1500字范文 > 特定化创新 specialized innovation英语短句 例句大全

特定化创新 specialized innovation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-10 20:18:43


特定化创新 specialized innovation英语短句 例句大全

特定化创新,specialized innovation

1)specialized innovation特定化创新

2)On characteristics of creative culture论创新文化特征

3)On Cultural Determination to Creation论文化决定创新

4)innovative characteristics创新特点

1.Discussion on the theoretical foundation andinnovative characteristics of the prescriptions created by ZHANG Xi-chun;张锡纯自创方剂的理论基础和创新特点


1.Theoretical Innovative Characteristics of the Important Thoughts of " The Three Representatives;“三个代表”重要思想的理论创新特点

2.The Characteristics and Innovations of New Compulsory Education Law;新《义务教育法》的时代特点与创新

3.Analysis of the Characteristics and Innovation in Current Editorial Business;新时期编辑业务的特点及其创新分析

4.Characteristics of Contemporary Science and Technology Innovation and Training Talent of Science and Technology Innovation;当代科技创新的特点与科技创新人才的培养

5.A Basic Study of Practice Oriented Training on Urban Construction Cadre;试议城市建设干部培训的特点和创新

6.On the Significance,Characteristics and Path Innovations of Teaching Files Management in a University;教学档案管理:意义、特点及路径创新

7.Well and Truly Grasping the Trait of Youth League Member Boosting the Innovation of League Organization Building;准确把握团员青年特点 推动团建创新

8.New Features of Policies toward College Students Starting the Enterprise since the 16th Party Congress;十六大以来大学生创业政策的新特点

9.Chracteristics Analysis of Technology Innovation Based on Key Enterprises in Henan Province;河南省重点企业技术创新的特征分析

10.The Cause,Trend and Characteristics of Modern Financial Innovation(Financial Developing);现代金融创新(发展)的原因、趋势和特点

11.Holding Age Character and Pursuing Enterprise Development by Creation;把握时代特点 以创新求企业发展

12.Characteristic Analysis of Innovating Revelation on Three Theoretic Productions of Marxism-applied-in-China;中国共产党三大理论创新的特点分析

13.The Characteristics of the Narrative in the Modern Fictions with Children s Perspective;新时期儿童视角小说创作的叙述特点

14.About the Features of Deng Xiaoping’s Thoughts on Innovation;邓小平创新思维的特点及其启示意义

15.China Financial Innovation: Feature Analysis & Improving Countermeasures;中国金融创新:特点分析与推进对策

16.Characteristics of the Theory Innovation from Leading Group of The Third-generation of CCCP;第三代中央领导集体理论创新的特点

17.On the Formation of Innovative Thoughts in Jiang Zemin s Theory and the Characteristics;论江泽民理论创新思想的形成及特点

18.The Features and Manifestations of the Creative Thought in Physics Learning;物理学习中创新思维的特点及其表现


On characteristics of creative culture论创新文化特征

3)On Cultural Determination to Creation论文化决定创新

4)innovative characteristics创新特点

1.Discussion on the theoretical foundation andinnovative characteristics of the prescriptions created by ZHANG Xi-chun;张锡纯自创方剂的理论基础和创新特点

5)characteristic innovation特色创新

6)innovative features创新特征

1.In order to evaluate the innovation units of Guangxi effectively and promote their development,this paper presents an evaluation model based on theinnovative features and process of the Guangxi innovation units as well as the relevant national and local evaluation systems and the experts′ advice.为有效评价广西创新金源单位建设,促进其健康发展,根据金源单位创新特征和创新过程,在参照国家、地方相关评价指标体系和向有关专家咨询的基础上,构建出其评价指标体系。


特定1.特别规定;特别指定。 2.指具体的某一种或某一个。
