1500字范文 > 经济计量模型 econometric model英语短句 例句大全

经济计量模型 econometric model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-18 15:46:04


经济计量模型 econometric model英语短句 例句大全

经济计量模型,econometric model

1)econometric model经济计量模型

1.This article caculates the controllable variables and gives a resonable scale of foreign investment for the ecnomic development of an area by using the macroeconometric model.本文运用宏观经济计量模型对地区经济发展作出预测,通过可控变量,得出合理的引进外资的规模。

2.Based on analysis of Yangzhou economy,this paper builds upeconometric model of Yangzhou city.采用经济计量技术,在对扬州市经济运行分析基础上,建立了扬州市经济计量模型。


1.large-scale econometric model大规模经济计量模型

2.industry-wide econometric model全工业经济计量模型

3.multi-equation econometric mode多方程经济计量模型

4.extended simple econometric model广义简单经济计量模型

5.operational econometric model可操作经济计量模型;可供使用经济计量模型

6.onometric modeling technique经济计量模型建立技术;经济计量模型建立技术

7.specification of econometric model structural form经济计量模型结构形式的设定;经济计量模型结构形式的设定

8.timing in econometric model经济计量模型的时间选择;经济计量模型的时间选择

9.Econometric model and method for analysis of dynamic economic system;动态经济系统分析的经济计量模型与方法

10.Function of Econometric Model in Economic Policy Analysis经济计量模型在经济政策分析中的作用

11.multivariate single equation econometric mode多元单一方程经济计量模型

12.Leontieff input-output econometric model列昂惕夫投入产出经济计量模型

13.Econometrics Model for Analyzing and Forecasting in Provincial Scale in China省级经济计量模型的建立与预测分析

14.Econometric Model and Input-output in the Supervising System;管理系统中经济计量模型与投入产出

15.noneconometric simulation model非经济计量模拟模型

16.nonlinear econometrics model非线性计量经济学模型

17.Modeling of Dynamic Economic Computation;对动态经济计量建模过程的模型研究

18.Kernel estimation with variable bandwidth for nonparametric regression econometric models;非参数计量经济模型的变窗宽核估计


econometrics model经济计量模型

1.A province in China is selected as a case study,aneconometrics model which describes the development of the province is set up to forecast and analysis the development of the province.选取某省作案例,通过建立宏观经济计量模型来对该省的经济发展进行预测和分析评价,并根据预测分析结果,对该省的经济发展提出了一些建议·最终结果表明:经济计量模型是对省区经济发展进行量化分析的有效工具之一;建立的模型与该省的经济运行基本吻合;该模型的框架可以普遍推广应

2.Sucheconometrics models as ARIMA,dual logarithm,and virtual variables were used to account how the population,the level of urbanization,the demand for food,the policy of arable land protection and its effect affect arable quantity security of Qingdao City with the acceleration growth of economy.用AR IMA、双对数函数、虚拟变量等经济计量模型测算了人口增长、城市化进程、消费需求增加和耕地保护政策及其执行力度对经济快速增长条件下青岛市的耕地数量安全的影响。

3)econometrics model计量经济模型

1.The current effect and the lagging effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on economy increase of Hunan province byeconometrics model are analyzed and that FDI contribution to economy increase of Hunan province is found.以“支出法”为依据建立计量经济模型,分析外国直接投资对湖南经济增长的当前效应和滞后效应,从中发现前者对后者做出了不可忽视的贡献。

2.After its introduction to China, Econometrics model has been given more and more attention through economists to governors because its prediction and planning utility.计量经济模型往往采用让资料本身去说明事实的论证方法,从分析已有的资料出发,对所研究的经济变量的相互关系作出假设,然后用计算结果来检验假设。

3.Based on the theory of maritime economics,the paper revealed the relation in quantity among international trade,supply and demand of shipping and then predicted short run freight of future shipping market by establishing and solvingeconometrics model.基于航运经济理论,通过航运市场需求与供给的计量经济模型的建立与求解,揭示国际贸易、航运供需之间的数量关系,进而对未来航运市场运价进行短期预测。

4)Econometric model计量经济模型

1.Study on macro-econometric model for machinery industry;机械工业宏观计量经济模型研究

2.Land asset and policy factors for acreage changes of cultivated land in China based on econometric model;基于计量经济模型的中国耕地数量变化政策与资产因素分析

3.The study focuses on the analysis of some relevant factors that may affect the specialised personnel and it also deals with the formation of econometric model.通过分析影响油田企业专业队伍演变的相关因素 ,建立了计量经济模型 ,并依据油田勘探开发规模的现状及预期的规划指标 ,考虑劳动效率的影响 ,预测出油田未来发展对专业队伍的需求 ,从而为确定专业队伍调整和富余职工分流方案提供可靠依

5)econometric models计量经济模型

1.Using empirical data andeconometric models,it analyzes the relationship between enterprise performance and enterprise technological innovation behaviors.以产业组织理论中的哈佛学派和芝加哥学派的争议为研究起点,利用实证资料和计量经济模型,分析了企业绩效与企业技术创新行为的关系,研究结果表明,我国企业的技术创新行为对企业的绩效有显著的正相关关系,这个结论符合产业组织理论中哈佛学派的观点。

2.In this paper, a class ofeconometric models is studied.研究了一类计量经济模型。

3.Heteroscedasticity and serial correlation are theoretically analyzed on their inconsistency with the important assumptions of theeconometric models.通过分析两种违背计量经济模型基本假设的异方差和序列相关问题,以最小二乘法为主要方法,提出多种新型参数检验和参数修正的方法,从而提高计量模型的合理性和预测的有效性。

6)econometrics model计量经济学模型

1.Analysis of port′s influence on economy is conducted based mainly on system dynamics(SD),combining also input-output method,the Mulitplier,andeconometrics model.以系统动力学(SD)模型为主体,结合投入产出法、乘数法和计量经济学模型,进行了港口经济影响分析。

2.Based on the theory that investment in fixed assets makes great contributions to economic growth,this paper quantitatively analyzes the relationship between investment in fixed assets of Anhui province and its economic growth by establishing aneconometrics model.以固定资产投资拉动经济增长理论为依据,建立计量经济学模型,对安徽省固定资产投资与经济增长之间的关系进行定量分析。

3.On the basis of discussing the characteristic and conten of regional economic planning on county level, thisarticle establishes theeconometrics model and goal planning policies for regional economic planning on county level.本文在概述县域经济规划的特点及基本内容的基础上,以投资和劳动力分配为规划的主要经济政策,建立了县域经济计量经济学模型和县域经济目标规划模型,并以河南省某县为例作为实证分析,从而论证了该方法的可行性和有效性。


