1500字范文 > 教师领导行为 teacher leadership behavior英语短句 例句大全

教师领导行为 teacher leadership behavior英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-15 21:22:29


教师领导行为 teacher leadership behavior英语短句 例句大全

教师领导行为,teacher leadership behavior

1)teacher leadership behavior教师领导行为

1.Researched have been conducted with a sample of 913 junior middle school students in urban and rural China to examine the relationship betweenteacher leadership behavior and adolescents emotional adjustment,by using Teacher Leadership Behavior Questionnaire,Children Social Anxiety Questionnaire and Children Loneliness Questionnaire.选取城市和农村初中913名青少年为被试,采用问卷法考察城乡教师领导行为与青少年情绪适应的关系。


1.Research on the relationship between Teacher LeadershipBehavior and Children Peer Relations;教师领导行为与儿童同伴关系的研究

2.Relationships between college students psychological pressure and P.E.masters leadership behavior;大学生心理压力与体育教师领导行为关系研究

3.Relationship between Teacher Leadership Behavior and Adolescents Emotional Adjustment in Urban and Rural China;城乡教师领导行为与青少年情绪适应的关系

4.The relationship between Students School Adaptation and Teacher Leader Behavior;高一学生学校适应与教师领导行为关系之初探

5.Relationship Between Teacher Leadership Behaviors and Self-concept of Middle-school Students教师领导行为与中学生自我概念的关系

6.Relationship Between Junior Middle School Students Perceived Teacher Leader Behavior Model and Their Mental Health;初中生知觉到的教师领导行为模式及其与心理健康的关系

7.Relationship between college students psychological pressure and adaptation and PE teacher s leader behavior;大学生心理压力和心理适应与体育教师领导行为的关系

8.Research on the Relationship between PE Teachers Teaching Leading Style and College Students Psychological Adaptation;探析大学生心理适应与体育教师领导行为的关系

9.The Research on Classification of Teachers Behavior in Network Context on the Leadership Perspective;领导学视野下网络情境中教师行为分类研究

10.The Relationship between Leadership Behavior of Schoolmasters and Teachers" Collective Efficiency校长领导行为对小学教师集体效能的影响

11.Study of multifactor leadership mode of coaches leadership mode;教练员领导行为的“多元领导模式”研究

12.In order to improve teachers" intention, further leadership mobilization should be done and In - service training on HIV/AIDS education for teachers should be developed vigorously.为提高教师的行为意向,建议进一步开发领导,完善教学要求,大力开展教师培训。

13.Principals" transformational leadership and transactional leadership had predicative efficacy for the teachers" job satisfaction.九、国民小学校长「转型领导」、「交易领导」行为对整体「教师工作满意」有联合预测力。

14.The Role and Characteristics of American Leadership Education Teacher--A Case Study of Leadershape;美国领导教育教师的角色与特点——以“领导者塑造”计划为个案

15.A Brief Analysis on Feasibility of Teacher s Leading Role in New Curricula;浅析新课程中的教师课程领导的可行性

16.A Headmaster s Response to Schooling Reform Instruction and the Administrative Strategy;教学改革中的校长应对行为:领导及行动策略

17.An Evaluation Framework for Role Performance in Teacher-led BBS Forum;教师引领BBS论坛讨论活动的角色行为评价模型

18.Empowering Teachers:Teacher Leadership in Teacher Professional Development;赋权予教师:教师专业发展中的教师领导


Teacher Leading Behavior Model教师领导行为模式

3)teacher leadership behavior perceived and anticipated by children知觉期望的教师领导行为

4)the administration behaviors of coaches教练员领导行为

5)teaching leadership behavior教学领导行为

1.As leaders and administrators of teaching,teachers must have goodteaching leadership behavior in order to promote the overall development of the students.教师作为教学的领导者和管理者,只有具有良好的教学领导行为,才能促进学生身心的全面发展。

6)teacher"s Behavior Guide教师引导行为


教师对问题行为的态度教师对问题行为的态度teacher"s attitude toward the behavior problem教师对问题行为的态度(teaeher,sattitude toward the behavior problem)学生的问题行为有攻击型和退缩型两大类,而教师对这两类问题行为的态度不一致。20世纪代末,美国心理学家威克曼恤ickman,E.K.)发现,在更重视哪些问题行为这个问题上,教师与心理学家的态度是不同的。教师认为最严重的是恋爱、说谎、,不服管教等外向攻击的行为,最不严重的是抑郁、沉默、不爱社交这些内向退缩的行为。而心理学家的意见截然相反。20世纪70年代,有人用同样方法进行了调查,发现教师的态度虽有所变化,但还是更重视攻击型行为。教师的这种态度是由教师工作的特点所造成的,教师首先要使学生成为良好的社会成员,所以更重视那些具有捣乱性、破坏性、影响他人的不道德行为。但是,内向退缩行为虽然不会给社会带来损害,却会造成心理疾病,影响人格的健康发展,也应引起教师足够的重视。(周国帕撰成立夫审)
