1500字范文 > 职业学校 Vocational school英语短句 例句大全

职业学校 Vocational school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-26 05:27:13


职业学校 Vocational school英语短句 例句大全

职业学校,Vocational school

1)Vocational school职业学校

1.Culture teaching in english language teaching at vocational school in china;浅谈职业学校英语教学中的文化教学

2.On innovation of evaluation of moral education in a vocational school;浅谈中等职业学校德育考评机制的创新

3.Literature searches and researching studies for students in vocational schools;文献检索与职业学校学生的研究性学习


1.Ponape Agricultural and Trade School波纳佩农业和职业学校

2.The Students Professional Ethics Education Researching of Secondary Technical School;中等职业学校学生职业道德教育研究

3.Study of Career-Designing of the Students in Professional Schools of Petroleum;石油职业学校学生职业生涯设计研究

4.The Mental Development of Vocational School Students and the Mental Education of Vocational School;职校生心理发展与职业学校心理教育

5.There are vocational schools which prepare students for a trade.培训行业技术工人的学校叫职业学校。

6.The Problems and Countermeasures in Vocational Guidance of the Secondary Vocational Schools;中等职业学校职业指导的问题与对策

7.The Research on Construction of Occupation Instruction System for Secondary Vocational School;中等职业学校职业指导体系建构研究

8.The Vocational Training Is the New Field of Vision of the Development of Vocational School;职业培训——职业学校发展的新视野

9.On the Ability Training of Chemical Majors in the Secondary Vocational School;中等职业学校化工专业学生职业能力的培养

10.A Research on the Learning Disabilities of Secondary Vocational School Students中等职业学校学生学业不良问题研究

11.Going to Vocational or Technical School去职业学校还是技术学校

12.The Study on "School Adaptation" of Freshmen in Secondary Vocational School;中等职业学校新生“学校不适应症”探讨


14.A new concept for university presidents--Presidency as a career instead of an official rank;高等学校校长的新观念——从职务校长到职业校长

15.National Central Vocational Training Institute国家中央职业训练学校

16.A Research on the Career Stagnation of the Teacher in the Middle Vocational School;中等职业技术学校教师职业停滞研究

17.Research on Occupation Instruction in Higher Vocational-Technical Colleges;高等职业技术学校职业指导问题研究

18.Exploration of Students Basic Vocational Abilities in the Higher Vocational Colleges;高等职业院校学生基本职业能力探讨


vocational schools职业学校

1.Analysis of current moral education situation invocational schools and strategies transformation efficacy;职业学校德育现状及改进策略

2.Study on SCL-90 of the students invocational schools in Henan;河南省职业学校学生SCL-90调查研究

3.Analysis on the effect of course of Creativeness and Pioneering invocational schools;职业学校《创新与创业》课程教学效果分析

3)vocational school职业类学校

1.Starting from the teaching of numerical control course invocational school,this paper analyzes the difficulties faced by the numerical control teaching,and points out the schemes for solving these problems.从职业类学校数控课程教学入手,分析了数控教学中所面临的困难,指出了通过实践解决问题的方案。

2.Moral education invocational school has its own features.职业类学校德育工作有其自身的特点,提高德育实效性,应针对学生的特点,丰富德育的内涵,并采取行之有效的途径和方法。

4)vocational school act职业学校法

5)agricultural vocational secondary school农业职业学校

1.Now theagricultural vocational secondary school is under the transformation from imparting knowledge to cultivating creativity talent, facing to new situation, the specialty establishment, teaching mode, teaching content, talent standard and other facets should meet the need of social and economic development.目前农业职业学校正处在从传授知识向培养综合型、创造性人才的转型中,面对新形势,学校的专业设置、教学模式、教学内容、人才规格等都要适应社会经济发展需要。

6)vocational school of enterprise企业职业学校


