1500字范文 > 污染物减排 pollutant emission reduction英语短句 例句大全

污染物减排 pollutant emission reduction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-29 22:49:13


污染物减排 pollutant emission reduction英语短句 例句大全

污染物减排,pollutant emission reduction

1)pollutant emission reduction污染物减排

1.Data from National Bureau of Statistics of China show that the mission of energy saving andpollutant emission reduction has failed to realize the target of the Eleventh Five-year Plan in ,the first year of Plan.本文在分析了中国环境治理体系和国家"十一五"规划主要污染物减排指标分配机制的基础上,研究了市场转型对中国环境治理结构的影响。


1.Consideration and Suggestions for the Discharge of Major Pollutants in Jixi District鸡西市主要污染物减排的现状及对策

2.Technologies of clean production and reduction of gaseous pollutant emissions for sour water tank farm of refinery炼油厂酸性水罐区气体污染物减排技术

3.Analysis of Emission Reduction Situation of Main Pollutants in Jinzhong City in 山西省晋中市主要污染物减排情况分析

4.reduction planning of pollutant at river outfall河流排污口污染物削减量规划

5.The aim of the prevention and control of industrial pollution is to substantially cut the discharge.工业污染防治的目标是大力削减污染物排放。

6.To Study on Controlling Discharge of Industry Pollutants in Shandong Province;山东省工业污染物减量排放问题研究

7.The Problems and Countermeasures of the Total Emission Reduction污染物总量减排中存在的问题和对策

8.The report shows that some of North America"s largest polluters reduced their pollution during this period.北美地区一些最大的污染物制造者也减少了他们的污染物排放量。

9.Thus total "allowable" emissions of each pollutant must be reduced even though a new source is added.因此,即使增加一个新污染源,每种污染物总“允许”排放量仍必须减少。

10.The Economic Analysis of China"s Pollution Reduction Policy我国减少污染物排放政策的经济学分析

11."abatement technologies:Technologies designed to reduce (But not eliminate)the amount of pollutants released into the environment, e.g. from a factory."减排技术,减污技术:减少(但不是消除)工厂等向环境中排放的污染物数量的技术。

12.With the industrial pollution sources meeting the discharge limits steadily, the total discharge quantity of the pollutants should be further reduced and more efforts will be made to readjust the industrial structure and layout.全市工业污染源在稳定达标排放的前提下,进一步削减污染物排放总量。

13.ecay of air pollutants空气污染物的逐渐减少

14.Influence and Game of SS Have on Total Quantity Decrease Discharge Monitor of Main Water Pollutants CODcr悬浮物对主要水污染物CODcr总量减排监测的影响与对策

15.These polluters reported a 7% reduction in pollutants between 1998 and 2000.研究报告显示,这些污染物制造者在1998年到2000年之间减少了7%的污染物排放量。

16.world-wide emissions (of pollutants)污染物的全世界排放量

17.air pollutant emission inventory大气污染物排放清单

18.nuclear pollution discharge elimination system核污染物排放消除系统


main pollutant emission control主要污染物减排

3)Discharge with lower quantity of pollutant污染物减量排放

4)Total amount of pollutants reduction污染物总量减排

5)Pollution Reduction污染减排

1.Agriculture pollution reduction is a very big problem,according to "Pollution Reduction and Environment Friendly Society",Chinese topic of the World Environment Day.世界环境日中国的主题为"污染减排与环境友好型社会",农业污染减排是其中一个无法回避的问题。

2.From the height of the scientific outlook on development,the paper objectively analyzed the problems of pollution reduction in the grass roots units.从科学发展观的高度,客观地分析了污染减排基层工作中存在的问题:包括传统污染减排核算体系欠规范;现有专业技术人员对新的污染减排核算办法不适应,进而提出了污染减排管理工作应建立的五个机制:考核运行机制、信息核查机制、信息公示机制、部门联动机制、行政问责机制。

3.Sintering flue gas desulfurization is the key to reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide of the steel industry,it is an important measure of pollution reduction.烧结烟气脱硫是钢铁行业二氧化硫减排的关键,是污染减排的重大举措。

6)Pollution abatement污染减排

1.Pollution abatement is one of the binding targets during the period of the National "11th Five-Year Plan".污染减排是全国"十一五"期间的约束性指标,通过对安徽省污染减排现状形势及污染减排工作面临的困难分析,结合实际提出了严把招商关、发展第三产业、调整产业结构、强化污染监控和各项治理设施的建设管理等实现污染减排的措施,强调了实行清洁生产在污染减排中的作用。

2.This article from the environmental point of view on the importance of strengthening the pollution emission reduction in Henan Province is to achieve economic and social developmentan important guarantee for both good and fast,and from government,business and the community on several levels on making a success of pollution abatement The importance of the work.本文从环境保护重要性的角度阐述了加强污染减排是实现河南省经济社会又好又快发展的重要保障,并从政府、企业以至社会各界多个层面上论述了做好污染减排工作的重要性。


CO_2减排技术CO_2减排技术technology for reduction of CO_2 emissionCOZJ一onPo一J一shuCO:减排技术(teehnology for reduetion ofCOZ emission)用化学、物理、生态等方法从烟气或煤气中分离、回收利用或处理CO:,以减少或分离化石燃料燃烧生成的C02或分离煤气或天然气中C02的技术。也称碳整合技术(earbon sequestration)。此项技术当前尚处于可行性研究或试验阶段,主要有:①分离回收技术:以氛系为吸收液的化学吸收法,用类似于沸石等固体吸附剂的物理吸收法和利用高分子膜对不同气体的不同渗透速度将C02从烟气中分离出来的膜分离法等。②利用技术:液化COZ已广泛地用于焊接、冷却、生产碳酸盐和尿素及饮料等领域,但大t地利用C02的技术,如C02与HZ在高温高压和催化剂条件下合成甲醇、甲烷,与乙醇、环氧化物及不饱和碳化氢合成各种含氧有机化合物等则正在研究之中。③储存技术:将分离出来的C02液化后存放在地下蓄水层或废弃的油井、气井中,或储存于深海等。④加强自然界的补偿:大气与海洋、森林生物圈之间的COZ交换,与人为的CO:排放相比是非常巨大的,只要稍徽增加全球碳循环中CO:的吸收量,就会对大气中温室气体浓度的降低起显著作用,为此要禁止砍伐森林,扩大森林种植和复种面积,增加CO:在现有森林中的存储t。庞大的回收、处理设备需要大量的建设资金和运行费用。据估算,对于一座500 MW的火电厂,如采用化学吸收法从烟气中吸收CO:,液化后储存在soom深的海底,燃用天然气时发电成本要增加50写~7。%,嫩用煤炭时发电成本要增加130%~190%。目前实施这些减排技术,困难很大,尚需进一步研究。
