1500字范文 > 创新意识 innovative consciousness英语短句 例句大全

创新意识 innovative consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-16 11:26:48


创新意识 innovative consciousness英语短句 例句大全

创新意识,innovative consciousness

1)innovative consciousness创新意识

1.Fostering theinnovative consciousness of educational administrators in college;高校教学管理者的创新意识培养

2.The Thinking About Setting Up Innovative Consciousness of Document Management;树立档案管理工作创新意识的思考

3.Fosteringinnovative consciousness and redesigning learning environment in English teaching;在英语教学中培养创新意识与重建学习环境


1.On the innovation-oriented education and the cultivation of the sense of innovation of high school students;论创新教育与中学生创新意识的培养

2.On the Cultivation of Secretaries Consciousness and Ability to Innovate;试论秘书创新意识与创新能力的培养

3.Innovating Consciousness Creating Speculation Skill of Starting a Career --On the New Concept of RTVU Education;创新意识·创造思维·创业技能——论电大教育新观念

4.Enforcement of Finance Innovation Awareness and Adjustment of Knowledge economy challenge;强化金融创新意识适应知识经济挑战

5.Stimulating creative consciousness and training students′ creative thinking;激发创新意识 培养学生创造性思维

6.Developing the creative way of teaching fosteringthe students awareness of innovation;开发创造性教学 培养学生创新意识

7.On the Innovation Consciousness of the League Forming Work in the New Economic Organizations;论新经济组织团建工作中的创新意识

8.The Entirety and New-Traits-Blazing Consciousness ofLatin American Modern and Contemporary Literature;拉美现当代文学的整体意识与创新意识

9.He had intense innovative ideology and remarkable innovation ability.他具有强烈的创新意识和卓越的创新能力。

10.To create a new situation of power grid planning with the conception of innovation;以创新意识开创电网规划工作的新局面

11.The Training of Students’ Creativity in English Teaching;英语教学中学生创新意识和创新能力的培养

12.Discusses the university student innovative ideology and innovates ability to raise;试论大学生创新意识和创新能力的培养

13.A Talk on the Cultivation of Students Creative Consciousness and Ability in police Physical Education;谈警体课中学员创新意识和创新能力的培养

14.Innovative Awareness and Abilities of College Librarians;浅析高校图书馆员的创新意识和创新能力

15.Ingenuity & Initiative Fostered by Chemistry Experiment;立足化学实验 培养创新意识和创新能力

16.Develop Students Consciousness and Ability to Create;要重视学生创新意识和创新能力的培养

17.On the Innovation Consciousness of College Teachers and the Cultivation of their Innovation Ability;论高校教师创新意识与创新能力的培养与提高

18.Training Student s Innovation Consciousness and Thought in English Education;在英语教学中培养学生的创新意识和创新思维


innovation consciousness创新意识

1.Constitution and its activity of editorsinnovation consciousness in innovation system of science and technology;科技创新体系中编辑创新意识的构成及能动性

2.Hierarchical cultivation of comprehensive capability andinnovation consciousness of college students majoring in fluid transmission;流体传动方向层次化大学生综合能力和创新意识的培养

3.The Discussion for Building up Innovation Consciousness in The Scientific Research of The Physical Education;关于树立体育科研中创新意识的探讨

3)creative consciousness创新意识

1.On the training of thecreative consciousness and ability of students in the anatomy curriculum;谈《人体解剖学》教学中学生创新意识创新能力的培养

2.To develop studentscreative consciousness during the process of lead-in and exploration;在“导、探”中培养学生的创新意识

3.Stimulatingcreative consciousness and training students′ creative thinking;激发创新意识 培养学生创造性思维

4)innovative ideology创新意识

1.Marketinginnovative ideology and moral criterio;市场营销的创新意识与道德准则

2.It concretely presents: undertaking the environmental protection responsibility to coordinate the relations among resources,environment and development;Having the good faith spirit to win the consumer and the society to the product faith;having theinnovative ideology to promote our country‘s packing industry and displaying gui.具体表现在:应承担环保责任,协调好资源、环境与发展的关系;应具备诚信精神,赢得消费者及社会对产品的信赖;应具有创新意识,促使我国包装产业的更大进步;应发挥导向作用,体现出一种对美好生活方向的引导能力。

3.Firstly,they need to set up in mind "to culture" and "long-term to culture" the studentsinnovative ideology.在中药实验教学环节中对学生创新意识的培养,首先需要实验教师树立"培养"和"长期培养"学生创新意识的思想;然后选择和利用合适的时机,启发学生创新意识的产生;而且要在实验教学中形成反复培养和强化学生的创新意识的方法。

5)innovative awareness创新意识

1.Strengthen the cultivation ofinnovative awareness and capability of graduate students;加强研究生创新意识和能力的培养

2.The cultivation of theinnovative awareness of the students majoring in sports;试论体育大学生创新意识的培养

3.This paper analyzes the connotations ofinnovative awareness and abilities that librarians in the colleges and universities should possess.文章分析了高校图书馆员创新意识和创新能力的内涵。

6)innovation awareness创新意识

1.Expatiation on theinnovation awareness of modern sport science researchers试论现代体育科研工作者的创新意识

2.This article taking Guangxi Medical University as an example,discussed on China\"s independentinnovation awareness of post-graduate training and the urgency of influencing factors.研究生自主创新意识的培养是研究生创新能力培养的核心,也是评价研究生教育质量的根本标准。


创新意识创新意识creative consciousness创新意识(c reative conseiousness)一个人根据社会和个体生活发展的新需要,引起某种创造的动机,表现出创造的意向和愿望。它是人类意识活动中的一种积极的、富有成果性的意识形式,是人们进行创造活动的出发点和内在动力。需要和动机是创新意识的基本要素,其中道德动机更为重要,它反映创造者的道德面貌水平。只有目的明确的、高尚的创造动机,才一能使创造行动坚定不移,直到创造活动取得成功。(租们撰吴万森审)
