1500字范文 > 体育名人 sports celebrity英语短句 例句大全

体育名人 sports celebrity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-25 23:33:54


体育名人 sports celebrity英语短句 例句大全

体育名人,sports celebrity

1)sports celebrity体育名人

1.sports celebrity advertising is economic development to a certain degree a product of the rapid economic development in the market today, and sports celebrities advertising businesses to create a brand, a good corporate image, and reap huge profits means business.体育名人广告是经济发展到一定程度的产物,在市场经济迅速发展的今天,体育名人广告以成为商家创造品牌效应,树立企业良好形象,并获得巨大商业利润的手段。

2.The paper analyses the power conflict between sports news report andsports celebrity and proposes countermeasures and suggestions.体育报道对体育名人的行为具有强大的舆论监督性,但报道过程中也存在一些侵犯运动员人格权的问题,影响了体育名人的名誉及隐私等权利。


1.On Legal Issue of Right of Reputation and Privacy for Sports Celebrities as Public Figures作为“公众人物”的体育名人名誉权、隐私权法律问题探讨

2.China Olympic Game famous man advertisement s evolution and development countermeasure;我国奥运体育名人广告的演进及发展对策

3.They"re famous men in the world of sport.他们都是体育界的名人。

4.They are famous men in the world of sport.他们都有是体育界的名人。

5.He pulled in crowds of 70000 to the Giants stadium.七万名观众被他吸引到巨人体育

6.famous person,esp in the world of entertainment or sport名人(尤指娱乐界或体育界的)

7.All the fans of a sport, an activity, or a famous person.全体狂热爱好者体育、活动或著名人物的爱好者

8.Many people in the movie industry, music industry and sports are celebrities.许多电影,音乐和体育领域的人成为了名人。

9.Train a backbone force for mass sports. By , the number of mass sports instructors in the city will rise to 22,000.培训群众体育骨干队伍,到,全市社会体育指导员人数达到22000名。

10.A sports personality was invited to kick off at the final.一位体育界知名人士被邀请为决赛开球。

11.A sports personality was invited to kick off at die final.一位体育界的著名人士被邀请为决赛开球。

12.Keep training hard and you"ll become a famous man in the world of sports.坚持努力训练,你会成为体育界的名人的。

13.Give priority to the training of famous sports broker companies and sports brokers at home and abroad who know the rules and have the ability to operate businesses in the sports field.重点培训在国内外体育领域懂规则、会经营的知名体育经纪公司和体育经纪人。

14.He ghosts for a number of sports personalities who `write" newspaper columns.他给一些为报纸专栏‘写’文章的体育界名人做捉刀人.

15.The Chinese Injured and Disabled People Sports Association (renamed to the Chinese Disabled Sports Association in 1990) was established in October, 1983.中国伤残人体育协会(1990年更名为中国残疾人体育协会)于1983年10月成立。

16.5) the signature of the person in charge of the feeding and breeding unit.(五)饲育单位负责人签名。

17.After 1970s, four Chinese from the sport world elected as IOC members.70年代以后,中国先后又有4名体育界人士当选为国际奥委会委员。

18.A labourer paints at a stadium construction site in Yingtan, central China"s Jiangxi province.中国江西省,一名工人正在空中粉刷一处露天体育场建筑物。


educational celebrities教育名人

3)Famous teacher of P.E体育名师

4)human body words人体名词

1.English and Chinesehuman body words have many common semantic features.英汉两种语言的人体名词有着很多共同的语义特征,这些共同的语义特征揭示了操不同语言的人的某些思维共性。

5)names as a group群体人名

6)athletic education体育育人


名人1.著名的人物。 2.有名籍的人。
