1500字范文 > 分数之我见-My Ideas on Soores-大学英语作文_1500字_英语作文

分数之我见-My Ideas on Soores-大学英语作文_1500字_英语作文

时间:2023-06-07 11:56:05


分数之我见-My Ideas on Soores-大学英语作文_1500字_英语作文

分数之我见-My Ideas on Soores

My Ideas on Soores(分数之我见)1.有人认为分数重要;2.有人认为分数不重要;3.我的看法。[写作导航]第一段从不同的人对分数有不同的看法引入主题,然后分述这些看法。有人认为分数是衡量学生掌握知识程度的唯一标准,分数还可决定一个学生是否可以上大学、读研究生,甚至是否被工作单位录用;而有些人则认为分数高的学生不一定工作能力强,实际能力更重要。最后给出“我”的看法,即在我看来,两种看法都有片面性,其实两者缺一不可。[范文]

People's ideas on scores vary from person to person. Some think that scores are very important. They think in this way because scores have always been the only means to tell whether a student has a good command of the subject they have learned. To illustrate, they say scores are often used to determine whether a student should go to college or not. Scores are also used to decide whether he can further his study after graduation. Scores are still used to decide whether he can get a job in the job market. Others, on the other hand, holdthat scores are not so important as practical knowledge. They suggest that students with high scores at school are not necessarily competent in their work after graduation. Our society does not need those who can perform very well in examinations; instead, it needs those with practical skills.

I think both of the above views have their limitations. Having lots of theoretical knowledge without enough practical skills is no good, nor is having lots of practical skills without enough theoretical knowledge. Only when we have a combination of both, can we be called qualified students of new China.
