1500字范文 > 托福独立写作话题拆分技巧实例讲解


时间:2023-08-22 08:24:27






拆分法就是将人们习惯或公认的标准作为分类的依据从不同角度对问题进行剖析。拆分的对象可以是题目中存在的 名词,也可以是题目中所“隐含”的 时间 和地点。



The Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information.

这道题目中有三个名词。第一个名词是the Internet,我们可以将它拆分为局域网(Local Area Network,LAN)、广域网(Wide Area Network, WAN)和城域网(Metropolitan Area Network,MAN),那么文章的三段分别强调局域网、广域网和城域网给人们提供大量有价值的信息。




The movies and television programs made in your own country are moreinteresting than those made in foreign countries.

我们需要思考的问题是:哪些国外的电影和电视节目(movies and televisionprograms)可以引起我们的兴趣呢?这些电影和电视节目可能涉及历史和自然景点(historical and scenicspots)、传统和风俗(tradition and customs)、奇闻和传说(anecdotes andlegends)或者是宗教信仰(religious beliefs)等——因此,全文可以从上述任意三个方面展开。

有些考生会尝试着拆分foreign countries. 他们将foreigncounties拆分为美国、英国和印度:美国的电影和电视节目更多彰显美国文化大熔炉的特征(cultural meltingpot);英国的电影和电视节目更多表现了“日不落帝国”(the empire on which the Sun neversets)的“光辉岁月”(splendid moment);印度的电影和电视节目更多体现了千年的历史积淀(historicalsediments)——这也是一种可行的拆分方法。




If you could make one important change in a school that you attended, whatchange would you make? Use reasons and specific examples to support youranswer.






Talking of making an important change in my school, I'd like to suggestthat our education system put more emphasis on the development of learningskills and applications of theories into practice instead of simply learningknowledge from books. The proposal is based on the reasons as follows.

For one thing, overemphasis on academic learning poses a threat because ofconfusing the purpose of learning. As school credit is usually considered themajor criteria of academic learning, in a credit-driven school, one may try hardto learn simply for learning's sake. In other words, college students tend toblindly cram their brains with numerous texts and formulas while do not have aclear idea of what they really want to learn, why they need to learn, not tomention how the things they are learning are useful to the reality. An exampleis way that common ESL students learn English: they may spend several years inreciting grammar rules, but can hardly utter an English word in front of aforeigner.

Another reason that causes me to make the suggestion is the requirement oftoday's ever-changing knowledge economy time. With the increasingly acceleratedpace of information explosion, one can hardly depend on knowledge from booksthat he or she has learned at school. Mastering learning skills and knowing howto apply the skills into practice are becoming indispensable than ever before. Arecent survey conducted by educator shows that most students in our country lackthe ability of using tools and solving problems compared with their counterpartsin the United States. This informs us to take a serious look at ourbook-knowledge based education pattern.

In sum, it's high time for us to give a touch on our education patternconcerning the narrowness of book knowledge learning as well as the necessity ofpractical learning required by the contemporary world.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help oftechnology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it morequickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.





“With the help of technology,students nowadays can learn more informationand learn it more quickly.”I agree with this statement. Technology has helped astudent cross national boundaries, open up new view sand increase the speed atwhich he imbibes information.

New technology in the form of Internet has helped breach the limitations ofa country's frontiers. A student sitting in a small town of India can access thelatest course material released by MIT on his topic of interest. He can gainaccess to the latest info that his happening in physics and thus improve hisexisting warehouse of knowledge. He can browse through the previous papers inphysics and dwell deeper and deeper in his specialized study. And how long doesthis all take? A click of a mouse. Compare this with searching through the mazesof his small hometown library, only to find some outdated articles and consuminga great part of his daily activity.

Technology has helped open up many new avenues that previously wereconsidered impossible. Take for example the simple LCD projectors. They give avisual feel of the subject that the student is studying helping him to learn notonly quickly but also effectively. Or for that matter of videoconferencing. Astudent can ask questions and clear his lingering doubts when he interacts witha professor considered as the authority in his field.

An overlooked aspect of technology is the transportation. With rapidadvances in transportation, a student in Japan does not think twice beforesigning up for a program in the US. Would this have been possible 100 yearsback? Certainly not.

In concluding I would like to say that technology has played a major rolenot only in increasing the speed at which students learn but also in bringing aradical change in the way they learn it.

