1500字范文 > 低渗透油藏 low permeability reservoir英语短句 例句大全

低渗透油藏 low permeability reservoir英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-23 19:01:10


低渗透油藏 low permeability reservoir英语短句 例句大全

低渗透油藏,low permeability reservoir

1)low permeability reservoir低渗透油藏

1.Sewage treatment techniques forlow permeability reservoirs;低渗透油藏污水回注处理技术研究

2.Study on production decline model after pattern infilling inlow permeability reservoir;低渗透油藏井网加密后产量递减分析方法

3.New prediction method of oil well deliverability oflow permeability reservoir;低渗透油藏油井产能预测新方法


1.The Experimental Studies on the Relative Permeability of CO_2 Flooding in Low-permeability Reservoir低渗透油藏CO_2驱相对渗透率实验研究

2.A Study on Percolation Mechanism of Low Permeability Reservoir and Recovery Technology;低渗透油藏渗流机理及开发技术研究

3.Study on Porous Flow Characteristic in Micro-fractured Ultra-low Permeability Reservoirs;微裂缝性特低渗透油藏渗流特征研究

4.Theory and Application on Nonlinear Porous Flow in Low Permeability Reservoir;低渗透油藏非线性渗流理论及其应用

5.The Study of Seepage Flow Law on Horizontal Wells Developing in Low Permeability Reservoir低渗透油藏水平井开发渗流规律研究

6.The Feasibility Analysis of Well Test Design in Ultra-Low Permeability Reservoirs特低渗透、超低渗透油藏试井设计可行性研究

7.The Macroscopic Description Study of Seepage Flow Laws on CO_2 Flooding in Low Permeability Reservoirs低渗透油藏CO_2驱油渗流规律宏观描述研究

8.Percolation Feature in Low-Permeability Reservoir and Study on Inflow Performance of Oil Wells低渗透油藏渗流特征及油井流入动态研究

9.Integral fracturing optimization design of non-Darcy flows in low and ultra-low permeability oil reservoirs低渗透、特低渗透油藏非达西渗流整体压裂优化设计

10.Study on Well Pattern Arrangement of Low Permeability Reservoir by Reservoir Engineering Methods低渗透油藏井网部署的油藏工程方法研究


12.A complete set of EOR technology by gas injection in low permeability oil reservoirs.低渗透油藏注气提高采收率配套技术

13.The Economic Low Limit Research of Extra-Low Permeability by Hydraulic Fracturing;特低渗透油藏压裂改造经济下限研究

14.Research of Reservoir Protection and Reform Measurements of Low Permeability Oil Reservoir;低渗透油藏储层保护与改造措施研究

15.Development Technologies of the Abnormal High Pressure Ultra-low Permeability Reservoirs异常高压特低渗透油藏开发技术研究

16.The Research for Horizontal Wells Productivity Evaluation Method in Low Permeability Reservoirs低渗透油藏水平井产能评价方法研究

17.Research on Factors Effecting Horizontal Well Productivity of Low Permeable Reservoir低渗透油藏水平井产能影响因素研究

18.Study on Productivity of Low Permeability Reservoir Developed by Horizontal Well Pattern低渗透油藏水平井井网开发产能研究


low-permeability reservoir低渗透油藏

1.Productivity of horizontal well in deformation medium oflow-permeability reservoirs;变形介质低渗透油藏水平井产能特征

2.Numerical simulation!of surfactant flooding forlow-permeability reservoirs;低渗透油藏表面活性剂驱油数值模拟

3.Experimental study of spontaneous imbibition inlow-permeability reservoir;低渗透油藏自发渗吸驱油实验研究

3)Low Permeability Reservoirs低渗透油藏

1.Research on Composite Treating Blocking Technique ofLow Permeability Reservoirs in Pingbei Area of Ansai Oilfield;安塞油田坪北区低渗透油藏复合解堵技术研究

2.Some Effects of Development Adjustment Measures ofLow Permeability Reservoirs in Pingbei Area of Ansai Oilfield;坪北区低渗透油藏开发调整措施及效果

3.A new method for calculating kickoff pressure gradient in low permeability reservoirs;一种求解低渗透油藏启动压力梯度的新方法

4)low permeable reservoir低渗透油藏

1.Laboratory research and application of fracturing fluid forlow permeable reservoirs;低渗透油藏压裂液的研制及应用

2.Well production evaluation of vertical fracture inlow permeable reservoir;低渗透油藏垂直裂缝井产能评价

3.Analysis on CO_2 puff-and-tuff effect inlow permeable reservoirs;低渗透油藏CO_2吞吐效果分析

5)low permeability oil reservoir低渗透油藏

1.Calculating method of shut-in time for pressure survey in production wells inlow permeability oil reservoirs and its application;低渗透油藏生产井关井测压时间的计算与应用

2.Influential mechanism of adsorbed water layers on percolation inlow permeability oil reservoir;吸附水层对低渗透油藏渗流的影响机理

3.Numerical simulation oflow permeability oil reservoir of F124 block in Da-luhu Oilfield;大芦湖油田樊124区块低渗透油藏的数值模拟

6)low permeability低渗透油藏

1.In this paper, porous flow mechanics inlow permeability reservoirs was studied for the practical problems that occurred during the development of reservoir, which is accomplished on the base of predecessors\" work.本文是基于低渗透油藏在开发中所面临的实际问题,在总结前人已有成果的基础上,对低渗透油藏的渗流规律进行了研究,完成了以下研究工作:(1)基于特低渗透油藏流体非线性渗流模型,推导出注水见效时间的数学方程。

2.This paper discusses the feasibility of air-foam flooding EOR technology forlow permeability reservoirs aiming at the problems occurred during water flooding process such as sharp increasing of water cut,the difficulty to treat produced-water,fast production decline,low degree of reserve recovery,and high production cost.针对低渗透油藏注水开发过程中存在着油井含水上升快,污水处理难度大,产量下降快,油藏采出程度低,生产成本高等问题,对低渗透油藏空气泡沫复合驱提高采收率技术的可行性进行了探讨。

3.Low permeability reservoirs is becoming more and more important in the oil field development, reservoir properties and the way of development impact water process lead to high pressure in water injection and pressure conduction slow, well productivity quick decrease and other contradictions during development process.受储层物性以及开发方式影响,低渗透油藏在注水开发过程中存在注入压力高、压力传导慢、油井产能递减快等矛盾,目前主要通过酸化等方式增注,存在有效期短,对套管损害等缺点。


