1500字范文 > 沸腾炉 fluidized bed roaster英语短句 例句大全

沸腾炉 fluidized bed roaster英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-20 19:06:05


沸腾炉 fluidized bed roaster英语短句 例句大全

沸腾炉,fluidized bed roaster

1)fluidized bed roaster沸腾炉

1.Process design offluidized bed roaster in Jiangtong-Wengfu"s 400 kt/a pyrite-based sulphuric acid plant;江铜-瓮福400 kt/a硫铁矿制酸装置沸腾炉的工艺设计

2.Revamping of slag tapping and transportation system for sulphuric acidfluidized bed roaster;硫铁矿制酸沸腾炉排渣系统改造

3.Design offluidized bed roaster of a 100 kt/a sulphuric acid plant;100kt/a硫酸装置沸腾炉的设计


1.Technical specification of lining laying for fluidized bed furnace of sulphuric acid硫酸沸腾炉砌筑技术条件

2.Study on cinder of fluid ed bed from power plant prcducing less clinker cement电厂沸腾炉渣配制少熟料水泥的研究

3.New Revamping of Fly-ash Refiring of Fluidized Bed Boilers飞灰再燃技术在沸腾炉改造中的应用

4.The practice of increasing Sb_2O_3 output ratio in boiling furnace提高沸腾炉三氧化二锑产出率的实践

5.Fluidized bed area of cooler is 5%~10% of roaster′s.沸腾冷却器的床层面积应为沸腾炉床层面积的5%~10%;

6.The waste acid of 40~55% concentration is pumped into a boiling-bed roaster and roasted in the boiling bed.将浓度为40~55%的废酸用泵打入焙烧入口,进入沸腾炉的沸腾层焙烧。

7.The Application of the Amorphous Cast Refractory Materials in Fluidized Bed Furnace in Our Company不定形耐火浇注料在我公司沸腾炉中的应用

8.Sinplify Model of Combustion of Single Washery Taling Granule in FBC单颗煤泥在沸腾炉内燃烧机理及简化模型

9.New technology: low grade coal FBC slags used for producing new type rubber reinforcing additives劣质煤沸腾炉灰渣生产橡胶补强填料新技术


11.Devolatilization and Combustion in FBC and the Distributor with Unequal Vent Area Rate沸腾炉内挥发份燃烧和变开孔率式布风板

12.Research on Ground Bubbling Fluidized Bed Combustion Ash Used for Cement and Concrete沸腾炉渣用作混凝土掺和料的试验研究

13.Study on Generation and Emission Characteristics of Air pollutants from Fluidized Bed Combustion Boilers沸腾炉大气污染物的生成与排放特征分析

14.Popularization and Application on Effective Furnace in Fluid Bed of Dryer Combustion Chamber烘干机燃烧室高效沸腾炉技术推广应用

15.Design and production practice of a sulphuric acid plant based on off-gas from a 109 m~2 zinc fluidized-bed roaster109m~2沸腾炉锌冶炼制酸系统设计及生产实践

16.Pretreatment of raw materials with element sulfur replaces pyrite roasting in fluidized bed incinerator硫铁矿沸腾炉改烧硫磺的原料预处理技术

17.The water is boiling on the stove.火炉上的水在沸腾着。

18.fluosolid lime calciner沸腾式石灰渣焙烧炉


fluidized bed furnace沸腾炉

1.Conceiving of Fluidized Bed Furnace Reformed from 35T Spreader-Stoker Boiler;我公司35t抛煤机炉改造沸腾炉之设想

2.The current drying modification is on coal instead of diesel oil forfluidized bed furnace with high efficiency and low dust (GXDF), which results in annual more than 20 million RMB Yuan from cost saving of drying DAP, as well as stable appearance, colour and high class DAP product.采用低飞灰沸腾炉(GXDF),以烟煤为燃料进行技改,介绍其工艺流程、工艺参数及煤代油后所取得的效果:年节约烘干DAP燃料成本2000多万元,DAP外观颜色基本无变化,各项指标均达到优等品要求。

3.It is the key of the automatic ore feed control system forfluidized bed furnace in ore based acid plant to maintain good control of the dynamic balance between the air (O 2) intake and ore (FeS 2) feed of thefluidized bed furnace, the air/ore ratio, and to maintain a weak oxidizing atmosphere in the furnace.控制好沸腾炉进风量 (O2 )和进矿量 (FeS2 )之间的动态平衡关系———风矿比 ,维持沸腾炉内呈弱氧化气氛 ,是矿制酸装置的沸腾炉给矿自动控制系统的关键问题。

3)fluidized bed boiler沸腾炉

1.Discuss of 35t/hfluidized bed boiler s reconstruction;35t/h沸腾炉改造问题探讨

2., 6 t/hfluidized bed boiler combusted the blast furnace gas instead of coal.为减少高炉煤气放散,节约能源,马钢一铁厂将6t/h沸腾锅炉由烧煤改烧高炉煤气,简述了沸腾炉改烧高炉煤气的过程及经济效益。

3.Based on the actual experiences acquired during the authors reforming boiler from chain grate intofluidized bed boilers,this paper deals with the low combustion efficiency problem forfluidized bed boilers,and gives out optimal design methods for the air spread system,coal feeding system,coal spread wind system and suspended section.根据改造链条炉为沸腾炉的实践经验,针对沸腾炉运行中存在燃烧效率低的技术难题,总结了布风装置、给煤、播煤风、悬浮段在改造设计时的技术措施。

4)Fluid-bed furnace沸腾炉

1.In accordance with the problem of high sulfur content in dust produced by 30?m 2 fluid-bed furnace of 40 kt/a sulfuric acid system,suggustion of mixing high zinc slag into zinc concentrate was put forward to recovery high zinc slay,reduce impurity of roasted ore and improve benefit.根据 40kt/a硫酸系列的 30m2沸腾炉产出焙尘含硫高的问题 ,提出了在入炉锌精矿原料中配入高锌渣的生产方案 ,回收高锌渣和减少焙烧矿杂质含量创造的效

2.Due to a few blast caps of 30m 2 fluid-bed furnace,resulting in low feed rate of concentrates and bad result of desulfur,after increasing numbers of bast caps,wind power was raised,output and quality of sinters were obviously improuved.30m2沸腾炉风帽数量少 ,致使精矿投料量低、脱硫效果差 ,增加风帽数量后 ,风量加大 ,焙烧矿产量及质量均有了明显的变

5)fluidized-bed furnace沸腾炉

1.Application offluidized-bed furnace in 100 kt/a S-NPK fertilizer plant;沸腾炉在100kt/a S-NPK复混肥生产中的应用

6)fluidized bed combustion boiler沸腾炉

1.The factors affecting the initial emission concentrations of particulate matter(PM),SO_2 and NO_x in fluidized bed combustion were investigated by statistical analysis method using the analysis data of the fuel for 20fluidized bed combustion boilers with less than 60 MW of power and actual test data of air pollutants.以20台沸腾炉(功率小于等于60 MW)的燃料特性分析数据和大气污染物的排放实测数据为基础,利用统计分析方法,研究了燃烧过程中排放的颗粒物(PM)、SO_2和NO_x初始排放浓度的影响因素,分析了沸腾炉PM、SO_2和NO_x排放现状,探讨了我国中小型沸腾炉PM、SO_2和NO_x排放管理控制的潜力和可行性。


沸腾炉固体燃料在炉内被向上流动的气流托起,在一定的高度范围内作上下翻滚运动,并以流态化(或称沸腾)状态进行燃烧的炉膛,又称流化床燃烧炉。沸腾燃烧方式也用于其他的炉窑中。沸腾燃烧方式的特点既不像在层燃炉中那样将固体燃料静止地放在炉排上燃烧;也不像在室燃炉中那样将液体、气体或磨成细粉状的固体燃料悬浮在炉膛空间中燃烧,而是把固体燃料破碎成一定粒度的粉末,使之在炉内以类似沸腾的状态燃烧。在中国,沸腾炉用煤的粒度一般为8毫米以下。固体物料流态化技术在19由德国的F.温克勒尔提出,首先用在化学和冶金工业中。50年代开始,它被移植到锅炉的燃烧领域,并获得了发展。炉内一般为常压,称为常压沸腾炉。各国发展的沸腾炉各有不同。英国的沸腾炉主要燃用高热值烟煤,目的在于缩小锅炉体积。美国的沸腾炉燃用高硫分高热值烟煤,目的在于减少排烟中 SOX和NOX等污染物质。中国、捷克斯洛伐克和波兰等国着重研究燃用劣质燃料的沸腾炉。增压沸腾炉的燃烧室内压力大于大气压力。一些国家正在试验将增压沸腾炉用于燃气轮机联合循环,这种系统可以提高发电的循环效率。结构和工作过程 常用沸腾炉燃烧室的典型结构包括布风系统、沸腾床、进料和排渣系统3个部分(见图)。①布风系统。燃烧室底部为布风板,板上直接开孔或装许多带通风小孔的风帽。布风板的作用是承载料层并使空气上升速度沿炉内截面分布均匀。②沸腾床。布风板上放置一定量的床料(包括固体燃料和大量的灰渣或石灰石颗粒)。运行时,当料层中的空气达到一定上升速度时,沸腾床上的床料便从静止状态转入沸腾状态,这一风速称为临界沸腾风速。为了保持剧烈的沸腾燃烧工况,沸腾炉正常运行时的风速要比临界沸腾风速大,使料层膨胀到一定高度。床料沸腾高度约为静止料层的两倍,在此容积的燃料呈沸腾状态,故称为沸腾床,小颗粒则被气流带出炉外。布置在料层中的管子称为埋管,可以垂直、水平或倾斜放置。管内可通以水、蒸汽或空气以吸收燃料在床中燃烧所释放出来的热量,使床温保持在800~1000℃。③进料和排渣系统。一定粒度范围的燃煤从煤仓经给煤机送入料层内,燃尽的煤渣一般从溢流口排出。特点 与一般锅炉的炉膛比较,常压沸腾炉的优点是:①不但能烧优质煤,也能烧一般炉排炉和室燃炉不能烧的各类劣质煤;②床内埋管的传热效果很好,约为普通锅炉管子的5~10倍;③由于沸腾床燃烧温度低,烟气中NOX的生成量少,如在进料中适量加入石灰石或白云石,即可将煤中硫分脱除,使排烟中SO2的含量下降。沸腾炉的缺点是:①沸腾床中细颗粒燃料容易被烟气带出,所以未燃尽损失大,燃烧效率比室燃炉低;②烟气中飞灰较多,锅炉受热面容易发生磨损;③鼓风所需的送风机风压高,故耗电量大;④沸腾床内给煤和布置埋管难以均匀。⑤烧高灰分劣质煤时,为了不使大量飞灰污染环境,必须配备高效率大容量的除灰装置。由于以上原因,发展大容量的沸腾炉锅炉尚有困难。
