1500字范文 > 产业集聚 industrial agglomeration英语短句 例句大全

产业集聚 industrial agglomeration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-09 02:44:13


产业集聚 industrial agglomeration英语短句 例句大全

产业集聚,industrial agglomeration

1)industrial agglomeration产业集聚

1.On Economic Analysis of Effect of Spillover and Innovation of Industrial Agglomeration Technology;产业集聚技术溢出与创新效应的经济学分析

2.Analysis of Factors in FDI s Location Selection Based on Industrial Agglomeration;基于产业集聚角度的FDI区位选择因素分析

3.Industrial Agglomeration and Difference of Regional Labor Productivity:Chinese Evidence with International Comparison;产业集聚与地区间劳动生产率差异


1.Geographical Concentration and Agglomeration of Industries:Measurement and Identification;产业地理集中、产业集聚与产业集群:测量与辨识

2.Analysis on Agglomeration of Creative Industry in Terms of Industrial Value Chain;基于产业价值链的创意产业集聚分析

3.Industrial cluster and the competitiveness of Chinese timber industry;产业集聚与中国木材产业竞争力研究

4.Path Transformation in Agricultural Industrialization: Industrial Convergence and Industrial Clustering;农业产业化的路径转换:产业融合与产业集聚

5.Application of industrial agglomeration and industrial chain in the development of western industry;产业集聚、产业链及在西部产业发展中的运用

6.A Study on the Sugar Industry Competitiveness of Guangxi on the Basis of the Industrial Agglomeration;基于产业集聚的广西糖业竞争力研究

7.Study on the Modern Logistics Industry Developing Pattern of Industial Aggregation Zone;产业集聚区现代物流业发展模式研究

8.Refreasing the Old Northeast Industrial Zones Through Industrial Agglomeration;以产业集聚加速东北老工业基地振兴

9.Study on Growth of Technology-oriented Small-and Medium-sized Enterprises among Many Other Industries;产业集聚下科技型中小企业成长研究

10.The Influence of Industry Cluster on Enterprise s Technologic Innovation;试析产业集聚对企业技术创新的影响

11.The metrical method of the agglomeration level of Beijing s retailing industry and the empirical studies of the agglomeration effect of Beijing s retailing industry;北京零售产业集聚水平测度及零售产业集聚效应实证研究

12.Financial Enterprises Cluster: Study Based on the Theory of Industrial Agglomeration;金融企业集群:基于产业集聚理论的研究

13.The Theory Summarization of Enterprise Groups Innovation Mechanism on the Background of Industry Clustering;产业集聚背景下企业集团创新机制理论述评

14.Accelerating the Industrial Agglomeration and Cultivating the Industrial Cluster--the Inevitable Selection of Shanxi Coal Industry s Developing Road;加快产业集聚 培育产业集群——山西煤炭产业发展道路的必然选择

15.The Distribution of Agglomeration of Agricultural Product Processing Industry in China and Important Factors Analysis;中国农产品加工业产业集聚状况与因素分析

16.Analysis of Industrial Thansition to the Northwest with the Visual Angle of Industrial Agglomeration;产业集聚视角下西北承接产业转移的实证研究

17.Research on the Relation between Industrial Agglomeration and Industrial Competitiveness of Jiangsu Province;江苏省产业集聚与产业竞争力关系研究

18.The Degree of Co-agglomeration and the Mechanism of Spatial Agglomerationin China s Manufacturing Industries;中国制造业产业间集聚度及产业间集聚机制


industry agglomeration产业集聚

1.Research onindustry agglomeration measurements of China high-tech zones;我国高新区产业集聚测度方法研究

2.Research on Division among Industry Agglomeration with Disintegration and Low Transformation Cost垂直解体与低运输成本下的产业集聚间分工研究

3.After giving the definition of correlated technology and spin-off technology in the area of technological diffusion research,the paper further discussed the interaction mechanism betweenindustry agglomeration and technological innovation.对技术扩散中的相关技术和衍生技术做了新的界定,在熊彼特关于技术创新与产业集聚关系以及佩鲁增长极理论的基础上,进一步剖析产业集聚与技术创新互动机理,深入探讨了相关技术和衍生技术对产业集聚的影响。

3)Industrial Cluster产业集聚

1.On the development of marine equipment industry based on the industrial cluster in Zhejiang Province;基于产业集聚的浙江省船舶配套业发展探讨

2.The Analysis ofIndustrial Cluster and the Model of Locational Choice of Firms;产业集聚与公司选址模型分析

3.The Entrepreneurial Conduct of Human-Capital Employees and the Form ofIndustrial Cluster;人力资本型员工的创业行为与产业集聚生成机制

4)industry cluster产业集聚

1.The Study of Dongguan Urbanization Patterns Based on Industry Cluster;基于产业集聚的东莞城市化模式研究

2.Research on the Evolution Mechanism and Process of Regional Industry Cluster区域产业集聚演化机理及演化过程研究

3.The paper describes the great opportunity of international industry transfer facing China Business port and discusses how to seize the opportunity,to expand the regional advantage,to win the political support for the cultivation ofindustry cluster and the prosperity of the seaport.从港口相关概念和发展历程开始,阐述了我国商贸港口发展面临的国际产业转移的重大机遇,以及如何及时抓住机遇,继续扩大区位优势,争取更多政策支持,培育产业集聚形态,促进港口经济繁荣,增强港口城市经济活力。

5)industrial clusters产业集聚

1.An analysis on the adjustment of agriculture industrial structure byindustrial clusters;以产业集聚改善农业产业结构

2.The Technological Innovation System of Industrial Clusters And Core Competence of Private Enterprise——Base on the Real Example Analysis of ZhanJiang City s Electronic Cookers Industrial Clusters and Strategy Research;产业集聚之技术创新与民营企业的核心竞争力——基于广东湛江市电饭煲产业集聚的实证分析与对策研究

3.Study on Fireworks Industrial Clusters Basing on Safety Economy;基于安全经济的花炮产业集聚研究

6)Industrial clustering产业集聚

1.Industrial clustering is inter-industry activities or industrial activities within the geographical centralization.产业集聚是产业间活动或是产业内部活动在地理上的集聚。

2.However, China\"s high-tech zones have been shortfalls in the performance of innovation, in order to find out the reasons, at this stage, national high-tech zones has put forward a "second" venture to further enhance and integrate resources, so the measure of industrial clustering in high-tech zones, evaluation of innovative performance is imminent.然而我国的高新区同硅谷等园区相比,出现了创新绩效不足的现象,为了找出原因,现阶段国家高新区提出了“二次”创业,进一步提升、整合资源,为此,对高新区产业集聚情况的测度、创新绩效的评价迫在眉睫。

3.The paper on the one hand recognizes the impact which the industrial clustering has on the economic development, on the other hand it has seen the puzzle which the resource-based cities face when they need choose path to change.论文一方面认识到了当今世界产业集聚对经济发展的影响,另一方面也看到了资源型城市转型面临的道路选择困惑,因此论文把产业集聚和资源型城市转型有机的结合起来,探讨资源型城市转型的新模式即资源型城市转型产业集聚再造机理与效应。


