1500字范文 > 本科毕业论文 undergraduate thesis英语短句 例句大全

本科毕业论文 undergraduate thesis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-07 13:51:02


本科毕业论文 undergraduate thesis英语短句 例句大全

本科毕业论文,undergraduate thesis

1)undergraduate thesis本科毕业论文

1.undergraduate thesis of higher education institutions is not only to test synthetically the student s study harvests, innovational abilities and personal qualities during undergraduate stage, but to inspect synthetically and roundly school and teachers teaching quality.高等学校本科毕业论文是对学生本科阶段学习成果、创新能力和自身素质的综合检验,也是对学校及教师教学质量的全面、综合的检查。

2.This paper advances the quality standard ofundergraduate thesis, analyzes on the constituent factors of quality control system ofundergraduate thesis, and probes into the ideas of constructing the quality control system ofundergraduate thesis.提出了本科毕业论文的质量标准,分析了本科毕业论文质量保障体系的构成因素,就毕业论文质量保障体系的建设思路进行了探讨。

3.How to ensure the quality ofundergraduate thesis has been paid attention by all universities.如何保证本科毕业论文质量一直是高校关注的问题。


1.On the Instruction of the Graduation Theses by Literal Arts Undergraduates;指导文科类本科毕业论文的几点认识

2.On the Direction and Writing of Graduation Thesis;论本科毕业论文的指导与撰写——以史地系届本科毕业论文为例

3.Quality Management of Undergraduate Graduation Thesis (Design) in our University;论我院本科毕业论文(设计)质量管理

4.Discussion on management of graduation thesis(graduation project);论大学本科毕业论文(设计)的管理

5.Tutor System for Science Research:a New Way to Tutor Graduation Thesis of College Students of Arts at College and University科研导师制:文科本科毕业论文指导的新路径

6.The exploration of improving the quality of graduation thesis and design in university;提高本科毕业论文(设计)质量的探索

7.Exploration and Practice of Undergraduates Graduation Thesis as a Special Subject;浅谈本科毕业论文专题的探索与实践

8.Frame Design of Thesis Writing for Undergraduate Students Majoring in Computer Science;计算机本科毕业论文写作框架的设计

9.Reform and Practice on Management of Graduation Thesis;本科毕业论文管理工作的改革与实践

10.Analysis of the Normal Management of Undergraduate Paper in the Universities;探析高校本科毕业论文的规范化管理

11.Practice and Effect of Subject-selecting on Graduation Thesis and Design;本科毕业论文设计开题的实践及效果

12.The Quality Improvement of the Undergraduates’ Graduation Papers (Designs);提高本科毕业论文(设计)质量的探析

13.Discussion on Improving the Quality of Graduate Thesis进一步提高本科毕业论文质量的探讨

14.Exploration and practice of ensuring quality of undergraduate thesis topics in colleges and universities本科毕业论文选题质量的探索与实践

15.Improving the scientific research ability involved in undergraduate thesis;毕业论文与科研能力的培养——指导本科生毕业论文的几点体会

16.Think about Instruction Graduate Thesis of Undergraduate Major in Management;对管理类本科毕业生论文指导的思考

17.Talking about the Improvement of the Quality of the Graduation Project (Thesis) of Regular College;浅谈本科毕业设计(论文)质量的提高

18.Reflections on the Teaching of Undergraduate Thesis;关于本科生毕业论文工作的一些思考


graduation thesis本科毕业论文

1.Graduation thesis is an important practice link to reflect the quality of undergraduate education.毕业论文是体现本科教学质量的一个重要实践环节,按照制药工程专业和化学工程与工艺专业培养学生的特点,加强本科毕业论文的管理与规范,从选题、毕业论文进行中的过程管理与检查、撰写毕业论文、答辩与成绩评判采取适当的措施和管理办法,可以有效地保障和提高本科毕业论文质量。

2.Besides,the writing of agraduation thesis plays a key role in the imporvement of students’ comprehensive qualities and research capabilities in particular.本科毕业论文是本科生四年专业学习的综合展示,是大学生科学研究初步尝试的实践过程,也是衡量高等学校教学质量的重要一环,这个环节对学生整体素质的提高、科研能力的培养起着关键的作用。

3.Graduation thesis is a very important process in university s teaching course.本科毕业论文的严重抄袭、拼凑现象反映了这一教学过程环节中存在的质量管理问题;论文的格式不规范特别是参考文献标注不规范的现象,严重影响了论文的质量和可应用性。

3)Undergraduate thesis本科生毕业论文

1.In order to improve the quality of undergraduate thesis and enable undergraduate education program to meet the needs for talents of the new century,a series of effective administrative measures should be taken in ethnic universities and colleges.为进一步提高本科生毕业论文(设计)质量,使本科教育适应新世纪对未来人才的要求,民族院校应在管理上采取一系列有效措施。

4)college students of liberal arts文科本科毕业论文

5)undergraduate thesis(design)本科毕业论文(设计)

6)graduate"s dissertation本科学生毕业论文


