1500字范文 > 笔墨观 ink and wash concept英语短句 例句大全

笔墨观 ink and wash concept英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-02 00:09:45


笔墨观 ink and wash concept英语短句 例句大全

笔墨观,"ink and wash" concept

1)"ink and wash" concept笔墨观

1.With the multicultural communication,Forms and laws are becoming more and more popular,and the new"ink and wash" concept has taken shape in modern Chinese ink and wash art.在与多元文化的交流中,中国现代水墨艺术积极探索形式法则,初步形成了新的笔墨观,城市文明已成为绘画的重要题材。


1.On the viewpoints of Brush and Ink of Huang BinHong and His Creations;书法的角色——论黄宾虹的笔墨观及其实践

2.Ink Thinking of Artistic Creation from Theory of Zheng Xie s Drawing Bamboo;以郑燮竹论观艺术创作中的笔墨思维

3.The splendour of the National Day parade baffled description.国庆节游行的壮观景象非笔墨所能描述。

4.He has written about the racism he observed.他把在那儿观察到的种族主义形诸笔墨。

5.the pen is mightier than the sword(saying)(谚)笔墨胜刀剑.

6.The rubbish left behind by the Cup Final crowd beggars description.观看锦标赛的观众们丢下的废物,实非笔墨所能描述。

7.From the "Five Kinds with the Writing Brush Method and Seven Kinds Use the Ink Technique" Theory Understand the Kind of Writing Brush-and-ink Art of Huang Binhong;从“五笔七墨”说看黄宾虹的笔墨艺术

8.The Cultural Context of concept of “Brush and Ink”and Its Semantic Concept;“笔墨”的文化语境与“笔墨”概念的语义

9.The Cause of Melmotte s Failure--Changes in Social Values under the Pen of Trollope;麦尔墨特的败因——兼论特罗洛普笔下的社会价值观变迁

10.inkless two-pen strip chart recorder无墨水双笔长图记录仪

11.This pen must have run out of ink .这钢笔一定是没墨水了。

12.writing materials,eg pens,paper,ink书写用具(如钢笔、纸、墨水).

13.I want a pen and a bottle of ink.我要一枝笔和一瓶墨水。

14.My pen is rather apt to leak.我的钢笔爱漏墨水.

15.Dip your pen (into the ink).将钢笔(在墨水中)蘸一蘸.

16.He has no more ink in his pen.他的钢笔没有墨水啦。

17.The ink in the pen is strange.钢笔里的墨水很奇怪。

18.My pen blots easily.我的钢笔容易漏墨水。


Brush and ink笔墨

1.His classic elegance and detached character pushes Chinese painting in the late Ming Dynasty to "brush and ink" and ever after.董其昌作为中国古代文人画的代表,在绘画实践上以推重笔墨形式之美而独树一帜,其“古雅娟秀、气韵超然”的艺术风格,影响了明末及以后的中国绘画朝笔墨形式发展。

2.Therefore, its "formulism" of brush and ink has been established.中国山水画历史悠久 ,山水画笔墨技法从产生到成熟 ,建构了独特的绘画符号。


1.Ink Thinking of Artistic Creation from Theory of Zheng Xie s Drawing Bamboo;以郑燮竹论观艺术创作中的笔墨思维

2.First,the main painting,write with painting,slightly Pomo;second,relying on stroke,sublimation of the spirit itself;third,in the nourishment of life,inspire;fourth,it is advancing with the timesink form.现代的创作者应该在传统的基础上,勇于创新:一是以画为主,画写结合,略带泼墨;二是以笔画为依托,升华写意精神;三是在生活中吸收营养,激发灵感;四是笔墨形式与时俱进。

3.When creating landscape painting, painters, especially beginners, always have some problems in drawing equally, using theink stiffly, arranging the composition of the picture narrowly, etc.创作者,尤其是初学者在进行山水画创作时,在笔墨的运用、构图与色彩的处理、精神的把握、题款的运用等方面会出现的如用笔平均、用墨板滞、构图布置迫塞等等弊病,如何运用相应的对策克服这些病忌,是每一位创造者都无法避之的问题。


1.This article introduces Xugu’s life, studies and discusses hiswritings (mainly about line),molding, composition and color etc, though his painting theme, flowers and birds painting content, artistic conception.文章主要从论述海派画家虚谷的生平开始,通过分析绘画题材、内容、意境,深入探讨其笔墨(这里主要指线条)、造型、构图和色彩等绘画本体,从而总结其花鸟画风格。

2.This paper mainly discusses the relationship between lively spirit and charm and easy case of scholars paintings as well aswritings of scholars paintings.在此重点讨论气韵生动与文人画之逸格及文人画笔墨间的关系。

5)pen and ink笔墨

1.Brief Analysis the Modern Expression s Form of Chinese Painting s Traditional Pen and Ink;浅析中国画传统笔墨的现代表现形式

2.The images represented in traditional Chinese painting by means ofpen and ink is,without exception,based on description and conceptualization of the real life.中国画这种艺术形式,笔墨所表现的形象,是对现实生活的感受提炼、描写和概括,当然也包括了它的程式化。

3."Tour" shows what painter wants to describe art image,andpen and ink is decided by "tour".正是在“游”这种美感心态和中国传统艺术思想的渊源下 ,中国传统绘画的笔墨才那么韵味无穷 ,那么轻松、自然、豪放。


1.The traditional Chinesepainting has formed its style and school under the unique historical and culfural influence within the certain area.中国画在独特的地域和历史文化背景下 ,形成了自己的风格和流派 ;在工具材料、笔墨含义、审美情趣和技法理论诸方面都有着本民族的特色。

2.Shi Tao has been a popular person in the history of Chinesepainting since 300 hundred years ago and especially in the modern times.作品有赖于画家驾驭笔墨,作有机的组合才能成功。


