1500字范文 > 歌曲题材 subject-matter of song英语短句 例句大全

歌曲题材 subject-matter of song英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-30 21:46:41


歌曲题材 subject-matter of song英语短句 例句大全

歌曲题材,subject-matter of song

1)subject-matter of song歌曲题材

2)themes of folk songs民间歌曲题材

3)style of lyrics歌曲主题


1.Let the World Full of Love: Humanitarianism in Popular Songs--On Theme of Chinese Popular Songs (III);让世界充满爱:流行歌曲中的人道主义——中国流行歌曲主题研究之三

2.Create Image to Show Meaning: Reasons and Interests in Pop Music--On Theme of Chinese Pop Music (IV);立象以现意:流行歌曲中的理趣——中国流行歌曲主题研究之四

3.Do You Know I am Waiting for You? Past Times Remembering in Popular Songs--On Theme of Chinese Popular Songs (II);你知道我在等你吗:流行歌曲中的怀旧之情——中国流行歌曲主题研究之二

4.The title song of the film was sung by an up-and-coming young singer影片的主题歌曲由一位歌坛新秀主唱

5.The songs are about mostly serious subjects.歌曲要表现的多是严肃的主题。

6.a series of poems or songs on the same theme.一系列同一主题的诗或歌曲。

7."The Still, Sad Music of Humanity" -On Wordsworth s poetic motif;“沉静的人间悲曲”——华兹华斯的诗歌主题

8.A good theme song adds much colour to a TV series.一曲优美的主题歌能给电视剧增色不少。

9.The suite is a composite of themes for various parts of the opera.这组曲是这部歌剧不同部分的主题的合成篇

10.A common topic was the difficulties of courtship.这些歌曲当中,一个常见的主题便是求爱的艰难。

11.John enjoys listening to torch songs.约翰喜欢听(常以单恋为主题的)感伤歌曲。

12.he swings beezily into the title song.他轻快而又迅速地转入主题曲的歌唱中。

pare the Contemporary Popular Song with "Hua Jian" Ci on the Topic of Love;当代流行歌曲与《花间》词情爱主题之比较

14.The same kind subject contrast song appreciates effective teaching means;同类主题对比—歌曲欣赏教学的有效手段

15.Mission of the Overture in Opera Rigoletto--a Study on the Music Subject of Rigoletto;歌剧《弄臣》中序曲的使命——黎戈莱托音乐主题探析

16.A THEMATIC ANALYSIS INTO OF MICE AND MEN;一曲梦想爱的孤独之歌——《人鼠之间》主题试析

17.An Example for Permeation of Thematic Tone through Songs--A Melody Analysis of "A folk Song to the Party";歌曲中主题音调贯穿发展的范例——《唱支山歌给党听》旋律分析

18.Chen Peixun"s variations Selling Sundry Goods, and Drought Thunder; Sang Tong"s Seven Inner Mongolian Folksongs;陈培勋的改编曲《卖杂货》、《早天雷》,桑桐的《内蒙民歌主题小曲七首》,


themes of folk songs民间歌曲题材

3)style of lyrics歌曲主题

4)opera subject matter歌剧题材

5)folk song topic民歌题材

6)poem"s subject-matter詩歌题材


