1500字范文 > 仕女瓷 woman paintings on porcelain英语短句 例句大全

仕女瓷 woman paintings on porcelain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-07 23:32:49


仕女瓷 woman paintings on porcelain英语短句 例句大全

仕女瓷,woman paintings on porcelain

1)woman paintings on porcelain仕女瓷

2)beautiful women仕女

1.In this paper,the author analyzed the reason why thebeautiful women imagination of Dunhuang Murals look like that we saw it today.本文通过对敦煌壁画仕女形象成因的分析,认为敦煌仕女人物造型特征在于从宗教逐渐演绎为世俗人物,其艺术特点在于完美地表现出了女性的灵动与自然形象,其服装造型与服饰特色在于能够充分体现女性娇柔婀娜的曲线和妩媚浓郁的色彩效果。


1.Liebfraumlich Hock [Germany]可爱仕女白葡萄酒[德

2.On the Painting Style of the Tang Dynasty Through the Picture A Beauty Wearing a Hairpin;从《簪花仕女图》探看唐代仕女画的审美风格

3.Analysis of the Traditional "Painting Ladies" of the Ancient Female Beauty浅析传统“仕女画”中的古代女性美

4.His representative works are Ladies with Head-pinned Flowers, Ladies Playing with Fans, and Ladies Playing Stringed Instruments.《簪花仕女图》、《纨扇仕女图》、《调琴啜茗图》都是他的代表性作品。

5.The painting of beautiful women was another field of portraiture.人物画中的另一个领域是仕女画。

6.In Tang Dynasty Traditional Chinese Painting of Beautiful Women Color Symbolism and Decoration;唐代仕女画中色彩的象征性与装饰性

7.The Sweetheart in Scholar Ideal and the Scholar Drawing of Beautiful Woman in the Mingqing Dynasty;从明清文人仕女画看“才子”的“佳人”梦

8.The Meanings of the Image;图象的意义——对《簪花仕女图》的“另类”欣赏

9.The beautiful maids and the vanilla to live forever;美人香草意千秋——评改琦的仕女画艺术

parative Study between Tang Yin s and Toyokuni s Paintings of Beautiful Women;唐寅仕女画与歌川丰春美女画比较研究

11.Graceful Bearing of the Flourishing Tang Dynasty --Society of the Tang Dynasty Shown by Painting of Maids of Honour at That Time大唐的风韵——唐朝仕女画所表现的唐朝社会

12.Taipei carol competitive trappings,young mummy"s first choice!台北卡洛儿精品仕女服饰,年轻妈妈的不二选择!

13.Like that haughty creature at the polo match.活像是在马球赛场上见过的那一位高傲仕女。

14.Beautiful, ancient ladies are an important part of the traditional Chinese paintings of people.仕女画是我国传统人物画的一个重要组成部分。

15.Artistic Theme and Esthetic Aroma of "Autumn Breeze and Fine Silk Fan" in the Portraits of Maid;仕女画“秋风纨扇”的艺术图式与审美意趣

16.Change of Beauty and Vision --On the change of Male Perspective in Traditional Chinese Female Character Painting;美和目光的转换——论仕女画中男性视角的变迁

17.Rise and Fall of Paintings of Beautiful Women in Tang Dynasty under the Influence of Literature;试论文学影响下的唐五代仕女画之兴衰

18.Artistic Style Development of the Maiden Images in Tang-dynasty Tomb Fresco论唐代墓室壁画仕女形象艺术风格的演进


beautiful women仕女

1.In this paper,the author analyzed the reason why thebeautiful women imagination of Dunhuang Murals look like that we saw it today.本文通过对敦煌壁画仕女形象成因的分析,认为敦煌仕女人物造型特征在于从宗教逐渐演绎为世俗人物,其艺术特点在于完美地表现出了女性的灵动与自然形象,其服装造型与服饰特色在于能够充分体现女性娇柔婀娜的曲线和妩媚浓郁的色彩效果。

3)the maidens painting仕女画

1.It not only made use of the merits ofthe maidens painting in Ming and Qing Dynasty to enhance his own style,but also mixed the western painting skills and Chinese character painting whose tradition was focused on the outlining of the figure together.孙温绘全本《红楼梦》画面基调清雅明朗,人物婉约飘逸,形神兼备,不仅借鉴明清仕女画积极有利的绘画因素来强化自身的表现风格,还在作品中将西画技法与中国人物绘画注重勾勒的传统结合起来,为当今工笔人物画在传统与现代、东方与西方之间寻找一条符合时代精神的发展途径,提供了可资借鉴的素材。

4)traditional Chinese paintings of beautiful women仕女画

1.Thetraditional Chinese paintings of beautiful women embodied the three characteristics:1.在仕女画的绘画作品中具体体现了三个特点 :端庄娴静的德行美 ;潇洒飘逸的浪漫美 ;简约传神的形态

5)ancient beauty仕女形象

1.This article mainly discusses the author\"s woodcarving skills,the material selection of lumber and the concrete creation process of theancient beauty.本文主要谈笔者的木雕创作,对木材的选取和仕女形象的具体塑造过程。

6)traditional Chinese paintings of beautiful women中国仕女画

1.An Eternal Theme——A comparison between thetraditional Chinese paintings of beautiful women and the Western paintings of naked female;主题与变奏——中国仕女画与西方女性裸体画的比较


