1500字范文 > 民工子女 the children of the migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

民工子女 the children of the migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-09 15:29:28


民工子女 the children of the migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

民工子女,the children of the migrant workers

1)the children of the migrant workers民工子女

1.The education problem aboutthe children of the migrant workers is one of the most serious society and education problems in our economic development.民工子女的教育问题是我国经济发展中遇到的一个重大的社会和教育课题,在我国社会主义市场经济发展的初级阶段,它将较长期地存在。


1.The Educational Problems among the Peasant-workers Children Challenge to Fair Education;农民工子女受教育困境挑战教育公平

2.An Analysis of the Conditions and Countermeasures of Peasant Workers Children s Right of Education;农民工子女受教育权现状与对策分析

3.On the Equality of Peasant-worker Childen s Education;教育平等:农民工子女受教育现状研究

4.On the Right of Compulsory Education of the Children of Farm Workers;农民工子女受义务教育权的法律思考

5.Problems of Compulsory Education for Peasant-worker s Children: Reasons and Countermeasures;农民工子女的教育问题:原因及对策

6.Study on the Adaptation Problems of Kids of Rural-laborsin Cities;进城农民工子女社会适应性问题研究

7.Education Research on the Migrated Peasant Workers Children in Anhui Province;安徽省进城农民工子女教育问题研究

8.Re-Urbanization: A Study in the Education of the Children of Migrant Workers;再城市化:农民工子女教育问题研究

9.Social Exclusion Research on the Peasant Workers Children s Education;农民工子女教育问题的社会排斥研究

10.The upbringing and education of migrant workers’children in the Pearl River Delta;“珠三角”农民工子女的抚育和教育(英文)

11.On How to Safeguard the Right of Receiving Education of Peasant Laborers Children;论如何保障农民工子女平等受教育权

12.The Study on Peasant Worker Children s Education Problem and Settling Strategy;农民工子女教育问题与应对策略研究

13.Perspectives and Policies on Education of the Children of Migrant Workers;农民工子女教育现状透视及对策研究

14.Legal Guarantee of the Equal Educational Right of Farmer Workers Children;农民工子女平等受教育权之法律保障

15.A Survey Report:Education Status of the Children of Migrant Workers in the City of Kunming;昆明市农民工子女教育状况调研报告

16.The Exploration of the Educational Demand of the Children of Peasants Working in the City and the Way to Meet It;浅析农民工子女就学需求及实施路径

17.Jurisprudential Analysis On The Equality Of Right To Education Of Farmers Children;农民工子女平等受教育权之法理分析

18.Behavioral disorders and self-concept of children of farmer-workers in primary schools;小学民工子女的自我概念和行为问题


peasant workers children农民工子女

1.Government should quicken the reform of census register system,and establish guarantee mechanism of raising funds with various channels,optimize education resources,standardize the schools forpeasant workers children,and safeguard in law,and realize the objective of impartiality in .城市现行财政体制使农民工子女面临高额“借读费”的门槛,同时也助长了有很多隐患的农民工子弟学校的存在。

2.This paper tries to introduce the method of educational voucher to deal with the problem of the compulsory education ofpeasant workers children.“民工潮”或“民工家庭潮”的出现不仅仅是关系到农民工自身,更为重要的是其他一些延伸性社会棘手的问题,其中包括农民工子女的义务教育的落实问题。

3.Each citizen has the right to be educated, so do thepeasant workers children.受教育是每个公民的基本权利,农民工子女作为我国公民应当享有受教育的公平权利。

3)children of migrant workers农民工子女

1.However,thechildren of migrant workers to education status quo is not optimistic,rear children and migrant children right to education still exists significant deficiencies.然而,农民工子女的受教育现状却不容乐观,留守儿童和流动儿童的受教育权还存在缺陷。

2.For a long time,children of migrant workers are excluded to urban compulsory education system.长期以来,农民工子女被排除在流入地的城市义务教育制度之外。

3.The problem of the schoolchildren of migrant workers is highlighted with the increase of farmers.农民工子女就学问题随着进城务工农民数量的增多而逐渐凸显。

4)children of peasant workers农民工子女

1.There are various reasons for which thechildren of peasant workers commit crimes,but bad housing conditions and other related problems are an undeniable factor.造成农民工子女走上犯罪的道路原因是多种多样的,但其不良的居住环境及由此所引发的其他问题是一个不可否认的因素,因而为实现预防和减少农民工子女犯罪的目的,一个重要的途径就是改善农民工子女的居住环境。

5)Farmer workers children农民工子女

1.The main idea of self help settlement theory is to help improve and support the simple schools for farmer workers children.对低收入人群梯度安置的自助安置理论,对于今天在中国城市化进程中,解决无规划激增的农民工子女的义务教育安置问题同样适用,实践对象就是对农民工子女简易学校的改造和扶持。

2.Educating farmer workers children is not merely of education, but also is a complex social problem.农民工子女的教育问题,不仅仅是单纯的教育问题,同时也是复杂的社会问题。

6)children of farmer workers农民工子女

1.An investigation of the academic conditions ofchildren of farmer workers in a city shows that the academic achievements of farmer workers children are lower than those come from other social stratum in the city generally.来自A市农民工子女学业状况的调查显示:农民工子女的学业成绩普遍低于城市其他社会阶层子女。

2.And then, based on practice of non-regular education at home and abroad and a successful case of non-regular education oriented tochildren of farmer workers, the Fourth Ring Play Group, it points out that non-regular education has inignorable significance and value for the development of children education.本文探讨了非正规教育的背景和含义,结合国内外非正规教育的实践和“四环游戏小组”这一面向农民工子女的非正规教育成功案例分析,指出非正规教育在幼教事业发展中具有不容忽视的意义和价值。


