1500字范文 > 北京市山区 mountainous area in Beijing city英语短句 例句大全

北京市山区 mountainous area in Beijing city英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-17 09:33:30


北京市山区 mountainous area in Beijing city英语短句 例句大全

北京市山区,mountainous area in Beijing city

1)mountainous area in Beijing city北京市山区


1.Study on current situation and management measures for mountain scenery forest in Beijing北京市山区风景林现状分析及经营措施研究

2.Twenty five kilometers away from the city at the eastern foothill of the Western Hills,the Fragrant Hill Park is a renowned one of all the parks tucked away among the hills in the western suburbs of Beijing.香山位于京郊西山的东麓,距北京市区25公里,是北京著名的山林公园。

3.Analysis of the Risk Factors of Infant Death in Dart Mountainous Counties of Beijing.北京市部分山区婴儿死亡危险因素分析

4.An evaluation on drug sales surveillance system at Shijingshan District of Beijing;北京市石景山区药品销售监测系统评价

5.A study on drug sales surveillance system at Shijingshan District of Beijing;北京市石景山区药品销售监测系统研究

6.The Problems and Suggestions of the Policy of the Ecological Forest Compensation in Implementation in Beijing Mountainous Area;对山区生态林补偿政策实施的调查——北京市案例

7.Nutritional status of primary school students in Fangshan District of Beijing from 1998 to ;1998~北京市房山区小学生营养状况分析

8.Nutritional Status of Students in Fangshan District,Beijing from 1998 to ;北京市房山区中小学生1998-营养状况

9.Analysis of Factors Affecting Farme rs Income in Remote Mountainous Area in Beijing;北京市边远山区农民收入影响因素分析

10.Preliminary research on land use potential of Fangshan District in Beijing City;北京市房山区土地资源利用潜力开发的对策

11.The Study of Beijing Fangshan s SustainableDevelopment Evaluation Target Systems;北京市房山区可持续发展评价指标体系研究

12.Study on Organohalogens in Atmosphere in Shijingshan District, Beijing北京市石景山区大气中有机卤素污染物的研究

13.Current status of voluntary counseling and testing for HIV infection in Shijingshan district,Beijing,北京市石景山区艾滋病自愿咨询检测状况

14.Study on the character of rodent community in Lingshan mountain in Beijing北京市灵山地区鼠类种群特征的调查研究

15.Difficulties and Solutions of the Sustainable Land Use Strategy in Suburban Hilly Area in Beijing北京市浅山区土地可持续利用的困境与出路

16.Epidemiological features of chickenpox outbreaks at schools in Shijingshan District of Beijing during to ~北京市石景山区学校水痘爆发疫情

17.Environment Conditions Effects on Animal Husbandry Bearing Capacity in Fangshan District,Beijing环境对北京市房山区畜牧养殖承载力的影响

18.Analysis of trend of HIV/AIDS prevalence during 2001 to in Shijingshan District,Beijing2001~北京市石景山区艾滋病疫情流行趋势


Fangshan district in Beijing北京市房山区

1.Ecological sensitivity division based on SOM-a case study ofFangshan district in Beijing;基于自组织神经网络的生态敏感性分区——以北京市房山区为例

3)Remote Mountainous Area in Beijing北京市边远山区

1.Analysis of Factors Affecting Farme rs Income inRemote Mountainous Area in Beijing;北京市边远山区农民收入影响因素分析

4)Beijing mountain area北京山区

1.A Preliminary Discussion on theUrbanization in Beijing Mountain Areas;北京山区城镇化道路初探

2.Changes of land use structure inBeijing mountain area based on spatial Lorrenze curves;基于空间洛伦茨曲线的北京山区土地利用结构变化

3.A study on sap flow of Juglans mandshurica of growth season in deciduous broad leaf forest Beijing Mountain area;北京山区落叶阔叶林中核桃楸在生长中期的树干液流研究

5)Beijing mountainous area北京山区

1.The spatial differentiation of construction land expansion inBeijing mountainous area;北京山区建设用地扩展空间分异分析

2.Situation and countermeasures of debris flow disaster in Beijing Mountainous area;北京山区泥石流灾害现状及防治对策

3.Analysis of the driving forces of change of rural residential areas inBeijing mountainous areas based on Logistic regression model;基于Logistic回归模型的北京山区农村居民点变化的驱动力分析

6)Beijing mountain北京山区

1.Charactors of Deposits in Xibailian Watershed and Discussing on the Preventment of Debris Flows in Beijing Mountain;西白莲峪堆积物特征和北京山区泥石流防治探讨




中山区位于台北市中心。此区因国父孙中山先生曾于本区梅屋敷休憩,为纪念之因而得名,梅屋敷即今日国父史迹纪念馆。中山区邻近台北车站,是较早开发的台北城区,中山北路贯穿此区。沿著中山北路有许多旅馆,邻近的林森北路一到夜晚灯红酒绿。区内地标建筑为中山足球场及台北市立美术馆。本区北部为大直,有许多高级住宅区。基本资料古名 牛埔邮递区号 104总人口 208,101人(12月)经度 东经121度32纬度 北纬25度03总面积 13.68km2行政区类别 市辖区区长 詹训明区划 42里864邻官方网站 台北市中山区公所[[1]]民意机关 台北市议会地理位置北接士林区,东邻松山区、内湖区,西为大同区,南接大安区与中正区。教育·大专院校国立台北大学实践大学大同大学·高中职校市立中山女中市立大直高中台北市立大同高中私立大同高中交通台北捷运棕线─木栅线、内湖线(内湖线预定通车)台北捷运红线─淡水线台北捷运橘线─新庄线(新庄线预定通车)台北捷运绿线─松山线(松山线预定通车)旅游·名胜行天宫荣星公园新生公园台北渔市台北故事馆美丽华百乐园树火纸博物馆大佳河滨公园台北市立美术馆台北市立儿童育乐中心林安泰古厝民俗文物馆·古迹[一级古迹]圆山遗址:约公元前五百年。[三级古迹]前美国大使官邸(前美国驻台北领事馆,今台北之家):1799年建立。[直辖市定古迹]临济护国禅寺:19落成。蔡瑞月舞蹈研究社:1937年落成,失火毁损大半。圆山别庄(台北故事馆):19建立。建国啤酒厂(高砂麦酒株式会社):19落成。台北第三高女(台北市立中山女子高级中学):1937年建立。台北市政府卫生局旧址:1930年代建立。中山基督长老教会:1927年建立。
