1500字范文 > 大学英语作文:我将来的计划 My Future Plans

大学英语作文:我将来的计划 My Future Plans

时间:2020-03-04 06:48:35


大学英语作文:我将来的计划 My Future Plans


【篇一】我将来的计划 My Future Plans

When I chose to study further, it is because I want to avoid the job pressure, now three years will pass, I come to my cross road again, at this time, I must make my choice, I can’t avoid the pressure anymore. I have already made my future plan, it has two parts.当我选择深造的时候,是因为我想要避开工作的压力,如今三年即将过去,我又来到了十字路口,这一次,我必须做出决定,我再也不能逃避压力了。我已经制定了将来的计划,那有两部分。

One part of my future plan is that I want to be a teacher. This is my career plan, being a teacher is always my dream, I can pass my knowledge to students, I like to talk to them, I want to lead them to the successful road. So now I must pay attention to the recruit message, I should seize every chance to be a teacher.我将来计划的其中一部分就是我想要成为一名教师。这是我的职业计划,成为一名教师一直以来都是我的梦想,我能把我的知识传递给我的学生,我喜欢和他们聊天,我想要把他们引导到成功的路上。所以现在我必须要关注招聘信息,应该抓住每一个成为教师的机遇。

The other part of my future plan is that I want to travel around the world. Being a teacher can make me have many vacations, so I can make used of these vacations and to carry out my travel plan. I have heard about many interesting foreign things, so I want to go out and have a look at the world.我将来计划的另一部分就是我想要环游世界。成为一位教师能让我有多点假期,这样我就可以充分利用这些假期来实现我的旅游计划。我已经听说了很多国外有趣的东西,我想要走出去看一看这个世界。

My future plans are so perfect for me, it needs me to hard work to make it come true.我将来的计划对于我来说是如此的完美,这需要我努力工作来实现。

【篇二】成为一名伴娘 To be a Bridesmaid

About a month ago, I got my friend’s invitation, she told me that she would be married in a month, she hoped me to be his bridesmaid, I felt so happy for her and I also felt excited to be her bridesmaid. Last night, I finished my bridesmaid job and the memory still lingers on my mind.大约一个月以前,我收到了朋友的邀请,她告诉我她将要一个月后结婚,她希望我能成为她的伴娘,我为她感到高兴,昨晚,我完成了作为伴娘的工作,那些情形如今还在我脑海里。

When my friend’s big day came, all the bridesmaids need to wake up early up in the morning and waited to be made up. We dressed the purple dresses, when we were ready, I found the bridesmaids looked almost the same, but we were pretty. After a while, I saw my friend, she was get ready, too, all of us were so chocked by her wonderful look, she was gorgeous, no wonder people said that to be a bride is the most beautiful.当我朋友的大日子来临,所有伴娘需要一大早起来,等待着化妆。我们穿了浅紫色的礼服,当我准备好了,我发现伴娘看起来都差不多,但是都很美。过了一会,我看到了我朋友,她也准备好了,我们都被她美丽的容颜震惊到,她看起来是如此的美丽,怪不得人们说成为新娘是最美丽的。

When the bridegroom came, we hided the bride, and asked him to played the game, the first was to ask him to call his bride in ten ways. The second was to ask him some privacy about the bride, at last, the bridegroom picked up my friend to his home.当新郎来到的时候,我们把新娘子藏起来,要求他玩游戏,第一件事情就是要求他用始终方式称呼他的新娘子。第二件事就是问他一些关于新娘子的隐私,最后,新郎终于把新娘子接去了他家里。

The experience of being a bridesmaid is so wonderful, I witness my friend’s happiness and I wish I could be the next bride.成为伴娘的经历是很美妙的,我见证了朋友的幸福,希望自己能成为下一个新娘。

【篇三】我朋友的婚礼My Friend’s Wedding

As the holiday comes, I was asked to come to my friend’s wedding, I felt so excited, this is my first time to see a wedding. I was so impressed by the situation. Marriage is sacred, when the couple gets combined, it means so much, I also broaden my vision at the great ceremony.随着假期的到来,我朋友邀请我去参加她的婚礼,我感到很高兴,这是我第一次见证婚礼。我被婚礼的场景震惊到。婚姻是神圣的,当一对新人结合,这意味着很多,在如此重大的场合,我开阔了自己的眼界。

When it was almost about five o’clock in the afternoon, I was ready to go out of my house and headed to the restaurant, because it was my friend’s wedding, I was so excited to witness her happiness. When I arrived the place, my friend and her husband came to welcomed me, I gave them a big hug, and then I found a table to sit down after I headed them the money.当下午五点将到的时候,我已经准备走出房门,去饭店,因为这是我朋友的婚礼,我感到很兴奋,我将要见证她的幸福。当我到达那个地方的时候,我的朋友和她丈夫前来迎接我,我大大地拥抱了他们,然后找了给了一个红包,找了张桌子坐下来。

When the wedding ceremony began, my friend and her husband gave their vows to each other and then kissed, I was so moved, my tear came out of my eyes, I was happy for them and wished them all the happiness.当婚礼开始的时候,我的朋友和她丈夫彼此许诺,拥吻,我很感动,我的眼泪都流出来了,我为他们感到高兴,祝愿他们幸福。

Joining my friend’s wedding changes me, before I was a little afraid of getting married, because I fear the responsibility, but now I not afraid, I feel the happiness, I wish I could find the one soon.参加我朋友的婚礼改变了我,之前,我有点害怕结婚,因为我害怕承担责任,但是现在我不害怕了,我希望我能尽快找到另一半。
