1500字范文 > 建构主义知识观 constructive view of knowledge英语短句 例句大全

建构主义知识观 constructive view of knowledge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-24 21:12:46


建构主义知识观 constructive view of knowledge英语短句 例句大全

建构主义知识观,constructive view of knowledge

1)constructive view of knowledge建构主义知识观

1.The conflict of rational view of knowledge andconstructive view of knowledge is equal to the gambling of the national traditions and foreign theories.当前我国基础教育课程改革领域,理性主义知识观与建构主义知识观的分庭抗礼实为民族传统与舶来理论的博弈。


paring and evaluating the knowledge opinion of cognitivism and constructivism;认知主义与建构主义知识观的比较和评价

2.On Innovation of Students Learning Mode under Knowledge View of Constructivism;建构主义知识观视野下学生学习方式的变革

3.An Investigation into the Transformation of University Courses from the Knowledge Perspective in Constructivism论建构主义知识观视野下大学课程的变革

4.A Study on Constructivism Knowledge View and the Reforms of Educational Subject Teaching Ways in Colleges;论建构主义知识观与高校教育学科教学方式改革

5.Knowledge Concept of Constructivism & Its Enlightening to Evaluation of Preschool Education of China建构主义知识观及其对我国学前教育评价的启示

6.The Science Knowledge View in the Vision of Social Constructivism社会建构主义视野中的科学知识观

7.Knowledge perspective of constructionalism and network-based teaching strategy;论建构主义的知识观与网络教学策略

8.The Change of Knowledge View from Cognitivism to Congnitivism and the Revolution of Future Learning;从认知主义到建构主义的知识观转变与未来学习的变革

9.A Real Mix of Construction and Discovery--The Viewpoint of Scientific Knowledge of John Ziman in View of His Naturalism;“建构”与“发现”的真实融合——齐曼自然主义视域的科学知识观

10.The blending of constructivism into the construction of chemical knowledge system;化学知识体系建构中建构主义理论的融入

11.Taking intellectual labourers as an ideal component to build socialism;以知识劳动者为主体构建社会主义的理想载体

monality of Knowledge in Education and Educational Practice;教育过程中知识的公共性与教育实践——兼批激进建构主义的教育观和课程观

13.A Critique of the Relativist View of Knowledge in Sociology of Scientific Knowledge;科学知识社会学相对主义知识观批判

14.Research of Setting-up XML-based Database on Automated Assessment Technology in Subjective Tests基于XML的主观题自动批阅系统知识库构建研究

15.Inquiry Learning Based on Constructivism and Knowledge Creation Process of Human Individuals;论基于建构主义的探究性学习与知识创造过程

16.Construction of the Teaching Mode Integrating Cognition with Emotion Based on Human-centered Thinking Curriculum基于人本主义课程观构建知情统一教学模式

17.Consensus Theory of Truth and Constructive Translatology;共识性真理与建构主义翻译学——论建构的翻译学之真理观

18.Objective Token and Subjective Construction of Curriculum Knowledge--On the Inner Integration of Curriculum and Instruction课程知识的客观表征与主观建构——兼论课程与教学的内在整合


social constructivism learning社会建构主义知识论

3)social constructivist view社会建构主义认识观

4)rational view of knowledge理性主义知识观

1.Therational view of knowledge, which with rationalism as its philosophic basis, emphasizes the imparting of the systematic knowledge, has been showing its effect on child education in China as the traditional view of knowledge.建国以来 ,我国幼儿教育领域先后出现了三种主流知识观 :一是理性主义知识观 ,以唯理论为哲学基础 ,强调知识体系的传授 ,作为幼儿教育的传统知识观至今仍然具有影响力 ;二是经验主义知识观 ,以经验论为哲学基础 ,主张通过观察、实践从大自然、大社会中归纳知识 ,自 2 0世纪 80年代初兴起 ,现已处于“自我消失”的边缘 ;三是建构主义知识观 ,强调知识不是教师外部的传授 ,而是儿童主动建构的 ,起源于皮亚杰的活动建构观 ,近两年来受到意大利瑞吉欧方案教学的影响 ,体现了社会交往建构观、个人化知识、后现代知识建构观等不断丰富的建构主义知识观的核心精神 ,对幼教改革的深入起着举足轻重的作用。

2.The conflict ofrational view of knowledge and constructive view of knowledge is equal to the gambling of the national traditions and foreign theories.当前我国基础教育课程改革领域,理性主义知识观与建构主义知识观的分庭抗礼实为民族传统与舶来理论的博弈。

5)empiric view of knowledge经验主义知识观

1.Theempiric view of knowledge, which, based on empiricism, maintains that the child s knowledge acquisition derives from his/her experience-observation and practice i.建国以来 ,我国幼儿教育领域先后出现了三种主流知识观 :一是理性主义知识观 ,以唯理论为哲学基础 ,强调知识体系的传授 ,作为幼儿教育的传统知识观至今仍然具有影响力 ;二是经验主义知识观 ,以经验论为哲学基础 ,主张通过观察、实践从大自然、大社会中归纳知识 ,自 2 0世纪 80年代初兴起 ,现已处于“自我消失”的边缘 ;三是建构主义知识观 ,强调知识不是教师外部的传授 ,而是儿童主动建构的 ,起源于皮亚杰的活动建构观 ,近两年来受到意大利瑞吉欧方案教学的影响 ,体现了社会交往建构观、个人化知识、后现代知识建构观等不断丰富的建构主义知识观的核心精神 ,对幼教改革的深入起着举足轻重的作用。

6)a fundamental epistemology本质主义知识观


