1500字范文 > 波动规律 fluctuation英语短句 例句大全

波动规律 fluctuation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-14 09:49:02


波动规律 fluctuation英语短句 例句大全



1.Thefluctuation and Evolution of Agricultural Household Economic;我国农业家庭经营的波动规律与演变趋势

2.It proposed that there was always the volatility in the long run according to thefluctuations rule.文章运用层次分析法对会计造假金额和范围的波动规律给予了深层机理的分析和解释,根据波动规律,提出从长期来看其波动性始终存在,其倒U形的趋势不管是从短期还是从长期来看都会在一个时机显现。


1.The Research of Cyclic Fluctuation Rule and Forming Reason for Soybean Production of China;中国大豆生产波动规律及其成因研究

2.Study on the Fluctuating Rule of Cotton Output in China Between 1949-;建国以来中国棉花产量波动规律研究

3.ARMA forecasting model of Baltic freight index波罗的海运价指数波动规律研究与预测

4.Study on the Gas-liquid Dual-flowing the hole and Oscillating Regulation of the Compound Tray;复合塔板上气液穿孔流动及波动规律的研究

5.Study on the Problems of Fluctuation Information Disclosure in Capital Liquidity我国资金流动性波动规律的信息披露问题研究

6.The Study on the Cycle Undulation Law of Pork Market in Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省猪肉市场周期波动规律的研究

7.The fluctuation and Evolution of Agricultural Household Economic;我国农业家庭经营的波动规律与演变趋势

8.Study on China apple market integration and price fluctuation;中国苹果市场整合程度及价格波动规律研究

9.Fluctuation Rule of the Economic Cycle:the Case of Liaoning in International Comparative Perspective经济周期波动规律:国际比较视野的辽宁个案

10.A Study on the Chinese Auto Market Fluctuation and the 6th Expansion中国车市波动规律与第6次扩张期研究

11.Analysis on Fluctuation Rule of Soybean Wholesale Price in China:Based on GARCH Model中国大豆批发价格波动规律研究——基于GARCH模型

12.Analysis of Total Retail Amount of Commodities" Fluctuation and Influence Factor社会消费品零售总额波动规律及影响因素分析

13.The Research of the Fluctuation Rules of USD/RMB Exchange Rate Series Based on GARCH Model基于GARCH模型的人民币汇率波动规律研究

14.The adding of the three tendencies wholly grasps the fluctuating law of Baltic Freight Index.三种趋势的叠加在整体上反映了波罗的海运价指数的波动规律。

15.Numerical Calculation on Flow and Heat Transfer Rule in Corrugated Tube波纹管内流动与传热规律的数值计算

16.Research on the Relationship Between the Movement Rule of Electron and the Shape Showing of the Wave on the Oscilloscope Screen示波器电子运动规律与波形显示关系研究

17.A regular rising and falling or movement to alternating sides; movement in waves.波动,起伏有规律地升起和降落或轮换侧面的运动;波状运动

18.Wavelet Packet Analysis of Vibration Caused by Blasting High Rock Slope小净距隧道爆破振动传播规律小波包分析


Regular Fluctuation规律性波动

1.Regular Fluctuation of Major Economic Indicators before and after the Outbreak of Financial Crisis——Based on the Perspective of Literature Review金融危机爆发前后各相关国家主要经济指标规律性波动趋势探讨的文献综述

3)fluctuation rule消费波动规律

4)systematic wave规律波

1.The paper pointed out the wave shapes of three kinds of specialsystematic waves of coiler wave,twist wave and winding wave,analysed the reasons for these wave-length spectrum to emerge,as well as the measures should be adopted.文章指出了圈条波、加捻波、卷绕波等三种特殊规律波的形态,分析了产生原因,以及应该采取的措施。

5)Sweep feature波及规律

6)the fluctuation rule of cotton output棉花产量波动规律


矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)law of contradictionmQOCun gu】j口、矛盾规律(lawof eon‘radietion)统一规律。见叶主
