1500字范文 > 日最大降雨量 day maximum rainfall quantity英语短句 例句大全

日最大降雨量 day maximum rainfall quantity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-04 10:55:11


日最大降雨量 day maximum rainfall quantity英语短句 例句大全

日最大降雨量,day maximum rainfall quantity

1)day maximum rainfall quantity日最大降雨量


1.The Method Research of Obtained Rainfall Intensity by day Maximum Rainfall Quantity用日最大降雨量获得站点雨强的方法研究

2.Maximum Rainfall in One Day and Maximum Rainfall in One Hour for the Applicability of Frequency Analysis Research in Taiwan Area日最大降水量与时最大降水量于台湾地区频率分析适用性之研究

3.3)The rainfall is bigger during the SW monsoon season but smaller in winter.3)夏季西南季风盛行期间雨量最为集中,而冬季的降水量较小,降水日数也较少。

4.Rainfall is fine, and will not hurt a box turtle unless flooding occurs.如果雨量不大那降雨也不会伤害龟。

5.Recently too much rain fell for some crops in the southeaster plains.对东南部平原的一些农作物来说,最近的降雨量太大了。

6.an annual rainfall of 10 cm年降雨量10厘米.

7.a tropical forest with heavy annual rainfall.年降雨量很大的热带森林。

8.This is about the same as 60 years of rainfall all over the globe.这与全球60年的降雨量大体等同。

9.The quantity of precipitation varies greatly from year to year in these regions.在这些地区每年降雨量的变化很大。

10.Recently too much rain fell for some crops in the southern southeastern plainsPlains.近来在东南部的平原地区有大量降雨。

11.Partitioning and Chemistry of Rainfall in Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in Tiantong;天童常绿阔叶林大气降雨再分配及降雨分量的化学特征

12.The Dynamic Feature Analysis of Rainfall Erosivity in Yan"an Area Based on Daily Rainfall Amounts基于日雨量的延安地区降雨侵蚀力动态特征分析

13.The Annual Extreme Value Distributing Analysis on Turpan s Day Maximum Precipitation in Its Basin and Plain and Mountain Areas;浅析吐鲁番盆地平原及山区一日最大降水量年极值的分布

14.As a heavy rain fell thoughout the day, the rescue work became very difficult.连日降大雨使得救援工作变的十分困难.

15.The amount of nutrient input with rainfall in forest landwas more than the amount of runoff output.降雨输入林地的养分量大于径流的输出量。

16.The areas of greater rainfall conform roughly with these forested areas.降雨量较大地区大致与这些森林地区相符合。

17.The driest month is January with 23.4 millimetres and it rains on only about six days in the month.一月最少雨,平均雨量仅有23.4毫米,全月大约只有6天下雨。

18.depth-area-duration analysis of severe rainstorm暴雨的雨量─面积─降雨期分析


Maximum rainfall最大降雨量

3)the maximum 1-day rainfall最大1日降雨

1.The relationship between the incoming sediment coefficient and the maximum flood peaks and the relation between maximum daily incoming sediment coefficients andthe maximum 1-day rainfall are all inverse power function.流域3个主要水文站自1988年以来年平均来沙系数均有明显增大的趋势;流域最大洪峰来沙系数和最大日平均来沙系数均与流域最大1日降雨量呈反比例幂函数变化关系;来沙系数随着降雨的增大而减小。

4)annual maximum daily storm年最大日雨量

1.The Gumbel-hougaard Copula function was used to analyze the joint distributions betweenannual maximum daily storm and seven-day storm amounts which are both with Pearson type III marginal distributions.利用Gumbel-Hougaard Copula函数构建边缘分布均为PIII型分布的年最大日雨量与年最大七日雨量之间的联合分布。

5)maximum rainfall in 24 h最大24h降雨量

6)maximum rainfall within 6 hours最大6h降雨量


