1500字范文 > 灌水技术要素组合 technique elemental factor combination英语短句 例句大全

灌水技术要素组合 technique elemental factor combination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-11 04:10:25


灌水技术要素组合 technique elemental factor combination英语短句 例句大全

灌水技术要素组合,technique elemental factor combination

1)technique elemental factor combination灌水技术要素组合

2)irrigation design and management variables灌水技术要素

3)irrigation parameter灌水要素

4)irrigation technology灌水技术

1.Water-savingirrigation technology of wheat,one of the main crops in Huaibei district,has been tested against lower water-using utilization ratio and managing standard by means of contrasted and repeated experiments in the research.研究中利用已有作物水分生产函数而得出的不同频率下小麦需水量 ,计算出了较先进灌水技术的节水量和水分生产率 ,得到发展节水灌溉技术定量性分析结果 ,也为进一步研究节水灌溉技术中的有关重要参数打下了基础。

2.The author considers that the adaptability principle must be kept for the spreading advanced surfaceirrigation technology,sprinkling irrigation and micro-ir.作者认为,应该切实坚持因地制宜、注重实效、工程措施与非工程措施并举的原则,按灌区的具体特点制定出不同的推广目标,对于先进的地面灌溉、喷灌、微灌应遵照各自的适用条件进行推广;今后的研究重点是地面灌水技术、覆膜灌溉综合技术体系、灌溉决策及非充分灌溉技术的持续与深入,作为技术储备的渗灌技术应用研究。

3.The theoretical basis ofirrigation technology for carrying out the general goal of agricultural water--saving, high y.简要叙述了当前地膜种植的一般灌水方法和存在问题;提出了膜孔灌及其灌水技术的新概念,进而得出了膜孔灌灌水强度和均匀灌水原理的数学表达式;解决了地面灌不易解决的难题——提高灌水均匀度和延伸灌水长度的矛盾。


1.Effects of Irrigation Parameters on the Soil Moisture, Heat, Solut Dynamics, and Crop Water Use under Drip Irrigation with Plastic Film Mulch;膜下滴灌灌水技术参数对土壤水热盐动态和作物水分利用的影响

2.Infiltration Irrigation--A Advanced Water-Saving Irrigation Technique in Greenhouse Culture;渗灌——设施园艺先进的节水灌溉技术

3.Study on Application of Water-saving and High-yield Irrigation Control Technology for Rice in Yinchuan Irrigated Area银川灌区水稻节水高产控制灌溉技术应用研究

4.Study on Application of Water-saving and Control Irrigation Technique of Rice in the Ningxia Irrigation Area of Yellow River;宁夏引黄灌区水稻节水控灌技术应用研究

5.A Critical Technology Research of Automatic Water Delivery and Distribution in Thrift Irrigation District;节水灌区输配水自动化关键技术研究

6.Review of the development of water saving irrigation technology by use of low pressure pipes;低压管道输水节水灌溉技术发展综述

7.Irrigation technique of saline water and regulation and control method of soil water and salt微咸水灌溉技术与土壤水盐调控方法

8.agricultural aspect, should promote using method that saves water, such as spray pumping and drip pumping.农业方面﹐应该推广使用节水技术﹐如喷灌﹐滴灌。

9.Research and Application on the Technology of Pouring Concrete of Bored Piles under Water;钻孔灌注桩水下混凝土灌注技术研究与应用

10.Study on the Irrigation Technique of Slight Saline Water in NingXia Diversion Yellow River Irrigation Area;宁夏引黄灌区微咸水灌溉技术试验研究

11.Study on the Schedule and Water-Fertilizer Coupling Techniques of the Cotton under Mulched Drip Irrigation;棉花膜下滴灌灌溉制度及水肥耦合技术研究

12.Study on Orientation of Spray Irrigation Technologies from Perspective of Influence of Water-saving Irrigation on Agriculture从节水灌溉对农业的影响看喷灌技术发展方向

13.Research on Water-Saving Irrigation Technique Development Model and Gravity Sprinkler Irrigation Application in Arid Areas Xinjiang;新疆干旱区节水灌溉工程技术发展模式与自压喷灌技术应用研究

14.The Technology of Spliting and Filling with Mud in the Embankment Dam of Nan Lin Reservoir南林水库土坝坝体劈裂灌浆施工技术

15.Research on technique of storing rainwater in pit for crop supplementary irrigation窖蓄雨水与农作物补充灌溉技术研究

16.The Folklore of Water and Women in Irrigation Technology;有关灌溉技术的水和女性的民间传承

17.The Discussion of Water Saving Irrigation Techniques Applying in Southwest of Our Country;我国西南地区农业节水灌溉技术探讨

18.On the Application of Paste Pouring in Treating Surface of the Cement Tong Road;灌浆技术处治旧水泥砼路面应用探讨


irrigation design and management variables灌水技术要素

3)irrigation parameter灌水要素

4)irrigation technology灌水技术

1.Water-savingirrigation technology of wheat,one of the main crops in Huaibei district,has been tested against lower water-using utilization ratio and managing standard by means of contrasted and repeated experiments in the research.研究中利用已有作物水分生产函数而得出的不同频率下小麦需水量 ,计算出了较先进灌水技术的节水量和水分生产率 ,得到发展节水灌溉技术定量性分析结果 ,也为进一步研究节水灌溉技术中的有关重要参数打下了基础。

2.The author considers that the adaptability principle must be kept for the spreading advanced surfaceirrigation technology,sprinkling irrigation and micro-ir.作者认为,应该切实坚持因地制宜、注重实效、工程措施与非工程措施并举的原则,按灌区的具体特点制定出不同的推广目标,对于先进的地面灌溉、喷灌、微灌应遵照各自的适用条件进行推广;今后的研究重点是地面灌水技术、覆膜灌溉综合技术体系、灌溉决策及非充分灌溉技术的持续与深入,作为技术储备的渗灌技术应用研究。

3.The theoretical basis ofirrigation technology for carrying out the general goal of agricultural water--saving, high y.简要叙述了当前地膜种植的一般灌水方法和存在问题;提出了膜孔灌及其灌水技术的新概念,进而得出了膜孔灌灌水强度和均匀灌水原理的数学表达式;解决了地面灌不易解决的难题——提高灌水均匀度和延伸灌水长度的矛盾。

5)irrigation technique灌水技术

1.Field test of apple orchard subsurfaceirrigation techniques;果树地下滴灌灌水技术田间试验研究

2.Subsurface drip irrigation(SDI) is a kind of water-savingirrigation technique with low quota which is being researched in China and abroad.介绍了地下滴渗灌的研究与应用现状,分析了灌水技术指标、作物需水量和节水增产效应、土壤水分运动规律及数值模拟、灌水器等方面的研发进展,讨论了目前存在的问题和未来的研究方向等方面。

3.A complete evaluation system for the water quality indexes and water e-conomic norms should be worked out for the correct design and application of the on-farm irrigation methods andirrigation techniques.正确设计和实施灌水方法及灌水技术必须制订一套完整的质量指标和经济指标体系。

6)technical factors技术要素

1.The computer program results on precedence development sequence of sixtechnical factors in China housing industry by the improving-hierarchy-analysis and fuzzy evaluation indicated that man is the most active factor among the productive forces and direct operator of various techniques.根据改进的层次分析模糊综合评判 (IAFE法 )计算机程序运算的我国住宅产业六大技术要素优先发展的顺序结果表明 ,人是生产力最活跃的因素 ,也是各种技术的直接操作者 。


