1500字范文 > 抗战前 before the Anti-Japanese War英语短句 例句大全

抗战前 before the Anti-Japanese War英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-07 01:18:18


抗战前 before the Anti-Japanese War英语短句 例句大全

抗战前,before the Anti-Japanese War

1)before the Anti-Japanese War抗战前


1.A Survey of the "Allying Soviet against Japan" Diplomacy of the Nationalist Government in the Prophase of China s Resistance War against Japan;抗战前期国民政府"联苏抗日"外交述论

2.The Experience Gained From the United Front Distinctively Formed in Shanxi;抗战前期山西特殊形式统一战线形成的经验

3.An Analysis on the Spread of American Cotton by Nanjing National Government试析抗战前南京国民政府的美棉推广

4.A Study on the Trade between “Isolated Island” of Shanghai and Japan in the Early Stage of Anti-Japanese War抗战前期上海“孤岛”与日本贸易研究

5.Research on Shanghai "Isolated Island" Foreign Trade in the Prophase of the War of Resistance Against Japan抗战前期上海"孤岛"对外贸易研究

6.The Interlocal Trade of Shanghai "Isolated Island" in the Prophase of the War of Resistance against Japan抗战前期上海“孤岛”埠际贸易研究

7.The Study of the Literary Newspaper Supplement of Tianjin "Profit World Newspaper" before Sino-Japanese War s(1915-1937);抗战前天津《益世报》文艺副刊研究(1915~1937)

8.The Establishment and Activities of the Women s Advisory Council before the War of Resistance Against Japan;抗战前妇女指导委员会的创建及活动

9.The New Life Movement and Reform of National Life before Anti-Japanese War;抗战前新生活运动与国民生活的改造

10.Introduction of Public Administration Science and Rise of Administrative Research in China before Anti-Japanese War;抗战前行政学输入与行政研究的兴起

11.On the Process of the Land Legislation of Nanking National Government before the Anti-Japanese War;抗战前南京国民政府土地立法的进程

12.The Marginalization of the Kuomingtang Party Branch before the Anti-Japanese War;试论抗战前国民党地方党部的边缘化

13.Brief Comments On the land legislation of Nanjing National Governmentbefore the Anti- Japan War;简论抗战前南京国民政府的土地立法

14.On The salt transportation and sale policies of Nanjing National Government before the Anti-Japanese War;论抗战前南京国民政府食盐运销政策

15.The Study Abroad of Military Personnel Sent bythe Nanjing Government before the Anti-Japanese War;抗战前南京国民政府的军事留学教育

16.The Modernization of the Finance of China Ten Years before the Anti-Japanese War;抗战前十年中国金融业的现代化趋向

17.A Study On the City-resided Landlords in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Before the Anti-Japanese War;抗战前长江中下游地区地主城居述析

18.On the Cotton Production and Sale Improvement in Hebei Province before Anti - Japanese War;抗战前河北棉花生产和运销改进述析


At the beginning of Anti-Japanese War抗战前期

1.At the beginning of Anti-Japanese War,Kuomintang Government adopted the policy of allying with Soviet (Union) to fight against Japan,which played an important role in the war in China against Japan.抗战前期,国民政府推行着联苏抗日的政策,这一政策对中国抗战具有重要意义;国民政府的联苏抗日政策是其依靠英美解决中日问题的外交方针与英美远东政策矛盾的产物,它是国民政府迫不得已的权宜之计;国民政府对苏政策中具有浓厚的“防共”情结,在一定程度上影响了其联苏抗日政策的效能。

3)the future of Anti-Japanese war抗战前途

1.Chiang Kai-shek\"s attitude forthe future of Anti-Japanese war before the July 7 Incident of 1937 wavered between two extremes of negative and positive.七七事变前,蒋介石对抗战前途的论调经常在消极和积极两个极端之间游移,其动机在于:应对抗战情绪高涨的形势;强化自身的统治地位;强调其抗战部署的重要性。

4)Around the period of Anti-Japanese War抗战前后

1.Around the period of Anti-Japanese War,because of many factors,Kuomintang Government paid great attention to the construction of irrigation and water conservancy in the Northwest of China,so the irrigation and water conservancy entered a climax stage.抗战前后,在诸多因素的促使下,国民政府对西北的农田水利建设给予了高度重视。

5)During the Decade before Anti-Japanese War抗战前十年

1.A Brief Analysis to Republic of China EducationsDuring the Decade before Anti-Japanese War;浅析抗战前十年的民国教育

6)pre-eruption of Sino-Japanese War抗战爆发前


