1500字范文 > 伤害死亡 Injury英语短句 例句大全

伤害死亡 Injury英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-17 10:37:43


伤害死亡 Injury英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis for Death Level ofInjury and the Influential Factors for Kunming Residents in ;昆明市居民伤害死亡水平及影响因素分析


1.Trend of Death by Injury in Death Cause Surveillance Areas in Sichuan四川省死因监测点伤害死亡变化趋势

2.Analysis on the Trend and Potential Losses of Injury Deaths in the Residents of Taiyuan City;太原市居民伤害死亡状况与损失分析

3.National Case-control Study of Suicide and Accidental Death;自杀与其它伤害死亡全国性对照研究

4.Analysis of status of injury death in Pizhou City from to ~邳州市伤害死亡情况分析

5.Characteristics of Injury Death among Residents in Zoucheng City from to —邹城市居民伤害死亡特征

6.Analysis on The Causes of Injury Death in Residents of Fengxian District of Shanghai City上海市奉贤区居民伤害死亡原因分析

7.Study on Fatal Accidental Injuries among Residents of Urban Area in Tianjin from 1988 to ;天津市1988~部分市区居民意外伤害死亡分析

8.Investigation and Analysis of the Mortality of Injury on Inhabitants of Nanzhao County of Henan Province;河南省南召县居民伤害死亡情况调查分析

9.Investigation and Analysis of the Mortality of Injury on Inhabitants of Three Cities in Guangxi from 1997 to 2001;1997~2001年广西三城市居民伤害死亡调查分析

10.Analysis of injury induced life loss among residents of Xiangfang District of Harbin,1997-哈尔滨市香坊区1997-居民伤害死亡减寿分析

11.Analysis of the death and potential life lost of injury in Wuxi,1996~2000无锡市1996~2000年伤害死亡状况和潜在寿命损失分析

12.An Epidemiological Analysis on the Fatal Child Injuries among Children under the Age of 14 Years in Shandong Province from to ~山东省0~14岁儿童伤害死亡流行病学分析

13.Study on Injury Death and Life Lost in Shahekou District of Dalian City from 2002 to 2002~大连市沙河口区居民伤害死亡和减寿情况分析

14.Study on Epidemiological Trend and Disease Burden of Injury Death from 1992 to in Minhang District,Shanghai1992~上海市闵行区伤害死亡流行趋势和疾病负担分析

pensation for death or injury suffered by a worker in the course of his employment.对工人的因工死亡或伤害给予的赔偿。

16.Can auto insurance reduce the deaths, the injuries, or the damages?汽车保险公司能减少死亡、伤害和损伤吗?

17.When insurant suffers accident harm to cause death, the underwriter gives pay insurance against death gold.被保险人遭受意外伤害造成死亡时,保险人给付死亡保险金。

18.cause the victim serious injury, death, or other serious consequences.致使被害人重伤、死亡或者造成其他严重后果的


Accidents death意外伤害死亡

3)injury-caused death伤害死亡原因

1.Analysis of causes of 559injury-caused death cases in Zhongwei city,Ningxia Hui autonomous region,-;-宁夏回族自治区中卫市城区559例伤害死亡原因分析

4)Intentional injury causing death故意伤害致人死亡

1.The crime ofIntentional injury causing death is a specific form of aggregated consequential offense which in China belongs to the crime types with extremely high incidence.对于故意伤害罪,刑法理论界已作了广泛深入的研究,但司法实践中仍然时常会遇到一些难以解决的问题,特别是在故意伤害致人死亡的情况下,更是经常出现多种观点的分歧——如在对伤害行为的界定,对死亡结果的罪过的认定,故意伤害致死与间接故意杀人、过失致人死亡的区别等方面。

5)?trauma death创伤性死亡

6)killed of wounded (KORW)死亡或受伤


《涉及人身伤害与死亡的产品责任公约》《涉及人身伤害与死亡的产品责任公约》Convention on Product Liability Related to Personal Injuries and DeathSheji Renshen Shanghai YU 51阴闪de ChanPin ZerenGa飞扮ue《涉及人身伤容与死亡的产品贵任公约》(肠砒瓜俪on乃记讹tl勿b“勿凡如沈J toPe加翔以扭加庇3and块以h)又称《斯特拉斯堡公约》。关于产品责任的区域性条约之一。由欧洲共同体理事会拟定,于l盯7年1月27日起由该理事会的成员国签字。该公约已经对成员国正式生效。公约共19条和1个附件。其主要内容为:①关于产品贵任的原则。公约对产品贵任适用严格责任归贵原则,并要求各缔约国应在不迟于公约对其生效之日起使其国内法符合公约的各项原则。②关于生产者的范围。公约将4种人列为生产者,即生产商(含装配零部件和商品的制造商);产品进口商;任何使自己的名字、商标或者其他识别特征出现在商品上面,将其作为自己产品的出示者;产品没有标明任何生产者的身份时,则每个供应商均视为生产者。③关于生产者的赔偿责任及其确认。生产者应当承担其缺陷产品造成人身伤害或死亡的赔偿责任。若数人对同一损害负有责任,则每个人应当承担全部责任。④关于受害人权索赔的人的自身过失。在考虑了索赔人自身过所有情况以后,侵害人可以减少或者拒绝赔偿。于损害赔偿及其赔偿限额。规定损害赔偿范围仅人身伤害,不包括财产的损失;受害人获得赔偿的数额取决于有关各国国内法的规定。(纪正公有的关于体﹄甘内乏入们夕口d人,嘴、、尹
