinese ink and wash painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-05 18:28:44


当代中国水墨画 contemporary Chinese ink and wash painting英语短句 例句大全

当代中国水墨画,contemporary Chinese ink and wash painting

1)contemporary Chinese ink and wash painting当代中国水墨画

1.The development ofcontemporary Chinese ink and wash painting is diversified and irregular.本课题旨在当代艺术背景下,用个案研究的方法,通过选取具有代表性的八位当代水墨画家及作品,对当代中国水墨画的方法论和绘画观念进行分析研究,做出判断,认识中国水墨画发展的内在规律,从而进一步明确其在未来的发展指向。

2)morden chinese pensonl water-ink painting当代中国水墨人物画

3)Chinese contemporary watercolor中国当代水彩画

1.This paper attempts at an analysis of the diversification development ofChinese contemporary watercolor.本文尝试性的分析了中国当代水彩画多元化的发展趋势。


1.An Aralysis on the Diversification Development of Chinese Contemporary Watercolor中国当代水彩画多元化发展趋向辨析

2.Fusion and Boundary--A Restrited View of Chinese Modern Watercolor from the Paintings Language;融合与边界——从绘画语言管窥中国当代水彩画

3.On Contemporary Chinese Art of Diversification Trend;浅淡中国当代水彩画发展的多元化倾向

4.Talk the Chinese Contemporary Water Color Artistic from the Global Category and Education;从全球性范畴谈中国当代水彩画创作与教育

5.Contemporary Chinese water colors can be divided into three groups according to style: Xieyi characterized by free-hand work and vivid expression;a realistic school and a decorative style.中国当代水彩画按照风格可分三类:写意,特点是表现生动,运笔恣纵;写实和装饰性风格。

6.On the spread and development of modern water color painting浅谈当代水彩画在中国的传播与发展

7.The Value of Traditional Imago in the Watercolour Art at the Present Age;传统“意象”在当代水彩画艺术中的价值

8.Going into the truth and disclosing the central intention of art--dwelling on Chinese modern art on the base ofChinese watercolor art of SUN Zheng-xue;守拙觅真 以艺进道——从孙政学先生的水彩画看中国当代艺术

9.Girtim,British artist,created watercolour with a modern meaning.具有现代意义的水彩画 ,始点当首推英国画家格尔丁。

10.Chinese Contemporary Color Painting Materials Reflections on the use of中国当代重彩画运用综合材料引发的思考

11.Application of Artistic Spirit of Chinese Painting to Watercolor in China;中国水彩画对中国画艺术观念的借鉴

12.To Colour with Given Categories and to Make the Painting Water and Ink Halo--On the colour value in Chinese paintings随类赋彩 水晕墨章——论中国画的色彩观

13.With the entrance of the western culture , watercolour painting was introduced to China from the west.中国水彩画是随着近代的“西学东渐”从西方引入中国的。

14.As A Paradox, Why Does Contemporary Chinese Ink andWash Painting Name Itself "Modern Ink and Wash;二元悖反,当代中国水墨书画何以自称“现代”

15.Poster Design in Contemporary China Benchmarking Study of Chinese Ink Painting当代中国招贴设计对中国水墨画的借鉴研究

16.Bank of America, alone, lost more than100 contemporary works on paper, such as watercolors, photographs and collages.光是美国银行一家就损失了100多件当代纸制艺术品,如水彩画、影作品和抽象拼贴画等。

17.About the Coloring View on Ink and Wash,the Mainstream of Chinese Landscape Painting;浅析中国山水画“水墨为上”色彩观

18.On the Difference and Similarity between ChineseInk-and-Water Painting and Western Water-color;试比较中国水墨画与西洋水彩画之异同


morden chinese pensonl water-ink painting当代中国水墨人物画

3)Chinese contemporary watercolor中国当代水彩画

1.This paper attempts at an analysis of the diversification development ofChinese contemporary watercolor.本文尝试性的分析了中国当代水彩画多元化的发展趋势。

4)Chinese Painting当代中国画

1.Lin Fengmian Painting Artistic Achievements of ContemporaryChinese Painting;林风眠的绘画艺术成就对当代中国画的影响

5)Chinese ink wash drawing中国水墨画

1.InChinese ink wash drawing, a self-similar silhouette is generated on Xuan paper while ink diffuses.针对水墨在宣纸上扩散后会出现较明显的具有自相似特性的轮廓线这一特点 ,提出一种仿真中国水墨画扩散边界的实现方法 该方法通过流体仿真模型产生扩散笔迹 ,利用分形在扩散笔迹的最外层模拟一条不规则的扩散边界 ,并填充两者之间的空隙 ,使得扩散效果更自然、逼真 实验结果表明 ,借助分形模拟的扩散效果接近真实的水墨画效

2.Pseudo Brown movement” model is used to simulate the impetus of water to ink particles It can recognize and pick up edges from input strokes and use them to initialize the particle movement Furthermore, it uses “layer mixing arithmetic” to realize multi stroke superposition The experiment results indicate that this algorithm simulates the typical effects ofChinese ink wash drawing successfull通过分析中国水墨画绘画材料及相互作用关系 ,提出一个基于粒子系统的仿真模型体系 ,用以实现中国水墨画的典型艺术效果 该仿真模型借鉴粒子系统的基本概念 ,使用“伪布朗运动”作为水墨粒子流动的推动力 ;对给定的输入笔迹进行边缘提取和检出 ,并作为粒子初始化的依据 ;使用层对象混合运算实现基本的多笔次叠加效果 实验结果表明 ,该算法较成功地模拟了中国水墨画的典型效

3.But for theChinese ink wash drawing, which is the chiefrepresentation of Oriental fine art system, little simulating work has been done.对传统绘画艺术进行仿真是计算机科学与艺术相结合的新兴的研究领域,随着图形学的快速发展,人们对传统绘画尤其是油画、水彩画等西画艺术品系的模拟实现取得了令人瞩目的成绩,但是对于东方画系的中国水墨画的仿真研究,还处于起步阶段。

6)Chinese painting中国水墨画

1.However, as the apotheosis of the Oriental fine art system, theChinese painting was not re.然而对于东方画系的中国水墨画,仿真研究尚处于初步阶段。


