1500字范文 > 深层原理知识 deeper principle knowledge英语短句 例句大全

深层原理知识 deeper principle knowledge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-01 01:57:17


深层原理知识 deeper principle knowledge英语短句 例句大全

深层原理知识,deeper principle knowledge

1)deeper principle knowledge深层原理知识

2)deep knowledge reasoning深层知识推理

3)deep knowledge深层知识

1.All kinds ofdeep knowledge are discussed in detail.讨论了基于知识的故障诊断系统所用的各种深层知识,并认为:系统的深层知识是基于系统结构的功能模型和行为模型,它们既可以用定性方式,也可以用定量方式描述。

2.Recently, the highly advanced computational technology has led to the development of the signed directed graph (SDG)deep knowledge model based qualitative approach.近年来,随着现代计算机技术的日新月异,使得基于符号定向图(SDG)深层知识模型的定性仿真研究和应用取得了显著进展。


1.Study of the Computer-Aided HAZOP Analysis for Batch Processes Based on Deep-Seated Knowledge Model;基于深层知识模型的间歇过程计算机辅助HAZOP方法研究

2.Knowledge is gained by man through the senses but perception goes beyond this.人通过感官获得知识,而知觉比感觉更深一层。

3.Between Knowedge,Ideology and Politics:The Profound Analysis about Mannheim Knowledge Sociology在知识、意识形态与政治之间——关于曼海姆知识社会学的深层次剖析

4.New Theoretic New Ideas--The deep-rooted thought about“Acknowledge Economy”;新理论 新思维——对知识经济范畴的深层次思考

5.Based on deep and shallow knowledge used for boiler-fault-hunbing, its method is put forward in the paper.提出了一种基于深浅两层知识的锅炉故障检测与诊断方法。

6.Effects of Prior Knowledge, Hierarchy Depth and Type of Hypertext on the Search Performances of Chinese Information with a Low Structure Level先前知识、超文本层次深度和类型对低结构化信息搜索的影响

7.His knowledge fails to go very deep.他的知识不很精深。

8.Its deeper aspect was the search for purification of the soul, the mystical transmutation of the mind necessary for obtaining direct divine knowledge.它的更深层次是寻求灵魂的净化,直接获得神圣知识所需的意识的神秘转化。

9.Research on the Position of Intelligentsia in the Age of Knowledge Economy;试析知识阶层在知识经济时代的位置

10.Depth of intellect, feeling, or meaning.深奥知识、感情或意义的深处

11.Deepening Cognition to the Labor-value Theory in Knowledge Economy;知识经济中对劳动价值论的深化认识

12.Knowledge Economy And The Understanding Of Labor Theory Of Value;知识经济与深化对劳动价值论的认识

13.Unique Perspective, Unique Comprehension -A New Exploration of Literary Reviews·Bosom Friends;深识鉴奥见“异”知“音”——《文心雕龙·知音》新探

14.Sometimes we do things without knowing why. If we don"t, the reasons may lie deep in our unconscious minds.有的时候我们做事情却不知道为什么要这么做,原因可能就在我们深层的潜意识里。

15.It is a group process which encourages knowledge exchange and development of mutual deeper understanding of central issues important to the future of your business.这是对关系你未来业务核心问题鼓励知识互换和培养互相深层次的理解的一组过程。

16.The profound reason of this defect comes from modern people"s concept of knowledge that technology is supreme and the idea of subjectivism value.产生这一弊端的深层原因是现代人所具有的技术至上论的知识观和主观主义的价值观。

17.The Entanglement of Gender Discrimination and Gender Human Capital Investment Difference;性别歧视与性别人力资本投资差异的纠结——知识女性“玻璃天花板”现象的深层解释

18.Consideration on the contorted effects of inspiriting in university reform;对大学改革激励扭曲效应的深层思考——基于大学知识产品经济学特性的分析


deep knowledge reasoning深层知识推理

3)deep knowledge深层知识

1.All kinds ofdeep knowledge are discussed in detail.讨论了基于知识的故障诊断系统所用的各种深层知识,并认为:系统的深层知识是基于系统结构的功能模型和行为模型,它们既可以用定性方式,也可以用定量方式描述。

2.Recently, the highly advanced computational technology has led to the development of the signed directed graph (SDG)deep knowledge model based qualitative approach.近年来,随着现代计算机技术的日新月异,使得基于符号定向图(SDG)深层知识模型的定性仿真研究和应用取得了显著进展。

4)Principle Knowledge原理知识

5)knowledge and principle知识原理

1.This thesis studied on establishing a multimedia software platform for special use of power system and realizedknowledge and principle subsystem in view of peculiarity of power system.0为主要创作工具、以Authorware Professional 5、Dreamwaver等软件工具为辅助手段,针对电力系统的特点,对用于电力系统的多媒体专用平台进行了研究,完成了平台中知识原理子系统的设计与实现。

6)depth of lexical knowledge词汇的深层知识


演绎推理(见推理)演绎推理(见推理)deductive inference住理。yanyl tullj演绎推理(deduetive infer。二ee)见
