1500字范文 > 文学怀旧 Nostalgia in the Literary Texts英语短句 例句大全

文学怀旧 Nostalgia in the Literary Texts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-26 05:03:00


文学怀旧 Nostalgia in the Literary Texts英语短句 例句大全

文学怀旧,Nostalgia in the Literary Texts

1)Nostalgia in the Literary Texts文学怀旧

1."Nostalgia in the Literary Texts" and the Construction of Metropolis Cultural Identity;“文学怀旧”与都市文化身份的建构

2.In this paper,author will analyze the works of shanghai nostalgia literature,writers and nostalgic reasons,try to analyze the relationship between“nostalgia in the literary texts”and the construction of“cultural identity”of shanghai and the essential significance as we1l as the existing deficiencies of this construction for the past and future“cultural identity”of shanghai.20世纪90年代的上海“文学怀旧”是一个引人注目的文学现象,这些作品不仅是一种情感的追忆或题材的流行,它们同时也反映出了作家的价值取向与精神立场。


1."Nostalgia in the Literary Texts" and the Construction of Metropolis Cultural Identity;“文学怀旧”与都市文化身份的建构

2.On the Literary Strategy of Nostalgia in Ecological Art Criticism;生态文艺批评视野中的文学怀旧策略

3.Cultural Psychology of Nostalgic Remembering of Past in Mainland China:Textual-Semiotic Perspectives;大陆怀旧心理与文化的文本符号学考察维度

4.On the Contributions and Status of Nostalgic Essays in the History of Modern Chinese Literature论怀旧散文在中国现代文学史上的贡献与地位

5.The Folk Narratives and Nostalgic Writing in Modern Chinese Literature中国现代文学中的民俗叙事与怀旧书写

6.The Discoursing on the "Nostalgia for Shanghai" Phenomenon Originating from the 1990 s in Literary Circles;十丈软红迷旧情——九十年代以来上海文学中的“怀旧热”现象研究

7.Female Depiction of Nostalgic Literature in Taiwan;台湾怀乡文学的女性书写——从《城南旧事》、《失去的金铃子》、《梦回青河》谈起

8.On the Aesthetic Psychology of Nostalgia;想象的文化记忆———论怀旧的审美心理

9.On the Philosophical Value and Historic Nature of the Nostalgic Writing论怀旧写作的哲学意蕴与历史性本质

10.Shen Cong-wen"s Xiangxi nostalgia with creative personality from the text of the cultural construct湘西怀旧与沈从文创作个性的文化建构

11.It may be that the candor of contemporary literature creates a nostalgia for indirection, obliquity and deferral(Anatole Broyard)可能是当代文学的坦率创造了迂回、晦涩和迟滞的怀旧风格(阿纳托尔 布鲁瓦亚尔)

12.The Contents and Realization of Medical Humanism:construction of medical humanism from the esthetical perspective;医学人文关怀应关怀什么和怎样关怀——美学视角下的人文关怀建设


14.A Cultural Analysis on Feelings of Remembering Past Times in Zhang Ailing and Bai Xianyong s Novels;对张爱玲、白先勇小说怀旧意识的文化解读

15.On Using Nostalgic Culture to Promote the Tourism Competition Ability of Old Towns in Chongqing;论怀旧文化促进重庆古镇旅游竞争力的提升

16.Understanding Whitehead.By Victor Lowe.Alfred North Whitehead:Essays on His Philosophy.Edited by George L. Kline.《理解怀特海》、《怀特海哲学论文集》评介

17.Keeping the Prototype and Interpreting New Meaning--On teaching of 《Ancient Discourse》;整旧如旧与整旧如新——《古代文论》课程教学之我见

18.Unique Narrative Style and Deep Yearning of the Old Days - Analyze Shen Songwen s Novella Lamp;独特的叙事文体与深沉的怀旧情绪——解读沈从文中篇小说《灯》


nostalgical literature怀旧文学

1.In addition to introductory remarks and summary, the paper can be divided into three parts:The first chapter "nostalgical literature" aims at stud.除了导论和结语部分以外,本文分为三部分:第一章“怀旧文学”,将“上海怀旧”作为一个与社会现实需求、作家价值取向密切相关的文学现象进行研究,从而揭示“上海怀旧”的多重意义与丰富内涵,并一次折射出当下文学的风貌。

3)cultural recollection文化怀旧

1.In terms of "visual product",many TV plays about traditional culture have been made a kind of product ofcultural recollections,which strengthens the function of emotional comfort and meanwhile loses the due objective attitude towards tra.从类型角度而言,当前很多展现平民生活理念的影视剧落入了“类型剧”的俗套;从女性主义的立场来看,一些涉及“婚外恋”的影视剧与其说是“劝世寓言”,不如说是“欲望叙事”;从“视觉产品”的角度看,很多文化题材影视剧基本被当成了“文化怀旧”产品,在强化了它们的“情感抚慰”功能的同时也失落了对传统文化应有的客观立场。

4)nostalgic culture怀旧文化

5)nostalgic essays怀旧散文

1.This paper is to examine the contributions and status of thenostalgic essays in the history of modern Chinese literature.本文认为,情感的真挚、深具历史意识以及从时空方面拓展了作品的历史广度与意义深度为怀旧散文对现代文学所做出的特殊贡献,也正是以上几点,为怀旧散文在中国现代文学史上确定了其不可替代的以主情为核心特征的文学史地位。


1.In the story 《Rip Van Winkle》,Washington Irving,the American writer,with a dramatic description of the two symbolic characters,Rip and his wife,reveals the social conditions around the Independent War,and also expresses his nostalgia in literature and conservative attitude.美国作家华盛顿·欧文在《瑞普·凡·温克尔》小说中,通过对瑞普及其妻——克尔太太这两个象征性人物的戏剧式描写,实际上向人们展示了美国独立战争前后的社会状况,同时也流露出了作者怀旧的文学倾向以及保守的思想态度。


