1500字范文 > 澄怀味象 Clearing the mind and smelling scenes英语短句 例句大全

澄怀味象 Clearing the mind and smelling scenes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-30 16:18:41


澄怀味象 Clearing the mind and smelling scenes英语短句 例句大全

澄怀味象,"Clearing the mind and smelling scenes"

1)"Clearing the mind and smelling scenes"澄怀味象


1.Anecdotes of Famous Physician Zhang Slang s Paintings;澄怀味象出奇峰——名医张骧孙绘画轶事

2.Zong Bing s Theory on Eliminating the Distracting Thoughts and Savouring Images and Aesthetic Contemplation;宗炳"澄怀味象"论与审美静观理论

3.Calming down One"s Mind and Appreciating Images--On Zong Bing"s Intuition View of the Ontological Art澄怀味象——宗炳的本体论艺术直觉观

4.The Truth Comprehension with Clear Bosom and the Hermit Character--The Feeling Reflecting the Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism Thoughts;澄怀观道 隐逸人格——亦儒亦道亦佛的山水情结

5.a haunting elusive odor.难以忘怀的奇妙香味。

6.It is a yellowish and transparent liquid with the fragrance of borneol.本品为微黄色的澄明液体,具有冰片香味。

7.Character: The tan powdery pellet and the colorless transparent watery solution,has the special fetid odor slightly.性状:本品为近似澄清的粘性液体、稍具特异臭味。

8.Imagination Cannot Replace Imagery Thinking:A Discussion with Huang Chenghai;不能以“想象”否弃“形象思维”——与黄海澄先生商榷

9.Bouquet: Fruity, like apple, grape fruit, banana.气味:水果香味,象苹果、葡萄、香蕉等香味。

10.Logic and Phenomenology of Pre-predicative Experience;逻辑与前述谓(Vorpr~dikativ)经验的现象学澄清(一)

11.Resembling or suggestive of fish, as in taste or odor.象鱼的在味道或气味上象鱼的或含有鱼味的

12.The hops also provide flavor and assist in clarification of the wort.这种啤酒花能改善风味并可以协助麦芽汁的澄清。

13.An Understanding of Theories about Style in SiKong tu s "Siping";泠泠清音 趣味澄夐——解读司空图《诗品》之“实境”风格论的隐深意义

14.Elephants have a gestation period of about 624 days.象的怀孕期大约为624日.

15.The elephant goes with young nearly two years这只象怀胎近2年了。

16.The world-famous Maotai liquor leaves an unforgettaBle pleasant aftertaste.世界名酒——茅台,回味隽永,使人难以忘怀。

17.I like in you embracing the taste which the surface acts likea spoiled brat.我好喜欢在你怀抱里面撒娇的滋味.

18.The Reminiscent Visual Field and Beijing Recollection of the Contemporary Beijing Taste Novel;当代京味小说的怀旧视野与北京记忆


the serene mood虚静澄怀

3)cleans heart and find rule澄怀观道

1.The China s traditional landscape use character to intersperse has deep diathesis of culture:in philosophy side,it has a lot of infection of Laozi and Zhuangzi,it is the portraiture of the nature personality,use drawing to explain culture fashion whichcleans heart and find rule and also is some appropriation of the shadow of a shade which is unable to unify between realism and dream.中国古代山水画之所以把人物作点缀处理有其深厚的文化底蕴 :在哲学思想方面深受老庄哲学的影响 ,如此处理是自然人格的写照 ,是澄怀观道的图解 ,也是现实与理想无法统一的虚幻的占有 ;同时这也反映出古代艺术家对人与自然的认识 :天尊人卑、天人合一、天人感应、天人和谐。

4)taste image味象

1.People can create aesthetics of distinguishing taste when reading language sign text, because language sign possesses ataste image-creating mechanism, which originates from dietetic life.人们阅读语符文本会产生辨味审美,就因为语符具有一种生成味象的机制,这种机制源于饮食生活。

5)past-recollecting phenomenon怀旧现象

6)nostalgia image怀旧意象

1.The embodiment ofnostalgia image in Nanjing city culture is an important perspective of encapsulating the historical culture of Nanjing.怀旧意象在城市文化中的体现,是对南京历史文化总体特征把握的一个重要视角。


