1500字范文 > 游牧民族 nomadic people英语短句 例句大全

游牧民族 nomadic people英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-23 22:54:48


游牧民族 nomadic people英语短句 例句大全

游牧民族,nomadic people

1)nomadic people游牧民族

1.Based on the research of the changes in the levirate custom of the northernnomadic peoples represented by the Xiongnu and Xianbei after their migration to the central plain area during the Jin,Southern and Northern Dynasties,this paper discusses the law in transition fornomadic people of North China and clarifies the social and economic reasons of such changes.两晋南北朝时期以匈奴、鲜卑为代表的北方游牧民族进入中原后"收继婚"观念和制度变迁,讨论北方游牧民族法律变迁,揭示该时期北方游牧民族法律观念和法律制度变迁背后的社会经济原因。

2.Nomadic culture of nomadic society makes the socialization of traditionalnomadic people in Xinjiang have its own unique that is full of nomadic culture as well as limitation in the process of modernization, which shows as following.游牧社会所特有的游牧文化,使新疆传统游牧民族个体的社会化也具有独特性,其传统社会化过程深深打上了游牧文化的烙印。

3.The issue of settlement of thenomadic people has always been a conventional topic under discussion.随着社会的发展、人口的增加、文明的进步 ,游牧民族对物质、文化生活的要求越来越高。


1.a member of the nomadic peoples of Mongolia.蒙古游牧民族的成员。

2.A Brief Comparison of Ancient Nomadic Nationalities and Agricultural Nationalities;古代游牧民族与农业民族的粗略比较

3.a member of a nomadic people of the northern Ural mountains.乌戈尔山脉北部游牧民族的一支。

4.a member of a nomadic people who invaded Europe in the 4th century.在4世纪侵略欧洲的游牧民族的一支。

5.Fasti Festival and the Dietetic Culture of Northern Nomad Nationalities岁时节庆与北方游牧民族饮食文化

6.The horse is essential to nomadic tribes.游牧民族的生活中一刻也离不开马,

7.Nomads have inhabited this region for thousands of years.游牧民族在这地区居住已有数千年了。

8.A member of any of the traditionally nomadic peoples of Mongolia.蒙古族人任一蒙古传统游牧民族中的一员

9.Study on the Nomad Peoples Tribes and Jiu Systems as Khitan in the Northwest Area of Jin Dynasty;金朝西北部契丹等游牧民族的部族、糺制度研究

10.His extraction reflected the change of an individual of nomadic people from nomadism to agriculture.其家世反映出北方游牧民族个体辗转反复、从游牧到农耕的变化。

11.From Nomadic Life to Settlement:A Great Change In the Traditional Life and Productive Way of Nomadic People;从游牧到定居是游牧民族传统生产生活方式的重大变革

12.On the Boats in the South and the Horses in the North: Talking about the Value of Folk Sayings of Nomadic and Farming Nationalities;“南船北马”析——谈游牧民族与农耕民族民间谚语中的民俗价值

13.The Policy of Xinjiang Goverment toward Nomadic Peoples in Republic of China Times;民国新疆地方政府对游牧民族的统治政策

14.Invasion of Nomadic Nationalities from the North Improved Influences of Folk WuShu of Central Plain in Ancient China;我国古代北方游牧民族对中原民间武术的影响

15.The Patriarchal Characteristics of the Funeral Arrangements and Sacrificial Rites of the Nomadic in Ancient Northern China;北方古代游牧民族丧葬祭祀习俗中的宗法特征——北方古代游牧民族宗法文化研究之四

16.The nomads moved to this arid region centuries ago.游牧民族几百年前就来到这个贫瘠的地区。

17.The Historical Development and Present Situation of the Northern Horde Craft Culture;北方游牧民族工艺文化的发展历史与现状

18.Looking Back at the Research on the Plastic Arts of the Nomadic People of North China;中国北方游牧民族造型艺术研究百年回顾



1.Research into the Origination and Development of Bone-setting in Ancient NorthernNomads;古代北方游牧民族正骨术考

2.The Movement of the nomads starting fromcentral and northern Asia and its effects;论古代中北亚游牧民族的移动及其影响

3.Turkic was regarded as one of north prairie nomads.突厥作为北方草原的一个游牧民族,它在公元六、七世纪时在欧亚大陆北部和东部建立了强大的游牧政权,即突厥汗国,曾对西域的历史发生过重大影响,其中突厥人"重兵死,而耻病终"的特征对突厥汗国的兴衰败亡起到了重要作用。

3)nomadic nationalities游牧民族

1.The Mongol highland was the cradle of thenomadic nationalities of Northern China.蒙古高原是北方游牧民族的摇篮。


5)nomadic nation游牧民族

1.As one of the activenomadic nations in the Northwest of China,the Tanguts founded the Western Xia Dynasty centering now Yinchuan from 1038 to 1227 in the history.党项是活动在我国西北地区的游牧民族之一,于1038年至1227年间以银川为中心建立了雄强一时的西夏王朝。

2.Nomadic nation has good cultural tradition and ecological custom that they protect grassland,forest,waterland,wild anrimals and livestock.游牧民族具有保护草原、保护森林、保护水源、保护野生动物、保护牲畜的优良文化传统和生态习俗。

6)nomadic peoples游牧民族

1.The activity of "take the lamb" develops extremely widely and has the rich national characteristic in the Xinjiangnomadic peoples,the author deals with the historical origin and the culture characters of "take the lamb".“叼羊”活动在新疆游牧民族中开展十分广泛,具有丰富的民族特色,文章对“叼羊”活动的历史渊源及文化特征进行论述。


