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情书 love letters英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-26 09:28:00


情书 love letters英语短句 例句大全

情书,love letters

1)love letters情书

1.Collected in some way,love letters possess the readability of novels.情书这一独特的书信文体,在晚明时期,应和着当时汹涌的浪漫主义思潮被各类出版物收录并广为流传。


1.He paints love letters and their recipients.他画情书和情书收信人;

2.effusions in love letters情书中的绵绵情意.

3.amorous looks, letters, poetry, experiences脉脉含情的样子、情书、 情诗、 性爱的体验

4.I got a sugar report this morning.今晨我收到一封情书。

5.His love was written into his affectionate letters.他的爱写进了他的情书。

6.I received a sugar report this morning.今早我收到了一封情书。

7."Has he recently written a poem or love letter for you?""他最近给你写过情诗或情书吗?

8.Loue Story Centers on Truman Letters杜鲁门情书:上演新版《爱情故事》

9.The Concession of Insertion: A Study on Sexual Concern in Ashes of Love by MU Zimei;插入的退让:从遗情/书到遗性/书——论木子美《遗情书》中的性爱关切

10.I was often disturbed by the pitter- patter of rain常常扰乱我看书的情绪,

11.Research Libraries Information Network,RLIN研究图书馆情报网络

12.For further particulars I refer you to my secretary.详细情况请问我的秘书。

13.Good reading elerates the mind.读好书可以提高情操。

14.Library and Information Science Abstracts, LISA《图书馆学情报学文摘》

15.Library and Information Science School of WuhanUniversity武汉大学图书情报学院

16.On Fact , Reason and Feeling in Legal Documents;论司法文书的“事”、“理”、“情”

17.Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science《图书馆学和情报学百科全书》

18.The title of the novel is "Sons and Lovers".该书的书名为《儿子和情人》。


library information图书情报

1.The author discusses the role oflibrary information in the teaching and research of physical culture and the ways to give the role a full play in physical culture teaching.通过对体育图书情报多年管理经验的总结 ,阐述了图书情报在体育教学与科研中的重要作用及如何在体育教学中充分发挥这种作用。

2.Therefore,the librarians can contribute themselves to thelibrary information career under the condition that they adjust the knowledge structure,adapt to the internet,master the relative knowledge,improve the English level and operate the modern equipment.因此,图书情报工作人员只有调整知识结构,适应网络环境,掌握相关的科学知识,并且提高英语水平,熟练地使用和操作现代化设备,才能为图书情报事业作出贡献。

3.This paper expounds the features of the professional information consultants,points out that Chineselibrary information education should form the course structure of deep foundation,wide scope and multi-direction,and puts forward the idea of adjusting the structure of Chineselibrary information education.阐述了专业情报咨询员人才需求的特点,指出我国图书情报教育应形成“厚基础、宽口径、多方向”的课程结构,提出调整我国图书情报教育结构的思路。

3)library and information science图书情报

1.This article introduces the concept of correlation analysis method,then makes explication on the research procedure,basic method and the value of application;then enumerates the applications of content analysis method onlibrary and information science.论述了相关性分析的概念、过程与基本方法和应用的价值,枚举该分析法在图书情报分析中的应用。

2.The paper analyses the demand oflibrary and information science professionals in knowledge management environment.本文分析知识管理态势下图书情报专业人才的需求情况和职业定位 ,并分析了知识管理态势对图书情报专业人才的知识结构和能力的要求 ;探讨了在知识管理态势下 ,图书情报专业人才培养的课程设置和教学方式等方面的问题。

3.This article introduces the concept of qualitative analysis,quantitative analysis and content analysis method,then makes explication on the types,research scope and normal research procedure of content analysis method,analyzes the applications of content analysis method onlibrary and information science,and also discusses the application prospects 1 tabs,12 refs.本文从定性、定量以及内容分析法的基本概念入手 ,阐述了几种方法的类型、研究范围和内容分析法的一般研究过程 ,重点分析了内容分析法在图书情报领域的应用 ,以及论述了内容分析法的应用前景展望。

4)Book Information图书情报

1.The article aims at the questions of serving consciousness, serving level and serving technology during the serving of book information serving, combines the course and the rule of behavior of the user of information to put forward that the serving of book information in knowledge economy time should on the base of Zipf laws to provide knight as the countermeasure of innovation.文章针对当前图书情报服务存在的服务意识、服务水平、服务技术等问题,从情报学角度结合分析信息用户的行为过程及规律,提出知识经济时代图书情报服务以齐夫定律为基础,以提供优质服务为保障的改革对策。

5)bibliographic information书目情报

1.Review and commentary on the theoretical discussion ofbibliographic information;对书目情报问题讨论的回顾与述评

2.The essence ofbibliographic information is Meta-knowledge,which is the knowledge about knowledge.书目情报的实质是元知识,即关于知识的知识;书目情报工作实际上就是元知识管理,亦即元知识的生产、组织与服务。

6)library and information图书情报

1.New Horizens for Library and Information Services in Information Ear;信息时代图书情报服务新视野

2.This paper mainly discussed the influences which information technology revolution produced tolibrary and information institution;and made a summary and outlook on the combination of physical and virtual collections model oflibrary and information institution.本文主要探讨信息技术革命对图书情报机构产生的影响,并对图书情报机构今后的发展模式——实体馆藏和虚拟馆藏相结合的发展模式——做一总结和展望。

3.To put forward and develop knowledge-based economy has brought a golden opportunities and challenges tolibrary and information service.知识经济的提出与发展,给图书情报工作带来了千载难逢的机遇与挑战。


情书1.告知情况的书信。 2.男女间表示爱情的书信。
