1500字范文 > 小学英语作文:一个挑剔的女孩 A Picky Girl

小学英语作文:一个挑剔的女孩 A Picky Girl

时间:2021-08-17 17:09:01


小学英语作文:一个挑剔的女孩 A Picky Girl


【篇一】一个挑剔的女孩 A Picky Girl

Lucy is a lucky girl in everybody’s eyes, because she was born in a rich family and her parents can give her everything. But Lucy has few friends, it is not because they are jealous about her, Lucy is picky about others. She will tell others that they dress badly, or they look not well in the color. So everybody is afraid of her and they get away from her.露西在大家眼中是一个幸运的女孩,因为她出生在一个富裕的家庭,她的父母给了她一切。但是露西几乎没有朋友,不是因为他们是嫉妒她,是露西是挑剔别人。她会告诉别人,他们穿着不当,或者他们穿的颜色看起来不是很好。大家都害怕她,并且远离她。

【篇二】雨声 The Sound of the Rain

As the summer has ended, the fall comes quickly. Last night, it rained, I stayed in the house and appreciated the scenery through the window. The sound of the rain was like the music to me, I enjoyed hearing it. the coolness came to me and I felt so comfortable, I love fall and it is not too hot and cold, I can do a lot of outside activities.夏天结束了,秋天快速到来。昨天晚上,天下起了雨,我呆在家里,欣赏窗外的风景。雨的声音对我来说就像音乐,我喜欢听。凉意迎面而来,我感到很舒服,我喜欢秋天,它不是太热,也不是太冷,我可以做很多课外活动。

【篇三】我最喜欢的颜色 My Favorite Color

My favorite color is red. Many young people don’t like this color, because they think it is so obvious. Red makes me feel the vitality, when I dress in red, I look in good state. Every time when I see the red color, I will be attracted. My mother tells me that red color fits me a lot, she likes me in red.我最喜欢的颜色是红色。许多年轻人不喜欢这个颜色,因为他们认为它是如此的显眼。红色让我感受到活力,当我穿红色时,我看起来状态良好。每次当我看到红色的颜色,我都会被吸引。我的母亲告诉我,红色非常适合我,她喜欢我穿红色。
