1500字范文 > A Day in the Park-公园一日_1500字_英语作文

A Day in the Park-公园一日_1500字_英语作文

时间:2023-05-16 10:33:38


A Day in the Park-公园一日_1500字_英语作文

The other day I went to the park. And unexpectedly I found in a deserted eorner, a cheerytree in full bloom, just like the kind of flowers I used to see in my former school, Xian Jiaotong University, light pink in color. To my delight, a sense of familiarity welled up in my mind. At the same time I could not kelp sighing that life is just like the cheery flowers, beautiful but transient.True to my prediction, in the afternoon I ran to the park. There was nothing left but the tender twigs. The flowers fell thick on the ground as if the spring wind were also sad about it and would not bring itself to blow on them and left them scattered everywhere.Fortunately outside it is a beautiful world. The snow whitepear flowers were glistening as if they were blooming in your face, The roses and peonies were all in bloom, vying silently with each other for beauty. Spring is really the best season of the year.公园一日有一天,我到公园去,无意中在一个不起眼的角落看见樱花盛开,就像我曾在我的母校——西安交通大学——看过的那种粉红色的花一样。我不禁一喜,心头涌上一股似曾相识的感觉。就在这时,我不由自主地感叹人生就像樱花一样美丽而又短暂。果不出所料,下午再跑到公园,只剩嫩枝了。花厚厚的落了一地,好像春风也很伤感,不忍把它们吹散,任其撒落在地。幸好外边的世界很美丽。雪白的梨花在闪闪有光,就像你那心花怒放的脸庞一样。玫瑰、牡丹静静地争芳吐艳。春天真是一年中最好的季节。
